I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 260 Marquis Wellesley’s Trip to Morocco

Chapter 261 Marquis Wellesley’s Trip to Morocco

The officers in the room all looked surprised when they heard this.

Most of them did not understand the importance of the General Staff matter mentioned before, and even regarded it as a means for the Crown Prince to seize military power, so they did not have much trouble in their hearts.

But the honor and significance of the legion's actual royal title is very clear to everyone.

Although they have always claimed to be the Crown Prince's Guards in private, they were only awarded privately by His Highness, and now this is a genuine royal title signed by His Majesty the King!

This means that the Palace of Versailles recognizes the Berthier Corps and the police academy students, which means that from now on they will be the "top class" in the military world!

Thinking that other ordinary troops would respect them and drool with envy at the royal emblems on their uniforms, the officers felt extremely comfortable in their hearts!

At the same time, everyone also knows that after officially becoming the Royal Legion, all aspects of treatment will also increase. Of course, these are just minor things...

All the officers stood up and stood at attention, holding their heads high and loudly shouting: "Long live His Majesty the King!"

Lefebvre took the lead and said: "Thank you, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! The loyalty of the Legion will always belong to you!"

The other legions immediately followed suit and said in unison: "Thank you, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! The loyalty of the legion will always belong to you!"

Yes, they knew very well that without His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, they would probably still be messing around in a certain army, with no chance of getting ahead, let alone any talk of a royal title.

Everything they have now is brought to them by His Highness, how can they not be grateful?

Joseph smiled and nodded in response, motioned for everyone to sit down, and encouraged everyone before announcing the end of the meeting.

After the other officers left, Berthier came to Joseph and said with a guilty look on his face: "Your Highness, the recruitment of noble officers you ordered before did not go well... There are rumors that the officers have secretly formed an 'alliance' , to resist the Guards Corps."

Joseph knew that although most of the hereditary noble officers were useless, they could not be beaten to death with a stick. Even among the marshals who took over the emperor, there were many officers from old aristocrats, and their abilities were quite strong.

In addition, the Guards Corps is currently short of mid-level officers.

In the past, this problem was not obvious when the army was small, but now that he is preparing to rapidly expand the size of the new army, the middle-level army has become seriously insufficient - lower-level officers can be trained by the Paris Police Academy, but the middle-level army is It requires accumulated combat experience.

This takes a relatively long time to do. The Guards Corps has only been established for a short period of time, so it is difficult to cultivate enough middle-level regiments.

At present, if we can absorb some enlightened old aristocratic officers and train them a little, it will be very helpful to quickly form combat effectiveness.

In addition, Joseph was not so arrogant as to think that there were so many military schools in France to train enough French army officers, and he could do it with just one Paris police academy.

Therefore, it is also very important to integrate existing military academies.

The military academy is basically still the domain of the old aristocratic officers. Even if some military academies that are of little use are closed, the support of a large number of hereditary officers is still needed to ensure sufficient teaching staff.

Joseph frowned slightly. Listening to what Berthier said just now, the old aristocratic officers were still very resistant.

But he can also understand that after all, his reform of the officer system has destroyed their "iron rice bowl." Although they no longer dare to go against themselves publicly because of their passive quelling of chaos last time, but in private, you really can't do anything to resist them.

Joseph originally thought that he would be able to win over many old aristocratic officers by improving their salaries, but he did not expect that they were actually quite "united".

Berthier said hesitantly: "Your Highness, do you think we should increase the salary of recruiting officers a little more..."

Joseph immediately shook his head: "No."

Raising the remuneration of these hereditary officers too high will definitely cause dissatisfaction among civilians and officers of minor aristocrats.

How to integrate these people? Joseph couldn't help but fell into deep thought...

North Africa.

Moroccan royal city, Meknes.

The British Foreign Secretary, the Marquess Wellesley, looked back at the tall city walls and the tall black guards standing on both sides of the city gate. He turned to the British Consul in Morocco and said: "This is really a great city. What do you think? , Baron Green?"

The short middle-aged man nodded: "Yes, Lord Marquis, at least among the countries of the Maghreb, this is the largest and most prosperous city."

"So only it has enough strength to curb the impulses of the adventurers in Versailles."

Marquis Wellesley said as he and Baron Green got on the carriage again and drove towards the palace.

The Foreign Secretary glanced at the black knights guarding the surroundings, frowned and whispered: "Their sultan's hobbies are really unique. I mean, they obviously have soldiers who look more pleasing to the eye."

Baron Green explained to him: "100 years ago, their Sultan Ismail relied on the 'Mujahideen Legion' composed of 20,000 black slave soldiers to defeat the opponents on the coast and established the Alawi dynasty. Since then, , their Imperial Guards are all made up of black people.”

"Well," the Marquis of Wellesley shrugged, "whether they are black slaves or Arabs, they are always useful on the battlefield. Oh, I remember that our Colonel Hyde Parker was also used by them Defeated."

He was talking about the Seven Years' War, when the British naval captain Hyde Parker humiliated the Moroccan Sultan for no reason and was captured by the Moroccan navy, a branch of the Barbary pirates. The British paid 200,000 silver coins to redeem him.

It was also since then that the British were less willing to provoke the most powerful country on the northwest coast of Africa.

"Do you think Tuus will accept your suggestion?" Baron Green finally found the opportunity to interrupt the chat and talk about business, "I mean, there is a quite large piece of land west of Valsenis."

The Tuous he was talking about was Algiers Dey, and their main purpose of coming to Morocco this time was to "bring together" Algiers and Morocco.

"He has no other choice." Marquis Wellesley said with a relaxed expression, "Their parliament will let him accept it."

Baron Green corrected him in a low voice: "That is 'Diffin', which is quite different from the usual parliament."

While the two were talking, the carriage had stopped.

This time, the person who greeted them was no longer the black guard that the Marquis of Wellesley didn't like very much, but was replaced by a Berber with light brown skin.

The palace official bowed respectfully to the two of them: "Distinguished guests, the great Sultan is waiting for you."

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