I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 922: red general

   Chapter 922 Red General

The giant beast looked around in confusion, and the next second it saw the exoskeleton suit on the man under the forelimbs. It saw that its pupils shrank fiercely, and suddenly noticed a problem. Here, it seems that many people are Wearing the same exoskeleton suit as this man!

   However, there was no time for it to think about it, and its mind only had a vague answer, the question, which seemed to lie in the black exoskeleton suits on these people.

   During this period of time, dozens of Tier 4 new humans wearing black exoskeleton suits climbed onto their bodies and slashed down with a knife, even the hard silver armor could not bear it!

The    giant beast is roaring, attacking frantically, the huge body twists, and every time it is trampled, every time the black light beam spit out, it exerts the ultimate power of the fifth-order zombie!

   In its scarlet eyes, there are all those powerhouses in black exoskeleton suits, but at the scene, none of the fourth-order powerhouses with different exoskeleton suits dared to move forward.

The scene where the person who was chased and killed by the giant beast didn't die just now made the strong people who belonged to the underground forces understand something. Almost undead buff was applied to the fifth-order zombie beast.

   And we, in front of fifth-order zombies, may drink blood directly on the spot, and now, they no longer dare to follow the courage of others and rush forward without fear of death.

   Their courage is bestowed by the black exoskeleton suits on their bodies, but they do not have such conditions.

  On the scene, only the strong men of the mercenary guild screamed and madly screamed, and one after another silhouette leaped like a flying, accompanied by a dazzling cold light, completely killing the fifth-order zombie beast.

The roar of the    giant beast was deafening, and its sturdy limbs constantly trampled on the strong new human beings who were like mice to itself.

   Countless people were repelled in its frantic attack, and many strong people should have stood up again and again when it attacked the dead strong people and killed it!



The roar of    pierced through the sky, the ground kept shaking, and the surrounding buildings were turned into ruins little by little during the battle between the two sides.

   A dazzling flame of fire continued to explode on the head of the zombie behemoth, and the strong men below held laser weapons, venting their firepower towards the fatal weakness that the zombies have.

   While shooting, they moved forward. When they got close, these strong men decisively threw away the laser weapons in their hands, pulled out H-steel long knives, and engaged in close combat with the fierce zombie beasts.

   But when the group of them just jumped up, suddenly, the slender tail of the giant beast swept over, and immediately four or five strong men were swept away.



  The giant beast turned around and roared at them, moved its limbs, rushed forward, raised its front limbs, and slapped a strong man in mid-air that had not yet landed!


When the giant beast was walking, a strong man was stepped on by its feet, and his entire body was drowned by its rotten soles. A pedestrian pit.

   cursed secretly, and saw him twitching while lying in the pit. The amazing defensive power of the hunter's suit protected his name, but this kick directly cost him half his life.

   "Ah! I'm going to Nima!"

Before he could call for help from his comrades, he heard a terrified cry from a comrade in the air. He turned his head to look with difficulty, and saw a comrade who was also a mercenary guild in midair, but the beast's forelimbs were full of rage. The air pressure was photographed.

   This can't be saved at all, so what happened next is no exception at all. This companion was shot by the claws of the zombie giant, and the whole person directly turned into a meteor and crashed to the ground at high speed.


   A loud bang, the momentum is huge!

   In the eyes of the giant beast, this man was smashed into the ground, and he was still moving, he was not dead!

   is another unlucky ghost who was saved by a hunter's exoskeleton suit.

   found that he was not dead, and the other party was also like the strong man of the mercenary guild who was directly chased and killed by the giant beast, with surprise and fear in his eyes.

   But he didn't see that the eyes of the giant beast were completely filled with anger.

   It leaned back, stood up, and opened its mouth to an incredible angle. The flesh on both sides of its mouth was torn as the mouth opened, but it felt no pain!

   It is extremely angry in its heart, and there can only be some way to vent it.

   Soon, the front half of the giant beast leaned down sharply, and the two front limbs stepped back to the ground heavily. Once, the strong men felt the vibration of the sensing system transmitted by the ground on their feet.

   It roared at the strong man lying in the pit. The roar was so loud that it seemed to pierce the eardrum of the opponent!

   "Hoo Nima!"

   The other party scolded and tilted his head. The roar of the giant zombie beast was so close that it made him feel sick.

   "Look, the Red Generals are here!"

   At this moment, there was an exclamation from the powerhouses, and of course the giant beast heard it, but it had no interest in knowing who the Red General was.

  It stretched out its head to the strong man in the pit, and opened its mouth, as if it wanted to swallow it even with the **** shell into its stomach.

   But before its mouth touched him, it felt that its tail was being grabbed by a powerful big hand. The next second, its huge body slid back quickly, and finally, it flew straight up!

   Subconsciously, a picture flashed in the giant beast's mind, and a person was pulling himself up by his tail.


   With a low growl, the behemoth wanted to break free, but soon, the man who swung himself seemed to let go, and the behemoth flew out at once, knocking down a large building.

   "The Red General is mighty!"

The powerhouses below all shouted excitedly, the giant beast fought from the ruins of the building that had been knocked down by itself, shook its head, shook all the dust off it, and looked closely, in the scarlet pupils Shining bloodthirsty and violent light.

   The one who was pulling his tail was a woman in a red suit. Compared with the strong people around her, her aura was like standing out from the crowd. You could see her at a glance. This was a fifth-order new human being!

   This woman seems to be familiar to herself, she seems to be the head of an underground force, and the name Red General...

The    monster shook its head again and looked away from the Red General, because it felt the approach of other fifth-order new humans.

   Turned his head and saw that a few strong men with strong blood energy were walking towards him in the distance. Each of them was a fifth-order new human, and most of them were wearing black exoskeleton battle suits!

   (end of this chapter)

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