I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 889: why change

   Chapter 889 Why change

After standing up, the man in the peaked cap let out a sigh of relief. He raised his hand and seemed to be checking something. Tang Ye saw that his tiger's mouth had been shaken with blood, and his whole hand was shaking slightly. He didn't have the slightest fear. On the contrary, he seemed to be surprised. The injured hand he lifted didn't seem to be his own. It was just like checking a machine to see if there was any wear.

  If the pain is not in himself, there is no pain expression on his face.

He lowered his head so that Tang Ye couldn't see his expression, but Tang Ye saw that his shoulders were shrugging slightly. This movement was not caused by physical pain, but more like the other party was lowering his head. laugh!

   Yes, just laughing, Tang Ye faintly saw his mouth open.

   "Marshal Li, your strength is beyond my expectations, hehehahaha~"

"It seems that you can see it." Tang Ye said lightly, joking, his overall strength increased by more than nine times when he evolved from the fifth rank to the sixth rank, and the nearly tenfold increase in strength is equivalent to that of other sixth-order powerhouses. Double the power, even if the seventh-order evolution did not increase as much as the sixth-order evolution, but it is not comparable to ordinary seventh-order new humans.

   "If you are in an accident, I am not in it. If you break Lao Tzu's rules, you will go to **** for Lao Tzu!"

   "Hell? You actually said hell? Isn't this hell? Hahaha!"

   The man in the peaked cap suddenly burst into laughter, and his voice was a bit crazier than before!

   "I've seen **** before, you haven't seen hell, have you? Marshal Li?"

   The man in the peaked cap held the knife, twisted his body and looked at Tang Ye with a smirk. The expression on his face was as if he had eaten a lemon, and he was crazy and violent.

  Tang Ye's knife turned around and walked towards him indifferently, but at this moment, the man in the peaked hat seemed to feel something, turned his head and looked beside him

   "What?" The smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he began to be alert to something.

   The residents who retreated farther and farther watched everything here from a distance, and there was a lot of discussion, but at this time, Tang Ye suddenly stopped, and the keen hearing of the zombie allowed him to catch another sentence in the noisy discussion.

   "...over there...people from the Peace Conference,...someone did something..."

   "What? Peace... Those soldiers were attacked... in front."

  Tang Ye frowned, he quickly perfected these two intermittent conversations in his heart, and quickly guessed the real meaning.

  There are soldiers of the Peace Society attacked!

   As his emotions turned, the man in the cap dropped his guard around him, as if something had left.

   "Marshal, why don't you go and take a look?"

  The man in the peaked cap apparently captured this conversation, and looked at Tang Ye with a wicked smile, waiting for his reaction in the next second.

  Tang Ye gave him a cold look, then took Song Muyuan to the opposite direction of the man in the peaked cap.


   The peaked cap lowered his head, smiled, put away the hand bone knife, turned to leave, and the people around him hurriedly made way for him because of his approach. This might be an existence that could compete with the overlord of the Liantong District, so he had to be solemn.

   As for the people around him, the man in the peaked cap had no interest at all. After a few turns, he entered a dark alley, walked to the innermost door, and opened it.

The room behind the door is only about 30 square meters. There is no other furniture except for a chair. The floor is covered with blankets. It looks very dirty because it has not been cleaned for a long time. The air is filled with a thick smell. Musty smell.

In the corner of the room, there was actually a woman with blood and hair hanging from her body, her feet were hung, her hands were violently twisted into a twist shape and then tied into a knot, the muscles and skin under her armpits were torn, and she could clearly see organization inside.

Her clothes were torn to shreds, and her abdomen was pulled out by a sharp weapon with a long wound. If anyone could see the situation behind the wound, they would find that, except for the necessary organs such as the heart and lungs, most of the remaining organs in her body were has been removed.

   And the murderer didn't clean up the blood that flowed from the woman's body after all this was done, so that the blanket around the woman had long lost its original color, and was all brown after the blood had dried up.

   The most surprising thing is that even though most of the organs in the body have been removed, the woman is still alive. She has a drip on her left wrist, which is filled with nutrient solution to ensure that she can continue to live.

  After the man in the peaked cap came in, he gently closed the door, shook out all the zombie scales in his pocket, and then came to the woman.

   Seeing him coming, the woman raised her head, her eyes were full of numbness, and she was not afraid.

   She has been living with this man for a long time, he is a devil! And he's a crazy devil!

   She doesn't know his real name, only that many people call him Paint Man!

  Before meeting him, a woman never imagined that she would become like this in the future. The organs in her body were removed one by one. The pain was unimaginable, and she didn't even know how she survived.

   Her numb eyes are not because she is not afraid, but because she has been tortured a lot, and she is used to it. No one can imagine how desperate she felt at the beginning of these days.

"I am back."

   The man in the peaked cap said softly, in a gentle tone, as if he would say it to his wife when he returned home after a day's work.

  The woman looked up at him, her hair covering her face, and she could only see her bloodshot eyes, which had no emotion in them, just like a puppet.

She didn't answer him, it wasn't because she couldn't answer, but she couldn't speak at all. Her tongue had been torn off by this man, and now it's sitting on the windowsill. After a long time, her full tongue shrank into a black lump. Those who don't know see it and think it's a piece of rags on their clothes.

   She could only make an unpleasant whine, which made her who used to love to sing and was proud of her voice unbearable. She would rather not speak for the rest of her life until she died.

   But it didn't matter what she said, the man in the cap didn't care at all. He continued to say softly: "I brought something, but on the way here, I found that I seemed tired of playing, and you didn't resist... Sigh~ It's boring."

   "Why? Why does everyone change? Why can't everyone be the same as in the beginning? Why did you become so obedient? Why don't you resist now? Why?"

"What about your arrogance? Where is your arrogance? Where is it? Come out! Don't you love cleanliness? Look at you now, like a rat in the sewer, dirty and stinky! Why did you become dirty Dirty bugs!"

   (end of this chapter)

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