I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 961: Can't tell

   Chapter 961 Unreasonable

   But first, there are only a few corpses in the corners that cannot be seen in other places. Take the corpses around Tang Ye as an example. Except for the ones that were obliterated by himself, the remaining zombie corpses have one characteristic, that is, their heads are gone.

In the early days of the apocalypse, Tang Ye taught Ah Fu to eat the same kind of food to satisfy his hunger, but only the head part of the same kind of body can provide energy for Ah Fu and himself, because there are evolutionary crystals in the brain, even if the brains of zombies have not evolved There are no evolutionary crystals in it, but at least the brain is also the predecessor of evolutionary crystals, and you can eat more or less without adding some energy.

   At that time, when Ah Fu preyed on the same kind, he only ate the head, leaving a lot of zombie corpses without heads, how similar to the current situation. And what Tang Ye saw showed that the zombies here were indeed devouring each other before he came, and the strong eliminated the weak.

Tang Ye looked at the silver-armored corpses around him, and all he saw was silver. The silver-armored corpses were constantly assimilating other zombies at a exponential rate, and now there are only two-digit numbers of zombies left that have not been assimilated. Become a small group struggling under the building.

Among all the silver-armored corpses on the scene, only about 100,000 percent of them were un-evolved and unleveled ones, while the latter were mostly third-order zombies, of which the number of fifth-order zombies was as high as nearly forty. Zombies devour each other, and high-level evolutionary zombies can be produced on a large scale.

   But zombies of the same kind can devour each other at most, and it will only happen between high-level zombies, because high-level zombies already have a little bit of wisdom and understand that when they are hungry, they can swallow the same kind to keep themselves moving.

But even so, there is no thought that people imagined among the high-level zombies. The intelligence they have is very different from what people think. Except for those who have intelligence at the beginning, the rest rely on gradual evolution to enhance their intelligence little by little. Compared with human beings, the zombies of Zombies lack too many things, such as the three views and the cognition of some things.

High-level zombies devour each other, unless there is a misunderstanding or one party is too hungry, there is no term benefit in the cognition of zombies. When they devour the same kind, they only think about eating it. Alleviate their own hunger, and the knowledge that evolution will be gained by swallowing a powerful kind is never in their cognition.

   Therefore, most of the zombies swallowing zombies are high-level zombies swallowing low-level zombies, and they rarely provoke i for zombies of the same rank or higher than themselves, because they also know that they cannot easily provoke existences stronger than themselves.

   In the corpse group, unevolved zombies will always be the majority, and the number of zombies representing each level gradually decreases with the height of the level.

   In the city center, the situation where there are more Tier 3 evolutionary zombies than the total number of Tier 1 and Tier 2 zombies combined is really abnormal. This can only be said to be the result of the zombies devouring each other in groups.

  However, without the control of other high-level zombies that clearly surpass humans or are comparable to human intelligence, how can the corpse devour each other on a large scale? To say that this was done by the corpse group, Tang Ye believed that even ghosts did not believe it.

  The corpse group devours each other for no reason, just like the ant colony takes the initiative to help people carry things. Without the interference of high-intelligence creatures, it is impossible for ants to do things that high-intelligence creatures can understand.

   "Then what's the situation?"

   "That's what makes me weird too."

Tang Ye looked around suspiciously, and slowly raised his hand. With his movement, all the silver armored corpses around him also became quiet, and only a dozen zombies were assimilated and shivered in the corner. , they couldn't break through the iron wall made up of countless silver armored corpses in front of them.

Soon, a large number of silver armored corpses began to wriggle. They moved their bodies and squeezed on both sides. After a while, a wide aisle was made for Tang Ye, and Tang Ye walked to the only remaining silver armor that was not assimilated In front of the dead zombie, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a hapless ghost.

With a thought of   , Tang Ye was absolutely sure that a certain Xuan line in his mind was shaking, and then it came out of his mind and entered the mind of the zombie in front of him.

   The spirit of the high-level zombies instantly occupied the opponent's consciousness.

"Raise your hand." Tang Ye said aloud, ordering the zombie he pinched to do what he wanted, but the strange thing was that the other party raised his hideous face and looked at Tang Ye, saying "Hohohoho. "The hoarse roar didn't pay attention to Tang Ye's control over him at all.

And Tang Ye's brows were wrinkled at this time. His mental line clearly entered its brain and controlled its consciousness, but his instructions had no effect, and the other party seemed not to be controlled by him. Same.

At the time of his sixth-order or before, some special types of zombies could not be controlled, such as evil spirit zombies and skinless night demons, but the reason why Tang Ye couldn't control them was because their brain waves were completely absent from himself. One frequency, so Tang Ye couldn't send his spiritual line into the consciousness of these zombies, and Tang Ye didn't know how to control the frequency of brain waves so as to synchronize with special zombies similar to evil spirit zombies. After the rank, Tang Ye mastered this ability, and then he could control the evil spirit zombies.

But now, Tang Ye can't control these non-special zombies in front of him. It's not because he can't synchronize with the other party's brain wave frequency, but he can control it synchronously, but his instructions can't play any role. The extent of the activation has no effect at all, but I don't know what the reason is.

   This is undoubtedly a very headache.

   If you use another metaphor, it’s like you buy something in the store, take it home and assemble it and open it, but there is no response at all. This feeling of not knowing where to start is absolutely annoying.

Tang Ye looked up, the crumbling building was like an old sword that had been used for a long time, and it would collapse at any time. In the surrounding air, Tang Ye did not perceive any fluctuations in the consciousness of other high-level zombies, that is to say These zombies have not been controlled by any high-level zombie group, they are formed by themselves!

   But that doesn't make sense.

  Tang Ye was silent, but at this time Xu Haihui couldn't hold back, and whispered: "President?"

   He shouted, but Tang Ye suddenly turned his head to the corner not far away!


   (end of this chapter)

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