I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 254 The Contribution of the Duke of Orleans

Chapter 255 The Contribution of the Duke of Orleans

Petit Trianon.

Queen Mary sighed sadly:

"This is simply a disaster. Even someone as respected as the Duke of Orleans was killed by those mobs..."

Joseph pushed the strawberry cake towards her:

"In effect, he committed treason."

The queen gestured to the group of musicians sitting beside the door:

"Mozart's new "Sonata in A Minor", thank you."

She looked at the cake and shook her head:

"But then he should be judged by the right person, rather than die a violent death."

Joseph thought to himself, if you were the chief judge, he would probably be able to harm France for another 20 years...

The sad tune coming from the piano made him frown, and he turned sideways and winked at Clementine, who was spinning the cake heartlessly.

The little loli hurriedly wiped the cake crumbs from her mouth and took the queen's arm:

"Dear aunt, don't be too sad. God will definitely punish those cruel thugs... By the way, would you like some pudding? As long as you add double sugar, pudding can always make all your worries disappear. "

Joseph held his forehead and glanced towards the piano continuously.

Clementine suddenly said "Oh" in realization, slipped to the side of the musicians, and murmured a few words in a low voice.

The piano paused, and then turned into Handel's cheerful "Water Music".

The BGM is finally suitable. Joseph turned to Queen Mary and said:

"Mother, this just shows that it is inappropriate to use the army to manage public security.

"You see, the mobilization of the army is slow to begin with. They are usually stationed in military camps. If something happens in the city, it will take a long time for them to arrive.

“Furthermore, their powerful firepower is of no use in maintaining law and order. Instead, they may accidentally injure innocent people.

"There were also citizen demonstrations in Paris this time, but no trouble occurred. This is because Paris has undergone police reforms and the police patrolling the streets quickly brought the situation under control."

Queen Mary looked at her son: "So, you think police reform should be carried out in other places as well?"

"Yes, I am very sure that the promotion of the new police force system can quickly calm down the riots."

The funding requirements for police reform nationwide are huge, with tens of millions of livres required to be invested in the first year. Therefore, the queen had always been cautious before, but this riot made her waver.

"But, this requires a lot of money..."

Joseph smiled:

"I have discussed with Archbishop Brian that there is not much financial pressure. For example, you can use banks for investment loans or issue special bonds..."

Of course this was an excuse to deceive me. In fact, he was eyeing the tens of millions of livres of property owned by the Duke of Orleans.

He knew that many nobles, including the queen, believed that the Duke of Chartres should inherit the wealth.

However, he held the High Court in his hands, and the Duke of Orleans was charged with treason. If this could not confiscate his assets, then he might as well find a piece of tofu and kill him.

With this huge sum of money, there will be enough money for local tariff reform, let alone police reform.

Speaking of which, this can be regarded as the only contribution the Duke of Orleans has made to France in his life.

Queen Mary hesitated for a long time and finally nodded:

"Then let's carry out police reform across the country as you say."

She also knew that the police reform was initiated by her son. If the riots could be controlled, the reputation of the crown prince would be greatly improved.

Joseph was so happy that he immediately scooped a spoonful of strawberry pudding with double sugar and put it into his mother's mouth. Then he took out the decree he had prepared and signed it for her, and then ran out of Little Tria like a fly. Farm Palace.


Clementine originally wanted to say goodbye to Joseph, but when she turned around, he was nowhere to be seen. She immediately pouted in grievance and had to turn to the queen and said:

"Dear aunt, you know that your uncle is not in good health. My father wants me to return to Vienna with him to visit your Majesty, so I will leave Paris in the next few days."

The uncle she was talking about was the current Archduke of Austria, Emperor Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire.

Queen Mary's expression suddenly changed slightly. Joseph II had no heirs, and this was a gesture to recall his younger brother, Leopold II, Clementine's father, to succeed him to the throne.

Although she knew that her brother had been suffering from serious illness, she didn't expect it to be so serious, so she hurriedly asked:

"How is your uncle?"

"My father seems to have said that His Majesty only handles government affairs for half an hour every day..."

Queen Mary lowered her head sadly. There had been so many things that had made her sad recently, making her feel as if she had aged several years.

Soon, "Sonata in A Minor" sounded in the room again.

Joseph felt a lot more relaxed when he got the decree on national police reform.

Although he was confident in persuading me and even released the manpower responsible for implementing the reform in advance, without a formal decree, many things would be unfair.

He knew very well that popular riots were a ferocious monster.

He released this monster to eat the carrion on France's body, but if he couldn't make it disappear immediately, then it would continue to devour France's life.

Therefore, the "little fate" launched by him against the feudal privileged class has only just passed its half.

That is to say, he has basically mastered the domestic internal affairs, public opinion, justice, finance, military and other departments before he dares to take the risk of using this strong medicine. But even so, a slight mistake may cause a huge crisis.

Not long after, he got on a carriage to Paris to personally urge the High Court to register the police reform decree.

He looked out the window at the Palace of Versailles and suddenly shook his head and laughed. Since he came to this world, he has been trying his best to avoid the occurrence of a big fate, but he did not expect that in the end he would personally create a small revolution.

Southern France.


In front of the gate of the police station, the police officer who had just arrived from Paris looked at the more than a hundred civilian patrol members standing crookedly in front of him. He recalled the way His Royal Highness the Crown Prince lectured him, and tried to imitate:

"Good morning, gentlemen! I don't like to talk nonsense. I only have three things in total...

“First, from now on, all civilian patrol teams in Nice will be incorporated into the police department and become official police!


In a trance, he returned to the St. Anthony district, that morning that changed his life.

He suddenly said loudly:

"Please believe me, this will be an opportunity to change your destiny!"

This sentence was not what the Crown Prince said back then.

There was only one day for training on the use of anti-riot crotches, and then the new police officers received crisp uniforms and followed the two police officers onto the streets of Nice.

Of course, the old police force is also following behind them.

The police officers from Paris said that as long as you behave well enough, you don't have to go to the "daily affairs team".

(Because there is a double monthly ticket event at the end of this month, you can save your monthly tickets first, and then double your vote for this book at the end of the month! Thank you to the young author!)

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