I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 351 The two most powerful women in Europe

Chapter 352 The two most powerful women in Europe

The young nobles who came with Kalaris and Marissa began to whisper and glanced at them with playful eyes from time to time.

You know, they have been showing off to everyone about their participation in the exhibition for more than a month, and everyone's ears are numb.

As a result, I came here with great fanfare today, but saw nothing.

"No, there must be a mistake somewhere!" Callis defended loudly, "My painting was really exhibited..."

"I have to ask the person in charge of the exhibition!"

Marissa quickly found a steward of Sherry Castle. After listening to her question, the latter took her towards the third floor, and Callis followed quickly.

The steward opened a utility room on the floor, lit the candlestick, and gestured to the table in the corner with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, dear lady, due to the large number of termites in room 229, the paintings there were somewhat affected. It is no longer suitable for exhibition. Sherry Castle will compensate you double for the losses caused.”

Kalaris rushed forward, found her work from a pile of scattered scrolls, and quickly unfolded it, but she was stunned on the spot.

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar β†’ 69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒏𝒆𝒕, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

Under the candlelight, there were several traces of the reaction between formic acid and paint on her paintings, and even the body of a termite...

If such a painting is displayed, it will undoubtedly become a source of laughter.

Filiberto's assistant was very careful in his work. If the boss said there was a "termite disaster", he would definitely arrange everything as if there was a real termite disaster.

Callalis suddenly let out a piercing scream and ran downstairs crying...

In the main exhibition hall on the first floor of Chateau Charry, Alexandra, who was wearing the most popular light green dress of the season in Paris, had no idea about the bloody scene on the second floor.

She was following the etiquette and putting on the most standard ladylike appearance. Accompanied by Alexey and the Russian Ambassador to France, Count Alexander Sergeyevich Stroganov, she slowly walked out of the room. Passing by rows of beautiful paintings.

"This is Mr. Lorraine's masterpiece!" Count Stroganov looked at the painting "Ursula's Voyage on the Ship" on the wall and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

He is an out-and-out art connoisseur. If there hadn't been an important task assigned by His Majesty the Emperor today, he would have spent most of the day admiring this famous painting.

Just after the "Russian Appreciation Group" lingered in the exhibition hall for nearly an hour, a melodious sound of trumpets suddenly came from outside Charley Castle, and then the band began to play.

There was a sudden commotion among the crowd, and then began to flow out of the exhibition hall.

Count Stroganov looked at Alexei and whispered: "Count Bobulinsky, they should be here."

The latter nodded, knowing that the "they" the ambassador mentioned meant the French King and Queen.

He hurriedly motioned for Alexandra to also walk towards the door.

Not long after, Louis XVI and Queen Mary appeared at the entrance of the exhibition hall. At the reminder of the attendant, they immediately noticed the gorgeously dressed Russian Grand Duchess and his entourage.

Seeing the Dharma King coming this way, Alexandra and others rushed to greet him and saluted very solemnly: "It is a great honor and surprise to meet you here."

Queen Mary looked at the sweet-looking girl with thick braids in front of her with some surprise, and smiled kindly: "I am also very happy to meet you. Welcome to Paris, the capital of art."

Afterwards, Alexandra and her group naturally followed Queen Mary to visit the painting exhibition.

The little girl quickly gave up her position at her uncle's signal. Count Stroganov, the ambassador to France, took two steps forward, came to the side of the French Queen, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the Emperor ordered me to My sincere greetings to you and His Majesty the King.”

"Please thank Your Majesty for your concern for me." Queen Mary nodded politely.

Stroganov and the Queen were also familiar with each other. He immediately started chatting about artworks. After visiting nearly half of the exhibits on the first floor, he turned the topic to the mission of his trip: "His Majesty the Emperor is very grateful to you. Admire it. His Majesty has repeatedly praised the ministers, saying that the financial, military, and judicial reforms you have led in recent years have been extremely successful, and at the same time, you have made achievements in foreign affairs that have attracted the attention of the whole of Europe."

Queen Mary blinked. Although she felt something was strange, she still nodded slightly. Yes, France has indeed developed well in the past two years, and has also acquired a province in Tunisia.

Stroganov continued: β€œHis Majesty the Emperor particularly admires your North African strategy, which has achieved fruitful gains with minimal impact on the international pattern with its amazing strategic layout.

"At the same time, His Majesty also expressed his high appreciation for your support to our country in the Black Sea and your consistent attitude towards the Ottomans."

He quietly took a look at Queen Mary and saw that she seemed calm, and he secretly admired her in his heart. As expected, as His Majesty the Emperor said, the Queen of France was the only woman on the entire European continent who could compare with her.

As ambitious as she is, and as talented as she is, they each led their country step by step out of trouble and ushered in vigorous development.

In fact, Queen Mary was not "calm", but rather confused - what strategy could she recommend in North Africa? Isn't it that their bey couldn't stand the Ottoman rule and admired France, so he came to ask for annexation to France?

Why did you support Russia in the Black Sea?

How come they are unanimous about Osman?

What is he saying? ?

Stroganov took a breath and continued: "In addition, His Majesty the Emperor fully agrees with the 'Swedish Plan' mentioned by your Foreign Minister, Archbishop Talleyrand, when he went to Petersburg two months ago. Your Majesty thinks..."

"Please wait a moment." Queen Mary's brain is overloaded. What "Swedish plan"?

"Excuse me, what exactly did Archbishop Talleyrand say?"

Stroganov nodded secretly. He was indeed a cautious and rigorous ruler. He was worried that his foreign minister's description of the policy was not accurate enough, so he asked me to repeat it in person.

He coughed lightly and said: "Archbishop Talleyrand said that you support Russia's claim to eastern Sweden, and the Gulf of Finland should become Russia's inland sea..."

Queen Mary became increasingly confused. She had no idea that this was Joseph's "big cake" for Russia.

At this time, the Russo-Swedish War was raging, and Russia's powerful army had gained considerable advantages. Catherine II must be thinking about how to tear off an extra piece of flesh from Sweden, but she was worried about Europe. The powers would intervene.

So Joseph gave in to his wishes and expressed France's consent to Russia's occupation of eastern Sweden. As long as Russia's eyes are still fixed on Sweden, Poland will be safe.

Historically, it was precisely because Sweden defeated Russia in the Battle of Svenskersund in 1790 and cut off the latter's idea of ​​Swedish territory that Catherine II turned her hunting target to Poland.

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