I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 978: strange sense of being watched

   Chapter 978 A strange sense of being watched

"Don't worry about that." Tang Ye shook his head, then pointed his finger at the quartermaster's corpse, and continued: "Drag him out to me, and the restoration of the old peace building will be delayed for a month, so hang this guy on the highest place. , let everyone know how he died and what he did."

   "As for the others, let's make things bigger and kill them all. I'm going to kill the chickens and respect the monkeys!"

   "Yes." Hatred nodded, since he entered the Peace Conference, he was responsible for the murder.

After Tang Ye finished saying this, he turned around and left, and Abomination also brought Bai Huipeng and a few people out, but they did not leave in the same direction as Tang Ye. After a while, a large number of soldiers were mobilized in the central ruling area. , One of the peace associations, large and small, was dragged out by a group of peace association soldiers who were **** by a group of peace association soldiers. In the shouting, the soldiers who stayed in the united area followed the peace who were being escorted by the soldiers. The leader of the meeting will enter the most prosperous area in the Union District.

As a high-level person read out the betrayal made by the two dozen or so Peace Conference management, in the shouts of soldiers and the doubtful eyes of the residents, the heads of more than twenty middle and senior management of the Peace Conference fell to the ground. , blood flowed quietly on the streets that had been stepped on by countless feet.

   On the other side, Tang Ye had already arrived at the newly built Peace Building. Looking at the main entrance, Tang Ye walked in indifferently, and immediately found the receiver who was in charge of contacting the Nine Songs Battlefield.

   "What's the situation now?"

   "Oh, Marshal, you are here. Now everything is relatively normal, except that some communication points have not received news for a long time, others are still in normal communication."

   "What about Tang Fu?"

   "Well... the vice-chairman's side is also in a normal state, that is, some soldiers died for no reason in the past few days."

   "Give me the casualty statistics."


Tang Ye borrowed the form handed over from the liaison receiver and looked at it carefully. In the past six months, nearly 80,000 soldiers have been exported from the joint-controlled area. Now, the number of soldiers who have been killed is approaching 10,000, and the wounded are close to 10,000. More, but in the apocalypse, the wounded do not need to care. Most of the soldiers sent out are new human beings, and the injury will only last for a week for new human beings, unless the injuries are too serious.

There was no expression on Tang Ye's face. The death toll of 9,000 had become a number for him. Even behind the cold number, there were fresh lives, but it was already underestimated. What was originally in his heart. Big things grow and become habitual over time.

  The terrifying, big things that are like the sky falling down seem to me who grow up after time is just a very ordinary thing.

Moreover, there is no way he can stop these things. The end of the world is not a society where you respect others a foot and others respect you a foot. Everyone needs to survive, even if their own survival requires many people to die, they need to strengthen their rights and they need someone to pay for their own. life, so what?

   This is inevitable. It’s just that those in power before the end of the world weave a lie in order to make people imagine that the world is beautiful. It’s true that the darkness can’t be seen. Is it blocked by some respectable people, but it’s not non-existent.

   "Okay, pay attention, I'll go up first."

   "Okay, Marshal."

Tang Ye didn't say anything. With the liaison officer's smile, he turned around and walked in the direction of the elevator. When he came to the elevator, the moment he pressed the elevator button, the numbers on the display began to beat. At that time, he suddenly felt as if someone was watching him behind him. He often had this feeling. He was the marshal of the Lianhe District and the person with the highest status in the Lianpu District. The curious eyes of some people were not the same. a very strange thing. But even if he knew, but for some reason, he felt that the gaze staring at him was very wrong.

   This made Tang Ye feel very strange, and finally, Tang Ye couldn't help but turn around and look in the direction of the gaze that was watching him.

As he turned around, in Tang Ye's perception, the feeling of being watched quickly disappeared, and his eyes also turned to the back, but behind the main entrance of the Peace Building, and two soldiers were on duty in each of the doors outside the door. , maybe seeing Tang Ye here, the four soldiers are standing very straight, and their faces are very serious. From time to time, staff wearing white shirts will pass by, and they will greet Tang Ye respectfully when they see Tang Ye. , trying to get a familiar face in front of each other.

   And Tang Ye just nodded, without too much expression on his face.

   From his point of view, from the time he entered until now, only the four soldiers have been standing in their original positions, and the gaze that was watching him just now is only one of the four soldiers.

   But there was no strange expression on the faces of the four of them, Tang Ye squinted his eyes, and quickly threw the matter out of his mind.


The elevator made a sound, the door was opened, and Tang Ye walked in. In the newly built Peace Club building, his place to rest was on the top floor. On the top of the building, there was a sky garden that was either big or small. The environment was very good. So he placed his resting place on the roof.

  As the elevator door closed, Tang Ye felt the upward momentum, and everything seemed to return to normal.

But he didn't see that after he entered the elevator, the elevator went up and he could no longer notice the situation on the first floor. One of the four soldiers guarding the door looked at the elevator again. In those eyes, The pupils appear in a completely different sapphire blue from the people on the mainland of China.

   It’s just that this color just flashed and quickly turned into a translucent jet black.

"Old Bai, take a look for me, I'll go to the toilet." The soldier suddenly said something to the tall soldier on the opposite side, the other side nodded, and said cheerfully: "Okay, you go, hurry up. return."

   "Okay." Seeing the other party's agreement, the soldier walked away without any hesitation, and ran quickly towards the toilet. He looked like he should be in a hurry.

  The remaining tall soldiers watched him leave and looked around. After a while, he also felt a swelling in his bladder.

   Maybe it's time to go to the toilet.

He thought in his heart that he was going to tell him to go to the toilet after the soldier came back and relieve the emergency, but he still had to wait for a while, but this wait almost didn't make his mind explode. It was as if the world had evaporated and never came back.

   (end of this chapter)

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