I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 390: Harmonious relations with the Maori

Chapter 391 The Maori with a harmonious relationship

Joseph raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Are the British so tough?"

"Yes, Your Highness." Talleyrand nodded, "Perhaps, we should increase our investment in Mysore and let the British suffer more, so that they will return to the negotiation table again."

The bottom line for the negotiation given by Joseph to him was that Britain recognized France's influence in Algiers, Tunisia and Tripoli.

Algiers is an important grain-producing area, with an area several times that of Tunisia, and is the largest piece of fat in North Africa.

And Tripoli is close to Egypt, which is an important foundation for opening the Suez Canal in the future.

Historically, Emperor Napoleon had briefly set foot in Egypt, because the foundation in North Africa was not solid, and the navy was weak, and eventually lost the opportunity to threaten Britain with the opening of the Suez Canal.

Of course, if the Caribbean islands can be obtained, Tripoli can be temporarily put aside. Today's white sugar is a luxury, and the value of the Caribbean islands that can produce a large amount of sugarcane is also very large.

Joseph thought for a moment, but waved his hand and said, "No, Archbishop Talleyrand, we need to shrink our actions in India."

"Ah? Why?"

Joseph smiled and said, "Our goal is not to drive the British out of India."

Not to mention that Britain will definitely fight with France for India, after losing Britain's containment, it is not in France's interest for Mysore to conquer the entire Indian peninsula - Mysore has been exposed to European technology, plus the personal ability of "Tiger of Mysore" Tipu Sultan, this is very likely.

The powerful Indian Empire will inevitably go north and get involved in Central Asia, which will bring great trouble to the whole of Europe. Therefore, it is best for India to be scattered like a starry sky as it is now.

"What we have to do is to make the British pay more costs." Joseph continued, "and the cost of attack is much higher than defense.

"Let Marquis Lafayette arrange defenses as soon as possible, let the British attack, and at the same time he must destroy Britain's supplies as much as possible. Military expenditures will teach the British a lesson. "

In fact, there is another important reason for him to do this - Mysore can never beat Britain.

After all, Britain is still the world's number one power. Although Mysore's raid has achieved some results, Britain has now begun to get serious.

With Mysore's strength, it is easy for the British to seize the opportunity to wipe out the enemy if they continue to attack fiercely.

And the step-by-step defense, which greatly consumes Britain's military expenditure, is the most correct tactic for Tipu Sultan. Moreover, Joseph has prepared a "secret weapon" for him. Calculating the time, those people should have arrived in India now.

Joseph then remembered something and told Talleyrand: "By the way, according to the British habit, they are likely to create trouble for the Southern Netherlands. You need to go to the German countries, as well as the countries in Northern and Eastern Europe as soon as possible, to tell their kings..."


Outside the port of Mangalore, northwest of Mysore, a small schooner came quickly.

The Russian flag was hoisted on the ship, and the logo on the hull was the Gemini Trading Company.

On the deck, several dark-skinned, sturdy men with complex facial tattoos on their faces were looking at the Mysore Defense Forces lined up on the dock to greet them.

One of the middle-aged men with a waist as thick as a bucket pointed to the Islamic-style buildings in the distance and spoke a string of obscure languages.

The young man next to him said in not very proficient French: "Uncle Magnus, Mr. Dufresne asked us to speak French as much as possible, have you forgotten again?"

"Oh, yes." Magnus smiled apologetically and spoke poor French, "Those houses are really strange. Even more strange than those built by the development team in the town. But they are beautiful. "

The "development team" he mentioned was the colonization team that landed on New Zealand Island with Dufresne.

After they were given a piece of land by the Maori, they changed their name to the development team and began to build a town there.

With the assistance of a large number of almost free Maori laborers, the Maori had a very harmonious relationship with them, and usually worked a day just to drink a few glasses of wine and listen to the stories of the development team members.

Although the development team members had finished telling all the stories of "Breaking the Sky" and "The Master of Girlfriends" in their memory after two and a half months, and had to rely on their own fabrication to continue the subsequent plots, the Maori still listened with relish.

Many Maori also learned French by listening to stories.

Especially this year, the first batch of wool After the harvest, the Maori people who received their wages were simply ecstatic - the French paid a large number of iron farm tools, horses, beautiful clothes and the like, which are luxury items that can be passed down for generations in any Maori tribe.

After hearing the news, those Maori tribes that had not cooperated with the development team before all came to ask to raise sheep for the French, and even took the initiative to reduce their remuneration.

Dufresne was very kind and still maintained the previous remuneration, because it was already very low and there would not be much to save, so he signed sheep-raising agreements with more Maori tribes.

After more than half a year of operation, sheep have now appeared in most places in the entire North Island of New Zealand.

Now the only factor restricting the number of sheep in New Zealand has become the reproduction rate.

As soon as a sheep is born, it will be immediately rushed to be "adopted" by Maori people and taken care of meticulously. Coupled with New Zealand's lush aquatic plants and a climate that is extremely suitable for sheep growth, the sheep's wool production here is nearly 20% higher than that of its "commoners" in the UK!

On the deck of the boat, another tall young Maori tugged hard on his coat - he was obviously not used to wearing tight clothes all day long - and said to Magnus with some worry: "Magnunu Mr. Si, the Pimaiki people have been trying to take action recently. If they come to our tribe for revenge and we happen to leave home..."

The Pimax he was talking about was the South Island of New Zealand. Historically, the North Island often attacked the South Island, but the latter would also gather strength to fight back.

Magnus smiled and said: "Don't worry, Nikau. Mr. Dufresne is calling on all tribes to sign a 'Common Declaration'. In the future, conflicts between tribes will be adjudicated by the 'Tribal Council'.

"Dufresne had already gone to the South Island before we set off. I think the Waitaha tribe will also join the joint declaration."

Nikau was still worried and said, "But what if Waitaha refuses?"

"Humph," Magnus said disdainfully, "To reject Mr. Dufresne is to become an enemy of all tribes. Moreover, they will also lose the opportunity to raise sheep.

"Nikawu, do you think they will attack Yamotu again?"

Yamotu is where their tribe lives.

When the young man heard "They are not allowed to raise sheep", he immediately nodded with confidence: "Then it will definitely not happen."

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