I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 387 Industrial Farm Online

Chapter 388 Industrialized Farms Go Online

In this era, the industrialized large farm model can rapidly promote the development of agricultural production technology.

For farmers, although they will take good care of their own land, due to lack of funds and technology, they are simply unable to improve agricultural technology.

At the same time, small farmers are also very conservative.

Joseph remembered that French farmers in the 19th century still maintained ancient farming habits and liked to use the simplest and cheapest farm tools. At the same time, they resolutely resisted planting cash crops. After all, only when the granary is full of food can the family feel at ease.

And the large farms with capital blessing are not for food and clothing at all, but for higher profits!

With the pressure of profit rate, they must constantly upgrade new agricultural machinery, develop more advanced planting technology, try more expensive but better new fertilizers, and plant crops with higher economic value.

This will greatly promote the development of agriculture and industry in France.

Yes, farming is also the basis for the development of industry.

The simplest point is that the British textile industry relies on a large amount of self-produced wool and South Asian cotton to be able to look down on the world.

If France wants to challenge Britain in the textile industry, it must first have enough cotton production. If all farmers grow grain and rely on imported cotton, it will be difficult to approach Britain in terms of cost.

In addition, France also needs to plant a large number of mulberry trees in its traditional advantage field in the textile industry - silk.

These are the most suitable projects for large-scale industrial farms.

Mirabeau and his group have a keen sense of what can make money. The crown prince gave them a little advice, and they immediately realized the broad "money" prospects of the new manor in the future.

Coupled with the benefits of the land purchase system, they immediately decided to invest a large amount of money to enter the market of industrial manors.

Of course, the reason why Joseph wanted to vigorously develop agricultural service consulting companies was to use a unified management model to gather scattered small farmers together, so that they could have the competitiveness of large farms to a certain extent.

Seeing that Viscount Dick was still excitedly talking about the bright future of the new manor, Mirabeau just smiled and dealt with it.

What he was thinking about at this time was what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said to him a few days ago.

His Highness mentioned that after the industrialized farms were put into operation, the land that originally required three or four hundred people to cultivate, after the extensive use of livestock, machinery and new agricultural tools, and the implementation of strict standardized management, may only need less than 100 workers to manage it in an orderly manner.

He quickly thought, where will the remaining two or three hundred people go?

There is only one answer: that is, they can only go to big cities to make a living. In addition, with the help of agricultural service consulting companies, ordinary peasant families no longer need all family members to participate in farming to ensure the output of the land. In the case that it is difficult to purchase more than 30 mu of land per person, idle family members will also go to the city to make money.

After these people flocked to the city, the factory’s manpower will become extremely abundant, and one of the biggest factors restricting the expansion of the factory will disappear.

And these people living in the city have to buy all the necessities of life, that is, they will bring a huge consumer market.

After foreseeing this, Mirabeau calculated again and again and found that investing in large farms at this time is not as profitable as laying out industries such as textiles and steel that require a lot of manpower in advance.

So, he just bought some land suitable for investment, ready to sell it as soon as it appreciated. Most of the funds in his hands were bet on the automatic loom factory in Lyon, and a small part was invested in the coal mine in the Southern Netherlands.

Well, the latter was actually invested on the advice of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Although the place is still in the midst of war, he believes more in His Royal Highness's vision.

In fact, Mirabeau still missed a point.

Joseph thought that there would be speculation in land half a year ago - he had experienced the real estate craze in the early 21st century and was familiar with the tricks of major companies in speculating in land - so he buried mines in the "Food Production Act" early on.

As long as it is designated as arable land by the government, the buyer must immediately fulfill the obligation to achieve a certain amount of production after obtaining its ownership. Even if the land is sold, if the minimum production is not achieved during the harvest season, all land holders will be jointly and severally liable in this sowing season.

Of course, this does not include the situation of encountering disasters.

So Mr. Mirabeau will find that he will have to sow the land immediately after buying it, otherwise he will face a fine until the land is forcibly auctioned by the High Court!

While the capitalist nobles are thinking about how to maximize their investment, nearly half of the petitioners in front of the Petit Trianon Palace are still tense, and some have even crumpled the "King's Fund Application Form" in their hands and thrown it on the ground.

They are the "year-light tribe" among the nobles. Perhaps it is because of the small amount of land and the limited annual tribute they receive, or perhaps it is because their own life is too grand, so that they can't make ends meet. In short, they have no spare money at all. There are even many people who rely on borrowing to make a living - maintaining dresses for various occasions, paying for the living expenses of illegitimate children, participating in routine salons, hunting or gambling, all require a lot of silver coins. And these are the basic elements of life for the nobles of the Palace of Versailles.

They have no money to invest in the King's Fund, which means that they will starve to death after 8 years without a source of income.

Soon, a tall aristocrat with obviously poorly maintained curly hair took a few steps forward against the crowd of people subscribing to the fund, and loudly said to the crown prince on the steps:

"Your Highness, land tax is the traditional right of the nobles. It is the honor bestowed by the old king to our ancestors. You cannot abolish it so easily!"

Echoes immediately came from the surroundings:

“Yes, we want traditional rights, not funds!”

"I inherited those Nian Gong from my father, and it deserves to be respected!"

Joseph just looked at these people indifferently. He had expected this to happen and had already made plans.

These nobles who do not subscribe to the King's Fund are the poorest group, so their influence is also the weakest, but we must also take into account the damage they may cause to the country when they live in poverty.

It was in this situation that the civil servant named Li from Dongfang directly overturned an empire.

Joseph coughed lightly, looked sharply at the tall noble who jumped out first, and said coldly:

"Perhaps you remember how your ancestors obtained their fiefdoms?"

The latter was a little stunned by the sudden question: "Yes, yes..."

Joseph pointed at him forcefully:

"It was they who followed the king's army and used their extraordinary bravery and fearlessness on the battlefield to win their own glory!"

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