I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 966: Everyone has a life

   Chapter 966 Everyone has their own destiny

   And the expression on the old man's face also made Xiaohai understand that he would definitely give up on himself, unless he went down to stop the Peace Club and he was still alive when the spacecraft data update was completely ready to take off, so that he could escape this catastrophe.

   However, the probability of this is definitely not very high. Zheng Yun's death is enough to illustrate this point. In the face of a weapon with huge lethality, the fifth-order new human can't use his physical body for long.

   At this moment, the servile Xiaohai did not arouse any pity in the heart of the old man. His appearance made the technical staff on the side look at him, and the other party who was scolding deserved it.

The expression on the old man's face was slightly cold, and he said, "How do you say, you don't want to stop them? Then how do you prove that you are loyal to me? Is there only one person who doesn't want to die? There are too many people in the world who don't want to die. Yes, you are not missing."

   When he said this, the old man's murderous intentions were fully restrained, and he couldn't hear the appearance of killing people, but this is the most scary thing!

   Xiaohai's face was dull, and he didn't know what to say anymore. Today, he had to go down to stop the soldiers of the Peace Conference. He didn't say anything else.

As the saying goes, people live to be old and mature. This old guy is three times his age. He has seen and experienced more things than he has eaten. He also has rich knowledge and experience in some things. Pretending, in the eyes of the old man, he could not escape at all. He was afraid that he would not remind himself when he left, and he would leave himself here and be killed or captured alive by the people of the Peace Conference!

  The expression on Xiaohai's face darkened. It seemed that he had accepted his fate. He would no longer do meaningless struggles.

   "This is a good boy, okay, Xiaohai, let's go down."


  Xiaohai silently put on his battle clothes and installed his upper arm blade, just like when Zheng Yunzhen left before, his back looked a little lonely.

   And after he got out of the alloy wall, the old man turned his gaze to the technician on the console, his tone returned to normal, and he seemed to have changed back to the amiable old man.

   "You can start it."

   "A lot of data is not yet complete, but it can be activated, but we can't predict what will happen in the middle." The technicians replied respectfully. After the incident just now, their favorability to the elderly has greatly increased.

The old man was silent for a while, then nodded. Under the lift platform of the aircraft, sparks continued to emerge from it, and some places even turned into crimson people. He knew that this was caused by the Peace Club melting the defense wall with high temperature. Yes, but he was still not in a hurry, as if he was telling a story, he said slowly: "Alas, as soon as a person is born, in fact, God has determined what each person will experience in the future. , There are old and young, full of articles, gray hair is not in the middle, talent is sparse, juvenile and the first to enter the college, the palace maid in the deep courtyard, the luck is turned into a prostitute, fate, luck, pondering can not be found, but I believe that every one The destiny that has been set has always existed, but we didn’t realize it. This incident was also arranged by God. If it succeeds, I don’t know if I can live for a few more years. If it fails, I have lived for so many years without complaint No regrets."

   Listening to the old man's words, the woman in the combat uniform couldn't bear it, and couldn't help but say, "Grandpa Nangong, it's not you who is at fault for this."

"It's really not me, it's fate, let's just leave it to fate. If it wasn't for fate, I wouldn't meet him tonight, and I wouldn't appreciate him. Without him, there wouldn't be any of the following things, girl, you say this Is it life?"

   "This..." The woman didn't know how to answer, but the old man continued: "Okay, no matter what choice we make, it's all set by someone, and the outcome is left to fate."

   said, the old man looked at the technician again and said, "Children, turn it on, you come up too, stay here and wait for the peace conference to come, you will not end well."


The staff on the console all nodded. Under the commander-in-chief, they skipped the data progress and forced it to open. Then, the six technicians and the woman walked out of the console and entered the aircraft. About 30 years passed. In about a second, blue light began to appear from all over the aircraft's body, and waves of heat rolled under the base.

On the side of the Peace Conference, a group of soldiers have broken through the third alloy gate and came to the eighth floor. According to calculations, the aircraft chassis in the mechanical building should be between the eighth or ninth floor. Open a door and you can find the landing gear and destroy it so that the aircraft in the mechanical building cannot take off.

And behind only a wall, a fifth-order new human named Xiaohai has walked in through the previous alloy gate, and then slowly closed the alloy gate behind him, he felt that the frequency of his heart beat a lot faster, in front of him In front of the alloy gate, he faintly felt the breath of the two same-level powerhouses from the Peace Club and several fourth-order new humans.

   This made him feel a little chilly. The alloy door behind him was completely closed, and the white light from the hanging lamp on the ceiling above his head seemed a little weak in his eyes, and at the same time made everything he saw in front of him very dim.

Soon, he saw that the alloy gate in front of him quickly turned crimson at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then turned from crimson to red. The hard alloy gate had some liquid flow, and he took a few steps forward. Feeling a burst of hot air blowing towards his face, the two alloy doors were tightly closed, but in the relatively narrow space, it gave Xiao Hai a sense of security.

   A short distance can make him in a much better situation than Zheng Yunzhen, at least he doesn't need to rush forward with the powerful firepower of the Peace Club.

   Time passes by every minute and every second.

He was waiting for the soldiers of the Peace Conference to break into the door, and then started killing himself. The only goal was not to be entangled by the two fifth-order new humans on the Peace Conference side, then he could use his authority to enter the major alloy gates. Can you travel back and forth, and you can more likely ensure your own safety.

However, before the soldiers of the Peace Congregation broke the alloy gate in front of him, he felt that the temperature of the surrounding air was getting higher and higher. The temperature is coming.

At first, he thought it was caused by the diffusion of hot air, but he soon realized that something was wrong. The hot air turned into a scalding heat wave in a short time, and the members of the Peace Club outside the door seemed to realize that something was wrong. There were no high-temperature weapons. The sound of a laser is emitted.

   (end of this chapter)

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