I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 121 You must be loyal to His Majesty the King!

After processing the grape pulp, Joseph put the brewing water into another large wooden barrel, keeping the same

After half an hour, Joseph took out the grape pulp that had been soaked in the hot bath, covered it, and began to soak a bucket of grape pulp...

In this way, he and Emang worked hard for three or four hours, and finally processed all the brewing raw materials.

Joseph wiped his sweat and asked Eman to invite in the planters who were waiting eagerly outside.

More than thirty nobles poured into the brewing room, but when they saw the situation here, they immediately looked at each other - water is still water, and grape pulp is still grape pulp.

The old plantation owner looked at Joseph and said carefully: "Your Highness, it seems that you haven't started brewing yet..."

Joseph nodded: "Then let your brewing technician start."

The old noble looked surprised: "You mean, let my people brew it?"

"That's right."

Everyone suddenly looked disappointed. Sure enough, the technology to "reduce the failure rate" and "improve quality" was just a joke made by the Crown Prince.

Seeing their expressions, Joseph couldn't help but smile and pointed to the barrels in the room: "All the important steps have been completed where you can't see them. Brewing is just a simple finishing work, just find someone to do it. "

"Ah...Okay, Your Highness." The older noble summoned the home brewers excitedly and ordered them to start brewing.

When Joseph saw the brewers getting busy, he only told them to reduce their contact with raw materials and use high-temperature vessels, and then left.

A group of nobles sent the crown prince to the avenue outside the Yersen wine cellar. After the latter's car door was closed, they put away their salutes and raised their heads to discuss:

"Viscount Jules, do you think the technologies mentioned by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are true?"

"Normally, His Highness wouldn't come all the way to Bordeaux to joke with us, right?"

"I hope it's true, my wine cellar hasn't made any money for several years..."

"Oh, mine is too..."

"It's useless for us to guess here. We'll know the results of the brewing in a few days."

In the carriage, Joseph leaned on the soft backrest of the seat and enjoyed the rare leisure time - now he just had to wait for the wine to be brewed and then "cinch the net". Before that, I couldn't do anything.

Speaking of which, this was his first vacation after becoming the crown prince.

Where to go to relax? He thought for a while, then turned to ask Eman: "Count Eman, there should be a good beach in Bordeaux, right?"

The latter thought for a while, nodded and said: "Your Highness, if you want to enjoy the beach scenery, I recommend Arcachon. Walk southwest from here and you'll be there in half a day."

"Okay, let's go there!"

Joseph suddenly remembered the doctor who was staying alone at Governor Monslow's villa, and hurriedly ordered: "Go back first and take Dr. Perna with you."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Not long after, Perna, wearing a long white men's coat, her hair tied up, and a three-cornered hat, got on the carriage. When she heard that she was going to Arcachon, she was so excited that she crossed her hands on her chest and cheered: "Oysters! God, I love oysters the most! Thank you, Your Highness the Crown Prince, thank you so much!”

Joseph was startled: "Oyster?"

Emman hurriedly explained to him in a low voice: "Your Highness, Arcachon has been a famous oyster producing area since Roman times."

Perna quickly added: "The best oysters in France!" Her eyes shone with a pious light like a believer's pilgrimage.

Joseph chuckled, but he didn't expect that our doctor lady was still a foodie.

The carriage started, and after another half-day of jolting, it finally arrived at the town of Arcachon.

Joseph stood on the beach, feeling the cool sea breeze blowing on his face - this is a temperate maritime climate. Even in winter, the sea breeze is not too cold. Looking at the large sand dunes in the distance that looked like oil paintings and the golden beach stretching to the sky on the other side, he felt that his heart resonated with nature and was filled with tranquility and serenity.

Perna smelled the faint fishy smell of the sea breeze and smiled at Joseph: "Your Highness, the climate here is very beneficial to your pneumonia. Maybe you should stay here for a while."

Joseph sighed softly: "Yeah, if I could, I really want to live here and never leave."

Perna smiled and continued: "It's just that moving the Palace of Versailles to Bordeaux is not an easy task."

After chatting for a while, the doctor looked around.

Emang smiled and leaned into her ear and said: "I have contacted the best oyster merchant, and he will be there soon."

Perna's pretty face turned slightly red when she was told what was on her mind.

Soon, on the flat beach, the guards used curtains to circle a piece of land. A middle-aged man wearing a black coat with rough and hard skin directed several servants to unload the barrels from the car.

Eman ordered his servants to bring in several exquisite wooden tables, put tablecloths on them, and set out tableware, snacks and wine. Then he turned to the oyster merchant guarding the barrel and motioned: "Please start."

The middle-aged man immediately fished out an oyster that was bigger than his palm from the barrel with calloused hands. He took out his knife and expertly pried and scratched it, and then took out the milky white oyster meat from the hard shell. Put it on the plate in front of Joseph, then cut a lemon, squeezed out the juice and dripped it on the oyster, and gestured to the latter to taste it.

Eat it raw? Joseph was a little embarrassed: Brother, these oysters just fished out of the sea are fresh, but what if something goes wrong after eating them? Do you know about mud bubble worms? What other viruses are coming...

He saw that Perna on the table next to her had picked up a fork with gleaming eyes, and hurriedly stopped her, coughing dryly and saying: "Well, you are in luck today. I know how to cook oysters in a healthier and more delicious way." Way, do you want to try it?”


Joseph thought for a while and asked the oyster merchant to get a grill, garlic and some spices, and then gave detailed instructions...

Half an hour later, on the iron grill, in the oyster shells filled with minced garlic and various spices, the flesh of the oysters has been dyed golden yellow, sizzling and rolling with oil. The rich aroma of meat mixed with the aroma of garlic spread for more than half a mile.

Joseph picked up a piece of walnut-sized oyster meat covered with minced garlic with a fork and put it into his mouth. He immediately narrowed his eyes: This is indeed the best oyster producer in France! The meat is plump, tender, juicy, and has a hint of sweetness! Combined with spices and minced garlic, and roasted over a fire, it feels as if the saltiness of the ocean and the heat of the flames merge into one in the mouth, and it is as sweet as kissing a beautiful and lovely girl!

Ah—that’s the smell!

Perna beside her forgot everything, completely ignoring the lady's reserve, and stuffed roasted oysters with garlic into her mouth. Even though it was so hot that she shed tears, she still refused to stop.

In this way, Joseph spent the first day of his vacation in the company of sunshine, beach and grilled oysters.

What he didn't expect was that soon after, a dish called "Dauphin Oyster" would become popular throughout Bordeaux...

Leisurely holidays always pass quickly, and after eight days of enjoying various places in Bordeaux, Joseph returned to the Yersen cellar again.

Because the wine has been made.

In the warm brewing room, dozens of planters stared at the dozen oak barrels, nervously waiting for the results.

Joseph smiled at the old nobleman aside and said, "Baron Polutak, please check the brewing situation for everyone."

"I obey your orders, Your Highness." Polutak nervously used a nail remover to remove the cork on the barrel, then inserted a hollow glass tube into the barrel, and blocked the opening of the glass tube with his fingers. another side.

When he pulled out the glass tube, a lot of wine had accumulated in the lower end of the tube.

He loosened his fingers and let the wine in the glass tube flow into the wine glass beside him. He picked up the wine glass and smelled it before taking a sip.

Someone beside him asked anxiously: "Baron Polutak, how are you doing?"

There was a flash of light in Polutak's eyes, and he nodded vigorously: "Very good! Although the quality is average because it is cellared grapes, it really does not contain any sourness!"

Another plantation owner hurriedly stepped forward to take the cup, regardless of whether it was someone else's drink. He raised his head and took a sip, and immediately praised excitedly: "There is really no sour taste!"

Polutak took the wine from the next oak barrel, tasted it, and exclaimed again: "It's still the same, not sour at all!"

Everyone could no longer hold back, and asked for wine glasses to come over to taste, and then bursts of excited praises came one after another.

When Polutak finished checking the last oak barrel and looked at Joseph again, there was only reverence in his eyes.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, I can confirm that your brewing technology is effective..." He suddenly shook his head as he spoke, "No, it is simply perfect!"

Twelve barrels of wine, not one barrel failed to brew! Polutak is very aware of the caliber of his own brewers, something that was never possible before.

In the past, if twelve barrels of wine were brewed, as long as no more than two barrels were made into "vinegar", he would definitely reward the brewer.

But this time, with the help of the Crown Prince's magical brewing technology, not a single barrel of wine was spoiled!

You know, this is equivalent to reducing his brewing costs by nearly 30%!

While the brewing success rate is nearly 100%, the quality of the wine has also been greatly improved.

This kind of wine without any sour taste is definitely a high-end product, and the price is at least twice as high as before!

He only felt his heart beating wildly - he had just made a rough calculation, and with this increase and decrease, his annual income would increase by nearly ten thousand livres!

Obviously, other plantation owners have also calculated the benefits that the new technology will bring to them, and they are all discussing it with great excitement.

Suddenly, someone leaned over to Joseph and asked, "Your Highness, how much does this brewing technology cost?"

Everyone was startled and immediately looked at Joseph. Yes, although the income is doubled, if the costs are also doubled, then it will not make much more...

"I haven't calculated this," Joseph was a little unsure. After all, he didn't know how much it would cost to boil a barrel of water. "But the increased cost of a barrel of wine should not exceed 1 sou."

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

A barrel of wine is only 1 sou? Workers in the wine cellar usually take a few sips secretly, and the losses are more than this!

Some people couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths and said proudly: "Let's see how the Venetians will compete with us in the future!"

Another person even laughed heartily: "Not just Venice? With His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's brewing technology, Spanish wine is no match for Bordeaux."

“Bordeaux wine will take over the entire European market!”

"That's right, all Europe is our wine!"

"Long live His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Venio raised the wine glass in his hand and shouted: "To His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

The others immediately raised their glasses and responded in unison: "To His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

After the planters' excitement calmed down a bit and they looked at each other, Count Tollendal stood up on behalf of everyone and bowed to Joseph: "Your Highness, I don't know how we can use your power. A brewing technique?”

Joseph nodded. He had been laying the groundwork for so long, and it was finally time to reap the rewards. He immediately smiled and said: "The purpose of establishing the French Brewing Technology Association is to hand over new brewing technology to members. The technology royalties are the selling price of each barrel of wine." 3%.”

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this. They were worried that the Crown Prince would ask for a high price, but it turned out that it was only 3%. You know, just the improvement in wine quality brought about by new technology can double the price. 3% is almost free of charge.

Count Tollendal immediately asked: "Your Highness, what are the qualifications to join the association?"

Joseph drawled: "I haven't thought about this yet."

Everyone was stunned.

Joseph looked at Vergniaud and other people who had promised to plant a large number of potatoes a few days ago: "However, Mr. Vergniaud, Viscount Clermont, Mr. Mounet and others have already proved their loyalty to His Majesty the King with their actions. Loyalty. To celebrate that loyalty, I think they will be the first ones to become members."

Venio and others were overjoyed. They did not expect that they would get such an unexpected harvest just because they agreed to plant some potatoes in order to reduce the famine among the people!

The other planters couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when they heard that "loyalty to the king was proved", but recalling the recent actions of Venio and others, they immediately found the answer - they agreed to sow potatoes in large quantities!

Baron Polutak lowered his head and thought that as long as new wine-making technology could be obtained, even if there was no harvest from the potatoes grown, the losses could easily be made up with the profit from the wine. After all, the potato "seeds" are provided by the government, and the income from wine can at least double.

Thinking of this, he immediately stepped forward two steps: "Your Highness, I am willing to sow 10 hectares of potatoes!"

Joseph looked at him and asked, "How big is your grape plantation?"

"About 40 hectares."

"Plant 1 hectare of potatoes for every 4 hectares of grapes," Joseph nodded slightly, "This almost shows your loyalty."

Polutak was overjoyed: "Your Highness, can I join the association?"

"Yes." Joseph nodded, "The membership fee is calculated based on the area of ​​the plantation, 50 livres per hectare per year."

"Membership fee?" Polutak subconsciously looked at Venio and others. Seeing that Joseph didn't express anything, he immediately understood - they had a discount.

However, this membership fee is nothing compared to the huge benefits brought by the new brewing technology. He immediately agreed.

Seeing this, other plantation owners rushed to express their opinions, "Your Highness, I can also plant 30 hectares of potatoes. Oh, I have a total of 120 hectares of vineyards."

"Your Highness, I am willing to sow 25 hectares..."

"Your Highness, I also sow 50 hectares..."

As for the "Land Tax Alliance", they have long forgotten about it.

Joseph smiled and motioned for everyone to register the area in Emona and sign the planting contract.

Venio looked at the scene where the planters were enthusiastically signing up to plant potatoes. He suddenly remembered something and hurriedly came to Joseph's side and said: "Your Highness, Count Ludney and the others don't know what happened today. Do you think it's necessary?" Shall I inform them?"

He was talking about those people who asked for leave and did not come on the second day of the meeting that Joseph called.

Joseph sneered and shook his head: "Thank you for the reminder, but there is no need. Not everyone can reach the entry threshold of the French Brewing Technology Association."

When the surrounding planters heard this, they all felt chills running down their spines, but at the same time they felt happy.

You know, if most wine cellars start to use new brewing technology, wine cellars without this technology will soon lose their competitiveness and go bankrupt.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to Earl Ludney that day, otherwise my own brewing workshop might have been included in the bankruptcy list.

Thanks to: Tianwu, Invincible Hulk Dad, Honey Mountain and several big guys for their generous rewards for this book! The young author is grateful!

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