I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 268 In the 18th century, the most important thing was talent!

Chapter 269 In the 18th century, the most important thing was talent!

"You did a great job. Joseph looked at Murdoch and praised him. "Your fruitful work has brought much-needed irrigation water to hundreds of parishes and driven a large number of mills, allowing them to be used even when the river water froze last winter.

"You and the United Steam Engine Company have been widely praised by all French people, including me. In fact, I admire you more than anyone else."

Although what he said was a bit exaggerated, Murdoch really deserved these praises.

It took him only half a year to help the United Steam Engine Company complete the full production line of steam engines. So far, the LJ15 15-horsepower steam engine produced has been very mature, and the failure rate is very close to Watt's similar products.

And at Joseph's request, Murdoch also completed the compactness of LJ15. Not counting accessories such as water tanks, it can be towed around the world with a donkey cart. In this regard, he even surpassed Watt.

It turns out that he was not bragging at the beginning. He is indeed a world-class technician.

Murdoch was so flattered that his face flushed with praise. He immediately touched his chest and bowed, saying: "I am extremely honored to receive your affirmation. Please believe that I will definitely make the United Steam Engine Company reach a more glorious peak!" He paused and raised his voice: "That will be a glory that surpasses Bolton-Watt Company!" Joseph wanted to laugh when he heard this. How deep must this technician's resentment towards Watt be? He suddenly had a bad idea. If he painted a contour painting of Watt with a stern face and hung it in Murdoch's office, would it be possible to improve the latter's work efficiency by several times? Sandel on the side continued: "Your Highness, in fact, we are already on the road to surpassing." He and Murdoch looked at each other: "The prototype of our latest high-pressure steam engine LJ26H has completed the test two months ago, and it has been working normally for more than 60 hours continuously, and the power has reached 26 horsepower!" "Great!" Although Joseph had heard about this news before, he was still very happy to hear it again at this time. High-pressure steam engines are the direction of the future and are a real tool that can improve thermal efficiency. Higher thermal efficiency means less coal consumption and more things can be done!

Due to Watt's conservatism and stubbornness, he has been unwilling to accept high-pressure steam engines, so France has already gone ahead of Britain in this field.

Murdoch added: "Your Highness, we have basically completed the mass production preparations for LJ26H, and it is expected that production and sales will begin at the beginning of next month."

As he spoke, the rail car had arrived at the main entrance of the United Steam Engine Company.

Joseph wanted to see the latest model of high-pressure steam engine, so he got off the car here.

The company was busy and lively, and the craftsmen kept moving materials into the shed. There were sounds of clanging and hitting metal everywhere - the machinery of this era was mainly built by hand.

Of course, there were also harsh "sizzling" sounds from drilling machines, milling machines, etc., which, together with the workers' shouting, constituted a rough and high-pitched movement belonging to the steam age.

The workers just took a curious look at the team of gorgeously dressed visitors, and continued to work under the urging of the supervisor.

Most of them were recruited in the past six months and had never seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Murdoch took Joseph to the "Second Assembly Site" on the east side of the company, where a steam engine more than one person tall was placed, which was obviously larger than LJ15, and several craftsmen were busy around it.

After Murdoch learned that the crown prince was coming, he asked people to start burning the boiler. At this time, he stepped forward to look at the pressure gauge, asked the craftsman next to him a few words, and then operated it himself.

More than ten minutes later, LJ26H blew out a cloud of white smoke, and the piston slowly moved.

The huge iron wheel used as a load began to rotate, and as coal blocks were continuously added to the furnace, the speed became faster and faster.

Murdoch looked at the smoothly running machine and proudly turned to Joseph and said: "Your Highness, with reliable high-pressure steam engine technology, John and I plan to scale it up and strive to build a "monster" with more than 50 horsepower!"

After the high-pressure steam engine technology matured, the difficulty of scaling it up was not too high. It mainly involved the casting and pressure testing of boilers and cylinders, as well as the redesign of valves.

Joseph was immediately moved when he heard this.

You know, if the output power of the steam engine can reach 100 horsepower, then if three or four are installed at the same time, it can drive the warships of this era!

Even without such a large power, a little further, reaching about 70 horsepower, it is a qualified paddle steamer power for inland shipping.

That will be a transportation revolution!

Although paddle steamers are far less effective in promoting productivity than trains, this improvement is also very obvious in Western Europe where inland waterways are dense.

If it is incorporated into the Rhine waterway, French goods can be shipped to Germany for sale at very low freight rates.

This will bring huge profits to France!

However, after repeated weighing, Joseph still decided to put the large high-pressure steam engine aside for the time being.

Murdoch has other important uses - the influence of gas lamps may be less than that of paddle steamers, but it is also much simpler and more effective.

Joseph couldn't help but sigh, if only there were more people like Murdoch.

It's a pity that he only picked up one.

He raised his hand and pressed down, interrupting Murdoch's passion: "Actually, I have something very important that I need you to do as soon as possible."

"Ah? Okay, please do as you please."

Joseph motioned for him to enter the office next to him, closed the door to isolate the noise of the steam engine, and then said: "I plan to install gas street lights for all the streets in Paris. Yes, it is the combustible gas generated from coal as you mentioned. We You can use it to light up street lights.”

Although Murdoch wanted to build his large steam engine more, he couldn't help but become interested when he heard about lighting up all the streets in Paris.

"But, Your Highness, I have the technology to distill coal to obtain gas. Oh, I have also applied for a patent in Paris, but there is no suitable lamp that can use it yet."

"This requires you to show your talent." Joseph smiled, "I believe this will not be difficult for you."

He said to himself that he only needs to let you come up with your invention two or three years early, and if the bonus is enough, it should be no problem, right?

"I have some ideas..." Murdoch rubbed his hands subconsciously, thought for a moment, raised his head and said, "Okay, Your Highness, I will build this thing as soon as possible!"

Joseph nodded with satisfaction: "I will set up a gas lamp company. I can buy your patent, or you can use the patent to invest in shares. Oh, the investment in the company is about 3 million livres."

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