I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 948: innocent kid

   Chapter 948 Innocent children

Driven by the power of the seventh-order zombie's full blow, Lu Jinyu lifted his feet off the ground, bent his body and leaned back. The omni-directional helmet was smashed to pieces, and the exposed flesh and blood seemed to be twisted and unable to straighten. See.

   uh... uh... ah!

Struggling tonight, he pushed away the cement, sand and gravel that covered his body, and saw the light again. The first thing he saw was the scene of Lu Jinyu's all-round combat helmet being smashed, and the light in his eyes dimmed instantly. , the all-round combat helmet on Lu Jinyu's head and the hunter's exoskeleton suit are matched. The materials are the same. Naturally, there is no need to mention the defense power, but under Tang Ye's blow, it was actually destroyed?

   This is why there is no need to disband, Tang Ye is not a fox and a tiger, he is a genuine seventh-order new human being, an existence that sixth-order new human beings cannot match!

   At this moment, there was only despair left in his heart, and under the screen, the smile on the face of hatred became more and more frantic, which was exactly what he said to tonight.

   "I will look at you and look at your desperate expression until the last second of your life."

   Today, they are dead, and the chance of the ruthless Li Henian letting them go is too small, just like the probability of winning a lottery ticket!

  The ending is already doomed to death, how can this not make people feel hopeless?

After flying upside down, Lu Jinyu followed in his own footsteps. He also flew to the door frame. The Xueyue Club was trembling. After a few seconds, there was a "bang". The entertainment building seemed to lean over. On the dragon pillars, cracks kept appearing, and the place collapsed quickly, but the building quality of Xueyueguang was good enough. Although there were many cracks, it did not completely collapse, but the whole building was completely All leaned over.

Then, Lu Jinyu slipped down from the door frame in almost the same way as the previous night. After falling to the ground, he remained motionless, only moaning in pain. At this moment, he was beaten like this, how could he still be half a sixth-order new human being? style?


   The sixth-order zombie at the door roared furiously, and its snow-white eyes stared at the back of the neck tonight. It just made a sound and was about to start, but it was interrupted by Tang Ye's "hum".

   "You don't have to do it, I will take good care of him."

   **** ho.

With two low roars, this sixth-order zombie seemed to understand what Tang Ye was saying, and took a few steps back. The well-behaved one didn't look like a zombie. ,

  Tang Ye's icy eyes looked at tonight, and he walked towards him. When he walked, the breeze blew through the military uniform on his body, and the corners of the clothes fluttered, making him look solemn and solemn.

   He didn't move very fast, but at that time, Tang Ye came to tonight and pointed at hatred.

   "Naive child, after living for so long, someone should have taught you not to belittle yourself when the ending is not yet scheduled. Isn't that a lesson?"

"You said that I would die earlier than him, but now I can tell you very clearly, I will not die, and I will not let you die first, but it is only in less than a minute, I Let you watch, watch how this guy who came with you died in front of you, and then use the same method to let you follow him hand in hand on Huangquan Road!"

Tang Ye's voice was not loud, and he couldn't hear his emotions, but it was the most creepy. He didn't speak tonight and was silent, but Lu Jinyu next to him made a worried voice. He climbed from the ruins pushed by the cement stones Going out, he roared at Tang Ye with a "hmmm".

The omni-directional combat helmet on his head had fallen off, revealing his face. At this time, his face was no less horrifying than disgust. Although he was wearing the omni-directional combat helmet matching the Hunter's exoskeleton suit before, But under the full blow of the seventh-order zombie, even though the helmet was smashed to pieces, it still did not fully absorb all the power from the seventh-order zombie.

Under Tang Ye's punch, in addition to the shattering of the all-round combat helmet, the face was also burst out by him, and the part of the chin was directly squeezed to the nose part, the bones on the mouth of the chin, and the surface of the flesh and muscles was like plasticine. , up and kneaded together with the nose, from a distance, Lu Jinyu's face seems to have been chopped off with a sharp long knife, and all the parts below the nose have disappeared!

  Because of this, his generation system has been destroyed, and he can't speak normally. He can only make a sound of "Mmmmmmmmm" to Tang Ye.

   "Uh... uh uh uh~ uh uh!"

   Suddenly, Lu Jinyu knelt down towards Tang Ye, the voice from his throat became more and more rapid, his hands clasped together and kept shaking, and finally he just slammed his head on the ground.

  Although the sound he made was incomprehensible to him at all, but his actions made people understand at a glance, at was begging for mercy! I'm begging Tang Ye to let go of his life.

   After finishing this series of actions, Lu Jinyu looked at Tang Ye expectantly, but to his desperation, he could not see any emotions related to letting him go in Tang Ye's eyes!

   He walked towards him indifferently step by step, like a death **** with a scythe in his hand and no emotion in his eyes!

  woooo~mmmmmmmmm~evil woooo~

   Lu Jinyu was so frightened that he kowtowed again, his forehead collided with the ground and made a "bang bang bang" sound! The voice from the twisted and blurred mouth became more and more rapid, and a strong desire to survive could be heard in it.

   But Tang Ye didn't pity him, he would still walk in front of him, stretched his hand around his neck and picked him up.


  Tang Ye said to tonight, smiled, and with a hard finger, the voice from Lu Jinyu's mouth gradually became hoarse.

   "This shell is really hard."

  Tang Ye sighed, but there was no look of concern on his face. Tonight he couldn't help turning his head to look over, but soon, the pupils of his eyes kept shrinking!

I saw that cracks appeared on Lu Jinyu's exoskeleton suit. There were few cracks at first, but as time went by, the cracks on Lu Jinyu's exoskeleton suit seemed to multiply by itself. , and the speed of extension is getting faster and faster. In the end, with a "click" sound, Lu Jinyu's exoskeleton suit, which seems to be difficult for even a sixth-order rookie to break, actually fell off piece by piece. , hit the ground and made a "dangdangdang" impact sound.

   Lu Jinyu's body was not protected by the exoskeleton suit, so he appeared so fragile in front of Tang Ye.

   "What are you doing?"

   At this time, he finally said the first sentence tonight, he had to say, because he didn't know what Tang Ye was going to do, and it was precisely because he didn't know that his heart was shaking.

   (end of this chapter)

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