I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 907: Mercenary Guild, Hidden Mission

   Chapter 907 Mercenary Guild, Secret Mission

And this guy is one of the few justiceists in the apocalypse. He once punched to death a high-level underground force who bullied a beggar on the street. It is precisely these things. Deputy Minister of Armaments of the Peace Council.

   His name is still fresh in Tang Ye's memory, called Jiang Chentong.

   Seeing it was him, Tang Ye was a little surprised, what kind of thing would make him come over in person? Shouldn't the reporting situation be done by the signal soldiers?

   "Tell me, what's the matter." Tang Ye sat comfortably on the sofa and asked casually.

  Jiang Chentong first closed the door, which made Tang Ye very satisfied, and then saw him walk up to his voice and was about to speak, but Tang Ye took the lead and said, "Don't stand, just sit and talk."

   "Yes, Marshal." Jiang Chentong showed gratitude on his face, then sat down cautiously.

   "Tell me."

   "Well." Jiang Chentong thought about it for a while, it should be organizing his own language in his mind.

   "Marshal, the guy caught in the morning has already recruited."

   "Huh?" Hearing this, Tang Ye was stunned, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

   "Hi, so fast, after all, he is a fifth-order new human, why is he so spineless?"

   Thinking about the fact that the fifth-order new human fell into his hands, it has only been an hour and a half. Originally, Tang Ye thought that guy could last for a while. Although it was not clear, it couldn't be as short as an hour.

   "Yes, Marshal, that guy said everything now."

   "If it's so fast, I'm curious what punishment did you use?" Tang Ye asked curiously. Hearing Tang Ye's question, Jiang Chentong couldn't hold back, and his face twitched.

   "Actually, he didn't use any peculiar methods, that is, using Ling Chi and palace punishment on that guy."

"and then."

   "He held up when we were late to him, but when he heard that we were going to use palace punishment, the guy said it directly."

   After Jiang Chentong finished speaking, Tang Ye let out a long "Oh", the meaning is very strange, and sure enough, the bird below is the greatest dignity of a man! A man can do anything for it.

   "Then he explained that."

   After a short chat about Sao, Tang Ye began to ask about the business.

   Hearing Tang Ye's words, Jiang Chentong's face turned positive, and then Tang Ye said: "According to what he said, we know that his name is Yilong, and he is an A-level bounty hunter of the Mercenary Guild."

   "The bounty hunter of the Mercenary Guild? Are you sure?"

   Tang Ye had heard Jiang Chentong's words, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and his face was serious, which shows how solemn he is now!

   For some reason, he suddenly recalled what Su Sigui said to him that day.

"Li Henian, I have no ill will towards you, and I have no ill will towards the Peace Society. I have never done anything to the Peace Society. Rather than doubting people outside, it is better to go to the Liantong District and take a good look at how many are hiding in the dark. A presence in the corner that you can't grasp."

   "We have already confirmed that when we logged in Yilong's ID card, he was indeed a bounty hunter serving in the mercenary guild, and his rank was A!"

   said here, Jiang Chentong's face also became extremely solemn.

"President, if we exclude Jiuge and all the superpowers in the outside world, then only the mercenary guild that claims to remain neutral forever is the only force that can attack our Peace Association in the Lianhe District, and only they can send such a force. There are many new human powerhouses, if according to my thoughts, our Peace Club should be rewarded on the secret mission issued by the mercenary guild."

   "Secret mission?"

  Tang Ye was stunned for a moment. Of course he had heard of the secret mission of the mercenary guild, but it was very unreal. Tang Ye listened to it as a story from the beginning.

The reason for this secret mission is that the Mercenary Guild is a public force, and it wants to be the police station before the end of the world, but the difference is that although this police station serves the public, the things they do are not completely aimed at Justice goes.

What they do depends on what the employer thinks, the employer pays, and he does the work. If the employer hires those bounty hunters to do justice, then from a certain point of view, they are the police before the end of the world. "You have to pay for work.

  If their employers make them do unconscionable things, they are villains!

This is a profit-oriented organization. They only recognize money and never recognize people. They will not look down on you because you are just an ordinary person, or even deprive you of your life at will because you are an ordinary person. Guild, as long as you have Yajin, there will be many strong people to do things for you.

   Really rich is uncle.

   Attention to extreme financial interests, coupled with the public nature of the mercenary guild, such an organization must remain neutral, and cannot intervene when other forces are fighting openly and secretly. In this way, the mercenary guild will become a private underground force.

The mercenary guild has grown to this day with its characteristics, and it has become extraordinarily powerful. There are more than 20,000 bounty hunters who have signed contracts with it, and there are many strong ones, although the president of the mercenary guild does not have any. The ability to directly grasp these powerhouses, but it is the president anyway. The president of the mercenary guild can mobilize a lot of resources. Once he wants to target someone, he only needs to publish the next small event in the guild, and he can make countless powerhouses. Work for him.

   However, the mercenary guild cannot do this, it is a public organization, and absolute neutrality is his advantage. Once he loses this neutrality, the next one to perish is the mercenary guild.

It is the word    that gives people absolute trust, so other underground forces will let it go and let the mercenary guild continue to develop steadily in the turbulent and dangerous apocalyptic human society.

   These things give it a great advantage, and at the same time, there are countless shackles that imprison it, but this shackle cannot be broken free, it will die very quickly!

That's all, the mercenary guild attacks a certain underground force in a targeted manner. Once this is done, the nature of the mercenary guild will change. It is no longer a public organization, but has become a A super power of extreme scale!

In such a situation, no leader of an underground force would be willing to see, just give back someone, he watched you grow steadily and steadily in the name of a public organization, and when you were the strongest, you suddenly turned your face and became a human being, who can this be? Tolerate? No one can bear it! This is so **** shameless.

   Once this happens, the mercenary guild will be besieged by all forces, so even if it is too strong, it is not fun.

   (end of this chapter)

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