I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 941: Not a normal person!

   Chapter 941 is not a normal person!

   The existences of the two sixth-order new human beings ran together. At this time, they were not controlling their power. When they stepped out, the power contained in them was actually touching the ground!

   Along the way, the surrounding buildings were shaken by the earthquake, and several buildings collapsed because of the passing of the two of them.

   The Necro Knights of the Peace Society who came to support them wanted to attack them, but just with this intention, the zombie beast under the seat was torn off the neck in the next second!

   And I was held in the hands like this, and I was thrown into the sky without a doubt!

   "A group of garbage, dare to do something to me!"

   Tonight's eyes are only disdainful. After he evolved to the sixth rank, he looked down on the powerhouses of the fifth and higher ranks. If he wanted to kill them, it was as simple as squeezing an ant!

The cold and murderous eyes swept around like two sharp swords, and those who looked at them quickly avoided their eyes. These necromancer knights understood that for the sixth-order new humans, they would just die if they went up. It's not a battle at one level. There's a saying that when gods fight, mortals suffer. This sentence is too appropriate.

As Tang Ye said, this battle has nothing to do with them, not literally, but because these people are not qualified, the gap between the new human beings and the new human beings is still at a low level. not very big.

Ordinary people can completely defeat a first-order new human with fighting skills, and even a second-order new human can be killed by those who have even practiced martial arts, but after reaching third-order, those warriors who have practiced martial arts to the extreme are basically difficult to kill. A third-order new human, unless you are lucky, or you are a second-order new human.

   And the third-order new human beings want to kill a fourth-order new human being more and more difficult, and the fourth-order new human beings want to kill the fifth-order new human beings. It is difficult to live without external help.

  The higher the level of a new human being, the difference is several levels for each lower level!

After evolving to the sixth-order new human tonight, he clearly felt the powerful power of the sixth-order new human, and knew how far the fifth-order new human was from himself. This comparison was because he did not compare those fifth-order new human beings. Keep an eye on the reason!

   Sixth-order new human beings can only be dealt with by strong men who are also sixth-order new human beings!

   "You all go deal with those little guys, both of them, I'll deal with it."

   Hatred said to the group of Necromancers, but his words had no effect.


   Chen Zhouan's face was troubled. In fact, the main reason they came here was not to fight to the death with the strong men of the mercenary guild, but to lead them to the Xueyue Guild Hall, and then block the entire Xueyue Guild Hall!

  Although I don’t know why I do this, I don’t want to say hello to this kind of thing.

Judging from the performance of these mercenary guild powerhouses, it is known that this time they are prepared, the black exoskeleton suits on their bodies do not look simple, and they have suffered a lot from the previous confrontation with the Peace Club. The loss is enough to prove that the exoskeleton suit is no ordinary defensive armor!

   entanglement with them, the only one who suffers will be his own side.

  Chen Zhouan wanted to say something, but before he could speak, he saw Evil jumping up and flying straight into the air, the afterimages of Evil pulling out between the steps behind him were like the claws of **** demons!

   He was a little sluggish, and looked at his brother Chen Zhouquan. He scolded secretly: "What a lunatic!"

   The opponent can rush over with two sixth-order new humans, and the hatred went up to fight without any hesitation. Isn't this a lunatic?

Any normal person will think about it when facing two powerhouses at the same level as himself. From this, it can be seen that hatred is not a normal person, not in the heart, not in the appearance, how can anyone look like a zombie ?

   Very helpless, I hate being the general of the Lianhe District, and he has a higher position than himself. He is in the position, and his subordinate can't, so there is no reason to say it.

Not long after, the afterimage lines drawn by the three sixth-order new humans moving at high speed collided fiercely, and a violent hurricane was generated, shrouding the ground, and the dust that had fallen on the ground fluttered with the strong wind. Hair stands straight up.

   "Brother, can you get on?"

   "Damn, all the necromancers obey orders, kill me!"

  Despite being extremely reluctant in his heart, Chen Zhouan still pulled out his knight's sword, raised it just now, and looked at the mercenary guild rushing towards him in a strong roar!

   "Kill!". With his order, the powerhouses at the Peace Club also roared in unison, driving the zombie beasts under their seats, kicking their feet, and the giant beasts ran wildly!

   Corpse roars sounded one after another, and the extremely fast moving speed of the two sides quickly met, and a group of necromancers pointed their long spears more than three meters in front of them, and then the zombie beasts moved wildly and stabbed out!

At the moment when the two sides collided, dozens of strong men from the mercenary guild were hit by a heavy gun and flew out. The zombie beast let out a frantic roar, and its stout limbs moved, facing those The powerful mercenary guild who fell to the ground trampled over!

   "Ah ah ah, what are you doing, let me go! Don't take it!"

A zombie beast passed by when a strong man fell to the ground. When he saw the living creature, the instinct of the zombie's desire for flesh and blood was stimulated. The necromancer was in a hurry. He had fought against the strong men of the mercenary guild before, and he knew how perverted the exoskeleton suits on them were, and the fourth-order zombie beast under the seat could not bite at all!

   may even take this opportunity to climb on the back of the zombie beast!

Unsurprisingly, the zombie wolf that finally grabbed a person had just exerted force, but the steel teeth, which are usually all-powerful, were not able to break through the armor on this person, which made it a little confusing. Like a piece of iron man poured with molten steel! Hard, can't bite at all.

   "Hey, what can you do to me?"

   Does this strong man in his mouth make a perverted sound? This feeling is as cool as opening the invincible plug-in in the game and hanging all the dissatisfied people in the qualifying match!

  The most important thing is that this plug-in will not be banned when you open it, this is a reasonable plug-in!

   Twisted his body, he took out the laser cannon from his back, and the muzzle directly touched the teeth of the corpse beast. Without thinking, he shot directly!

   Then, a blue ball of fire exploded from the mouth of the zombie wolf, several corpse teeth were broken on the spot, and the rotting flesh on the skin of the mouth exploded as if a pus and blood bag had been punctured by someone! Blurred the front!

"Damn!" The necromancer above cursed, holding the spear and stabbing the zombie beast under the seat continuously, but the other party left a sole of his foot, and stabbing him just moved his foot. , he can't pierce the upper defensive armor part at all, and there is no possibility of picking people out.

   (end of this chapter)

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