I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 275 Disintegrating the Aboriginal Tribes

Chapter 276 Disintegrating the Aboriginal Tribes

Marquis Wellesley smiled calmly: "Well, this is in line with the habits of the Ottomans.

Lord Talmos said anxiously: "But, Lord Marquis, your North African strategy is to form a pincer attack on Tunisia. If the Ottomans don't move..."

The British Foreign Secretary nodded: "Not only them, the Moroccans are probably just waiting and watching, and they can get our assistance anyway."

"How is this okay?!"

The Marquis of Wellesley motioned for him to calm down: "We still have Benjiour, oh, he is a pasha now.

"He will be happy to go and plunder Tunisia if you give him orders."

Benjiour was able to successfully launch a coup with a large amount of British assistance. This includes funds, weapons, and British people.

Now, at least 30% of Benjiour's team are Tripoli officers supported by the British. They can have a huge influence on Benjiour's decision-making.

At the same time, looting Tunisia was also politically correct for the Ottomans - it was a "rebellious province" that had openly betrayed the Sultan and must be severely punished - so Benjiul's soldiers could not object. In fact, most of the time they are very willing to do this kind of thing that can make them rich.

The Marquis of Wellesley continued: "If the French leave it alone, the Algiers will also be encouraged to raid Tunisia from the west, as they have often done before."

Lord Talmos understood immediately: "If the French attack the Tripoli army, then the Moroccans must carry out a diversionary attack on Tunisia in accordance with the agreement with us. Benjiour can just withdraw to Tripoli and hold on."

The Marquis of Wellesley listened to the sound of heavy sails unfurling above his head, walked to the hanging window, and watched the water slowly recede: "I hope the French can attack Tripoli in one fell swoop, and those Whig guys will never be there again." An excuse to prevent our fleet from interfering in Mediterranean affairs."

The Maghreb diplomatic envoy added: "And this will cause a serious conflict with the Ottomans. We can even help transport more Ottoman troops to Tripoli to fight with the French."

The Marquis of Wellesley turned back and gave him an approving look: "Your understanding of the situation in the Mediterranean is very profound. I think we can safely leave the North African affairs to you.

"And I can devote more of my energy to the situation in the Lowlands and Denmark."

Tunisian city.

Surrounded by the guards, Joseph reluctantly boarded the carriage.

There was such a big movement in Tripoli, and it was impossible that the news would not spread back to Versailles. Then, Queen Mary learned from unknown sources that her son had gone to the "domestic province" across the Mediterranean. Another coup broke out in a neighboring country, and she immediately nervously sent palace officials to recall the crown prince to Paris.

Although Joseph really wants to take command here to deal with the British conspiracy, he still has to listen to his mother's words...

The carriage started slowly, he picked up the documents sent from Paris, and took one last look at the exquisite Cahill Palace in the distance.

The dome of the palace shines in the sun, as beautiful as a castle in a fairy tale.

Joseph suddenly had an idea, signaled to stop the car, called Joan and Silada who were seeing them off, and asked: "Excuse me, do you want to live in Cahir Palace? I mean, it's quite free, the palace is in charge of food and drink There are dances and banquets every day.”

"You're really good at joking," Joan smiled in response, "That's Haji Bey's residence."

Silada smiled and continued: "But if there is such a good thing, no one will refuse it."

Joseph asked again: "Even if you give up the career you are focusing on, are you willing to go?"

Silada said: "If you enjoy such luxury and comfort, what else can you not let go of?"

"I think so too." Joseph nodded and looked at Joan, "Then the problem of the tribe not being managed by the government should be solved."

The latter was immediately overjoyed: "Your Highness, what should we do?"

“Have you been to the Garden of Eden in Paris?”

"Ah?" Qiao An didn't react. He was stunned for a moment before nodding and said, "Yes, Your Highness, I took my wife there once."

"With 150,000 livres for you, can we build a similar amusement park at the Cahill Palace? Oh, half the size will do."

"I will do my best to fulfill your orders, Your Highness."

"Then we will invest another 100,000 to 200,000 livres to expand the Cahir Palace. Build more facilities for entertainment and enjoyment."

"I don't quite understand what you mean, Your Highness."

Joseph gave him a meaningful smile: "You may have forgotten how to deal with these tribes. Our Majesty the Sun King has already given the answer."


"Invite the leaders of each tribe and powerful figures to Cahir Palace and grant them noble titles. Oh, I will ask Her Majesty the Queen to give you an edict on this."

Joseph glanced in the direction of the Cahill Palace: "Then, entertain them with the most luxurious banquets and dances, and give them the best enjoyment. The expenses will be paid by the finances of the Tunisian provinces.

"Then tell them that nobles must stay in a luxurious place like Cahir Palace to show their noble status. Only by getting closer to Bey can they be truly superior.

"You should know what happens next, just do it like the Sun King did."

Joey's eyes widened when he heard this, and he murmured after a while: "Is this...is this okay?"

Joseph patted his shoulder: "It depends on whether you can make the tribal leaders addicted and unable to extricate themselves. Oh, if it doesn't work, you can guide public opinion and make the leaders living in Cahir Palace look down on those people. Peers who stay in the tribe.”

Joey swallowed. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's method seemed to cost more than 300,000 livres, but it was much cheaper than sending troops to punish! And it will not offend the major tribes.

He stroked his chest with sincerity and bowed: "Your Highness, please rest assured, within half a year, no, within four months, I will definitely collect the taxes from those tribes!"

If he can't collect taxes when the tribal leader and the main people in power are no longer in the clan, then he will really have no shame in continuing to stay in this position.

Eastern Tunisia, Djerba Island.

More than twenty sailing ships are docked outside the port. The dock here is really too small - it used to be an outpost of the Barbary pirates, and it has not been seriously constructed, so it can only dock three ships at a time.

On the pier, thousands of ragged people crowded together, looking towards the ship, and making anxious urging sounds from time to time.

They used to be the arrogant Tunisian Guards, but now, they are all eagerly waiting for a place to survive.

Those ships could take them to distant New Zealand, where there was plenty of arable land to keep them fed. They had had enough of starving on this shabby island.

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