I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 100 Meeting a thief at night

After a whole morning of cabinet meetings, several ministers looked tired.

Queen Mary was about to announce a temporary adjournment of the meeting and continue after lunch when she heard Brian preemptively say: "There is one last topic."

The queen sighed inwardly, and her buttocks that had just lifted half an inch fell back to the chair.

Brian looked at Monod: "Count Monod believes that given the current poor state of textile, steel, glass and other industries, dedicated personnel should be set up to manage these industries in order to reverse the situation."

Queen Mary was too tired to think anymore and asked the chief minister directly: "Archbishop Briand, what do you think should be done?"

This matter has been discussed long ago. Brian immediately said: "Your Majesty, I suggest that we set up an industrial planning bureau to be responsible for the above-mentioned industries. Count Monod will no longer have to take care of these things, and can save energy to better conduct news review."

The Queen felt that it was not a big deal and nodded: "So, who do you think should be in charge of this department?"

Joseph had been waiting for this sentence, and stood up and said: "Your Majesty, leave it to me. Well, this should be a good training opportunity."

Palais Royal.

The Duke of Orleans looked at the British Ambassador to France with great confusion: "You mean, you have already communicated with the Crown Prince about trade negotiations?"

"Indeed." Hartley smiled and nodded.

"So, do you know what he said at the cabinet meeting?" The Duke of Orleans showed a mocking look, "He wants the UK to lower the tariff on wine imported from France to less than 10%, haha, he is simply joking... "

Hartley hesitated for a moment, then said truthfully: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, the British Parliament has agreed to this request in principle and asked me to finalize the negotiation time with your country as soon as possible."

The Duke of Orleans was stunned: "How can you agree to such conditions?"

As he was talking, he suddenly heard the guard shouting from outside the door: "Catch him! He ran that way!"

"Some people, go to the corridor and block him! God, he's like a cunning squirrel!"


"Be careful! His swordsmanship is very powerful..."

The butler quickly pushed the door open and quickly locked the door. Then he said to the Duke of Orleans, "Master, a thief has slipped in. The guards are rounding up him. You are safe here."

The Duke of Orleans frowned, but he was not surprised. There were many people of all kinds coming to the Royal Palace every day, and it was easy for thieves to sneak in. But he was a little curious. There had been so much noise just now, but the guards hadn't caught the thief yet.

Not long after, a guard knocked on the door and came in panting, reporting to the housekeeper.

The latter hurriedly said to the Duke of Orleans: "Sir, it seems that the thief stole something from your document room and just ran out of the Royal Palace."

"This damn guy!" Orleans suddenly darkened his face. There was a lot of important information in the document room, but it was heavily guarded. Why did it get stolen by a thief? !

He immediately ordered: "Send more manpower and be sure to catch him!"

"Yes, sir."

Soon, more than a hundred fully armed guards filed out of the Royal Palace and disappeared into the last ray of sunlight at dusk.

Five carriages were running quickly on the wide stone pavement of Rue Saint-Honoré in Paris.

This is the Crown Prince's "moving" convoy.

Yes, Joseph found that after taking over industrial management, he had too many things to do. If he traveled between Paris and Versailles every day, a lot of time would be wasted.

So he simply bought a house in the Louvre area of ​​Paris as the office location of the "French Industrial Planning Bureau". Then I moved all my daily necessities and office supplies over here and prepared to live here permanently.

On the carriage, Joseph was silently thinking about how to get a large "food fund" in a short time.

He had roughly calculated before that based on a 30% food gap, even if food prices did not fluctuate, at least 60 million livres of food would have to be purchased to barely survive 1788.

This does not include expenses such as building granaries and losses.

As for 1789, it was probably difficult to buy food even abroad. After all, this was a global climate anomaly, and large-scale famines occurred from Europe to Asia.

And if the problem of famine cannot be solved, the hungry people will have no choice but to take their lives...

Joseph first thought of a loan, but with the current financial reputation of the French government, it would be very difficult to borrow so much money in a short period of time. And even if you can get a loan, the interest rate will definitely be exorbitantly high.

The second is to issue public bonds... Forget it, the finance minister has already sold the public bonds that can be sold, and will not keep them for himself.

If you want to make money by engaging in new technologies or the like, you won’t be able to make so much money because you don’t have enough time.

Therefore, you have to make quick money, and you have to make big money...

While his brain was overclocking, he suddenly heard the blast of muskets in the distance, followed by the noise of people, and the carriage suddenly slowed down.

After a while, a guard reported outside the car window: "Your Highness, it seems that we are catching a thief ahead."

"Catching thieves? You fired so many shots?" Joseph was a little surprised, "Is it a gang of thieves?"

"No, Your Highness," the guard said, "It is said that there is only one person."

"One person can cause such a big fight?" Joseph asked again, "Are the police arresting you?"

The guard shook his head: "They are the guards of the Royal Palace, Your Highness."

The Duke of Orleans?

Several more gunshots were heard in the distance, and Emman quickly ordered the driver to retreat and stay away from this place of right and wrong.

Just as the motorcade turned into the alley next to it, a black figure suddenly jumped down from the roof on the right.

The black shadow's hands and feet continuously used force on the window edge to slow down. Taking advantage of the moment when the carriage passed by, he suddenly raised his hand to smash open the window, and then jumped into the car like lightning.

"He" put his left hand on the small wooden table in the car and quickly regained his body balance. At the same time, through the candlelight, he confirmed that there were only two people in the car, and one of them was a young man who posed no threat.

"He" moved very quickly. As soon as his feet were in place, his right hand pulled out a short knife from his waist and slashed at the blond man in the car.

"He" did not intend to kill anyone, but was preparing to hold the man hostage with a knife in order to threaten him and lead him out of the siege.

However, "his" sword had just been swung less than a finger away when a cold light flashed in the hand of the man in front of him, and a short sword was already pressed against "his" throat.

The blond man said solemnly: "Don't move, otherwise you will die!"

The black shadow froze, and the short knife in his hand was taken away by the blond man.


The blond man was about to call someone, but the young man sitting opposite raised his hand to stop him, and then asked the man in black who broke in: "Were the people from the Royal Palace chasing you just now?"

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