I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 257 The Incorruptible

Chapter 258 The Incorruptible

Second floor of the Palace of Versailles.

Loud shouts from the square reached the office of the Minister of Industry: "These untouchables killed Count Dimonceau, please put them on trial immediately!"

"No need to judge, just hang them!"

"Yes! Hang these guys!"

"Thanks to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, it was his police who caught these murderers..."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for bringing peace and order to France."

"Long live His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

These are the nobles who are watching the Guards escorting the rioters in the square. At this time, they completely forgot about their upbringing and identity, and shouted wildly like sans-culottes on the street to vent their fear and anger.

Joseph glanced at the window and couldn't help but feel a little funny. He had deliberately suppressed the old nobles, but now they were praising him as a hero who quelled the riots.

But this is good, at least no one will talk too much about police reform.

He signaled Eman to close the window, and then looked at Mirabeau: "Then please submit this bill to Her Majesty the Queen as soon as possible so that it can be discussed at the cabinet meeting the day after tomorrow.

"Now that the nobles' attention is focused on trying the rioters, the bill should not encounter too many obstacles."

"Yes, Your Highness." Mirabeau said, carefully putting away the "Grain Production Bill" manuscripts that had just been sorted on the table.

Joseph continued: "Now there is a vacancy in the position of the Home Secretary. Because the Home Secretary has too heavy responsibilities, I plan to divide it into three ministers: Agriculture, Police, and Commerce."

He looked at Venio who was standing aside: "I will nominate you as Minister of Agriculture at the cabinet meeting. However, because your political qualifications are relatively low, His Majesty may only grant you the temporary Minister of Agriculture."

"Ah, me?!" Venio was startled, and he stood up and touched his chest excitedly and said, "Thank you! Thank you for your trust, Your Highness! I swear that I will do my best to make the country's agriculture flourish!"

He had been a plantation owner before, and among Joseph's men, he was the most familiar with agriculture.

And he himself never imagined that a chance encounter with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in Bordeaux would actually make him soar to the point where he was about to become a cabinet minister.

Joseph also warned: "You must cooperate more with the church on agricultural matters. In the lower-class villages, only the church can really influence the farmers."

"Yes, Your Highness, I will keep your request in mind."

Joseph nodded at him, then turned to Bai Yi and said: "And I hope you can serve as Secretary of Commerce. I hope you will not refuse."

"Of course." Bai Yi looked much more stable than Venio, bowing and saluting, "I will always obey your orders, and I will never let you down."

The reason why Joseph "chopped" the Minister of the Interior was indeed because he was responsible for too many things, which was difficult for one person to manage, but he also wanted to stuff more emerging nobles into the cabinet.

In today's cabinet, except for the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Household Registration and the Minister of Justice, almost all are emerging aristocrats - including Talleyrand, the archbishop, who is actually an open-minded person.

In this way, the various policies he needed to promote the French Industrial Revolution could be passed very smoothly.

In the future, the European continent will compete for industrial strength!

The public trials of the rioters started very quickly.

Of course, this also stems from the fact that when Joseph ordered the Police Intelligence Division to escort the gang members, they attached a lot of investigation results on them, as well as information obtained from the local police station.

Even the witnesses were brought with them to Paris.

The public trial was held in the square in front of the City Hall. Because there were so many people involved in the case, almost all the High Court was dispatched, and six temporary courts were held at the same time.

There were not many ordinary citizens who came to watch this time, but thousands of people came from the nobles of the Palace of Versailles - as if to personally confirm that the thugs who had caused them great fear were actually sentenced to death.

What the onlookers nobility did not expect was that these thugs almost unanimously confessed that someone paid a high price to incite them to incite the riot.

Subsequently, the spies sent by the Duke of Orleans to various provinces were brought up to be identified by gang members-in the early stages of the operation of the Police Intelligence Division, many such spies were caught.

The result was that without exception, the rioters were confirmed to have been instigated by these people, and the presiding judge announced in court that these masterminds would be tried in separate cases.

As for the police intelligence agents who later controlled the gang members, they were regarded as subordinates of the previous "boss" due to their inertia of thinking.

Therefore, during the trial, although some rioters mentioned that the masterminds who instigated them had some "agents", since these people were not arrested, the judge did not pay much attention to them.

The trial moved quickly, with barely half an hour before a gang member was sentenced to hang.

Their crimes go far beyond riot crimes. Almost everyone has a lot of murders, kidnappings, robberies, and the like.

In this way, some onlookers who originally thought they were rioting because they didn't have enough to eat, and who sympathized with them, also joined in cursing them.

So every time the judge sentenced a rioter, there would be enthusiastic cheers all around - the nobles and citizens reached an unprecedented consensus on hanging these guys.

When Joseph arrived in front of the City Hall Square, he had completed the trial of fifty or sixty rioters.

He just passed by here on his way to the Paris Police Academy and wanted to see the reaction of the nobles.

When he heard the continuous shouts of "Long live the judge" and "If the sentence is good, it should be hanging", he nodded silently and prepared to leave.

Just when Joseph was telling Emang to go to the Paris Police Academy, he suddenly heard a noise coming from more than ten meters away.

He turned around and saw several nobles from the Palace of Versailles dragging a young man who was giving a speech from the tree stump and punching him.

The young man didn't show any weakness. With one against four, they fought back and forth.

The nearby policemen quickly rushed towards them with whistles blowing and used explosion-proof crotches to separate the two parties: "What are you doing!"

The nobles pointed at the young people angrily and shouted: "This foreigner actually said that those rioters cannot be sentenced to death!"

"This bastard, he must be an accomplice of the rioters!"

"Arrest him quickly!"

The police asked them to be quiet, and then looked at the young man: "What is your name? Where are you from?"

The young man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a slight northern accent: "I am Robespierre, Maximilien François de Robespierre, and I am the lawyer in Arras. "

Before the police said anything, Joseph, who was not far away, suddenly stopped and turned to look at the young man.

Robespierre? Arras's lawyer?

Unexpectedly, I met Mr. Ronaldinho, the "tyrant" and "murderer" of the Jacobins and the "incorruptible" here today?

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