I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 28 Meeting Sadako at night (please vote for me)

Seeing this, Emang hurriedly took two steps forward, opened the kitchen door, and lowered his head to wait for the crown prince to enter. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

Guard captain Kesode did not expect that His Highness would suddenly turn towards the kitchen. He made a mistake and turned around to wave to the two guards and followed quickly.

Joseph stepped through the door and saw that the kitchen was very spacious, with six or seven huge chopping boards put together in the middle, exuding the smell of fish and spices, and surrounded by various ingredients and cooking utensils. Only half of the lights in the room were on, but there was no cook on duty.

He remembered that even if there were no dances or celebrations in the palace, there should be at least three to five royal chefs on duty at night, but what was going on today.

Joseph walked inside and walked around a brown locker that was more than two meters high and four meters wide. He vaguely heard a rustling sound coming from the corner.

But there was a shelf full of pots and metal spoons blocking his view, making it difficult to see what was going on there.

Joseph was a little curious, what were the chefs doing hiding in the corner? Want to play cards in the evening?

He turned around the wooden frame in confusion and looked up to see a short man standing with his back to him under the light in the corner, wearing a wrinkled white robe and long, messy black hair.

Only then did Joseph notice that there was a large tilted wooden board in front of the man. The board was riddled with knife marks and there were a lot of blood stains around it, which looked extremely strange under the beating candlelight.

The man in white robe seemed to be very focused. Only then did he hear the movement behind him and turned around suddenly.

Joseph's pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw that the man's front was covered in blood, and he was holding a black and red sharp knife in his hand. His face was hidden behind his long and messy hair, and a pair of round eyes with green light could be vaguely seen. And the hair hanging down to the waist is still stuck with sticky bits and pieces, like the entrails of something...

There was a buzz in Joseph's mind, and he felt adrenaline rushing through his body in an instant. There was only one thought in his mind: I X! Sadako?!

He immediately jumped back hard, and his back hit the wooden stand with the spoon hanging on it, making a messy noise.

He ignored the pain and was about to turn around when he saw Eman coming over, holding a short sword in his left hand and pulling the crown prince behind him with his right hand.

"Protect His Highness!" Eman shouted.

Kesode secretly thought that something was wrong, so he rushed over with a few quick steps, drew his sword and stood side by side with the attendant.


He shouted immediately, and at the same time turned his head to Joseph and said: "Your Highness, please exit first!"

More than a dozen of the crown prince's personal guards rushed in. They suppressed their fear of the thing that was unknown as a ghost or a witch, and pulled the gun as if they were dead, pointing their guns at Sadako in the corner.

At this moment, Sadako finally moved.

She threw the knife in her hand into the air, inserted her fingers into her long hair, squatted down with her head in her hands, and let out a harsh scream: "Ah——"

Joseph was startled and poked his head out from behind Eman, suddenly feeling that this Sadako seemed a bit familiar.

"Hey, stop barking." He tried to communicate with Sadako, "Who are you...?"

When Sadako heard his voice, she was obviously stunned for a moment. She raised her head and looked through the gap in her hair. Her voice was trembling: "Your Highness, the King?"

"Huh? You know me?"

Sadako nodded desperately: "It's me! Your Highness, I'm Perna! Don't, don't shoot!"

Kesode stepped forward carefully, brushed the woman's hair away, breathed a sigh of relief, put away his sword, turned around and said:

"Your Highness, it is indeed Miss Perna."

Joseph, whose head was covered with black lines, looked at Perna and the blood-stained wooden board behind her, and said doubtfully:

"You? What are you doing here?"

"I..." Perna subconsciously looked at her hand and found that the knife was "missing". She explained with wandering eyes, "Well... I am helping Mr. Wallister cut up the meat."

As she spoke, she frantically wiped the blood on her hands repeatedly on her brown apron, then grabbed a hair tie on the ground, tied her long hair back, and hurriedly curtsied and saluted: "Your Highness, the Crown Prince."

Joseph looked at the blood on her face, took out his handkerchief and signaled: "Wipe your face."

Eman quickly took the handkerchief, stepped forward and handed it to Perna.

The latter took it carefully, and as she carefully wiped it on her face, an ivory-white face gradually emerged.

On that delicate face, a pair of light green eyes are like two clear emerald beads. The eyelashes are dark and thick, especially the pair of pear dimples beside the delicate red lips, which are even sweeter. They are different from the terrifying one before "Sadako" is completely different.

Joseph was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "I have never seen you dressed like this. You are very beautiful."

He looked at the wooden board behind Perna, on which a small beast was neatly fixed with nails.

It was a rabbit, with neat abdominal incisions and well-divided internal organs.

He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Are you practicing anatomy?"

Perna was shocked and waved her hands repeatedly: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense..."

Joseph stepped forward and looked at the rabbit, nodded and said: "What a professional technique. Have you practiced it for a long time?"

He looked at Perna again: "By the way, why are you practicing dissection in the kitchen?"

Perna felt nervous when she heard the determination in his tone. The Crown Prince actually knew anatomy, so she might not be able to rely on him now.

She clasped the fingers of her left hand hard with her right hand, hesitated for a while, and finally seemed to have made some kind of determination, suddenly puffed up her chest, and said loudly:

"Your Highness, yes, I am practicing anatomy!"

She took a deep breath, as if she finally said what she had been holding back for a long time:

“I think the current climate is very unfavorable to the development of medicine!

“For example, women cannot study medicine, which is a serious restriction on medicine and is even more unfair to women!

“I admire my father very much. I have been accompanying him to treat patients since I was a child, which makes me yearn for the profession of a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded.

"I know my father loves me very much. He even agreed to let me wear men's clothes and help diagnose and treat patients as his assistant. I am very grateful to him.

"But even so, he still firmly prohibited me from going to the operating table or practicing anatomy, because it would make it impossible for me to get married. No one wants to marry a female doctor! This is the reality!

"However, I still hope that I can become a doctor who is responsible for saving patients. I have no access to corpses, so I can only practice dissection with animals to become familiar with the structure of living organisms.

"I made an agreement with Mr. Wallister. Every night late at night, I can come here to practice dissection and cut the meat for the chefs to use the next day. He will help me keep the secret."

At this point, her eyes were full of tears, and she had obviously suffered a lot from this matter for many years.

She sniffed and her tone became calmer: "Your Highness, go report me. I scared you just now. This is the punishment I deserve."

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