I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 396 The Busy Marquis of Wellesley

Chapter 397 The Busy Marquis of Wellesley

Ludwig IX was politically more Prussian, but he stated in the "Initiative" that if the Southern Netherlands insisted on breaking away from Austrian rule, a king must be elected to manage the Southern Netherlands, otherwise The Parliament of the Southern Netherlands should not be recognized by any monarch.

The initiative has received responses from ten countries including Spain, France, Bavaria and Mainz.

What surprised the Marquis of Wellesley most was that Austria was also one of the signatories of the initiative.

But he immediately understood the relationship. The Austrians signed "The Parliament of the Southern Netherlands should not be recognized by any monarch." They determined that the Southern Netherlands could not accept the election of a king-now in charge of the Southern Netherlands. The members of the Lan Parliament were Vandernott's group of liberals. It would be easier for them to choose a king for themselves than to let them go to the gallows.

In fact, Austria is the biggest driving force behind the "Southern Netherlands Initiative". As for the copyright of the initiative, it is naturally held by Joseph II's precious nephew.

Wellesley angrily poked the ground with his cane and scolded Ludwig IX in his heart.

If Britain now also requires the Southern Netherlands to elect a king, it will be equivalent to pushing the Southern Netherlands Parliament to oppose itself. And if you reject the "initiative", you will be secluded from the entire continent.

He immediately ordered his men to set off and rushed to Potsdam overnight.

A few days later, after he promised William II to provide 500,000 pounds of aid and handed all the affairs of the Southern Netherlands to Prussia so that Britain would no longer intervene, he finally resolved the latter's suspicions.

Then, Wellesley rushed to Saxony without stopping...

At the same time, London was also crowded with diplomats from various countries.

In addition to receiving seven or eight rounds of diplomatic envoys every day and explaining to them that Britain had no intention of exporting revolution, British Prime Minister Peter Jr. also had to be called by George III from time to time to inquire about the situation, which made him exhausted.

In the British Parliament, the Whigs did not miss this opportunity to suppress him, and various questions continued. Even Fox was planning to initiate a vote of no confidence in him, but fortunately, he was forced to do so by the king, thus saving his political life.

After a month of tossing, Peter Jr. and George III made an official announcement after repeated discussions.

In the announcement, the UK first stated that the previous riots in France had nothing to do with the UK. Then he said that he did not agree with the current political situation in Southern Netherlands, but he did not relent on the election of the king. Finally, it also promised that Britain would "suggest" that Hanoverian troops gradually withdraw from the Southern Netherlands and would not oppose Austria's restoration of rule over the Southern Netherlands.

After making these huge concessions, and being appeased by Wellesley country by country, and transferring many benefits, the condemnation of Britain by various countries gradually weakened.

The British Parliament, which has resumed normal operations, has also begun to deal with the backlog of affairs during this period. A document submitted by Lord Talmos, the special envoy to the Maghreb, regarding tariff concessions to Morocco and set it as Recommendations for textile transit points in North Africa.

Wellesley was still in Italy putting out the "exporting revolution" issue and was unable to attend the parliamentary inquiry, so the matter was temporarily shelved.

On the other side, the anxious Wellesley finally basically completed his diplomatic mission and immediately went to Brussels to understand the implementation of the previous deployment.

According to his plan, Van de Nott will send people to Wallonia to incite trouble, preferably spreading chaos to Luxembourg.

He knew that France had significant investments in Luxembourg, so stability there would be an important bargaining chip for him when talking to the French about India.

However, as soon as he arrived at the border of the Southern Netherlands, he received an order from Prime Minister Peter the Younger to stop all contact with the Southern Netherlands Parliament and return to London as soon as possible.

George III was already almost suffering from a mental relapse due to the criticism of "exporting revolution" - he suffered from porphyria [Note 1], and he had only recovered from the last attack less than half a year ago.

The entire British royal family was worried at this time, fearing that he would be stimulated crazy again, so they repeatedly asked Peter not to get involved in the affairs of the liberals in the South Netherlands.

When Wellesley returned to London, he discovered that the benefits he had promised to Morocco were still stuck in Parliament.

He had been running around everywhere and being looked down upon by others, and had almost forgotten about it. Then he hurried to the parliament to explain the details of the exchange of interests and urged the parliament to vote.

By the time Morocco did receive the British interests, nearly three months had passed since Wellesley's last trip to North Africa.

The Marquess of Cornwallis's attack in Mysore was frustrated and he asked for more troops. The news that Mysore occupied the entire territory of Travancore and invaded the Carnatic was sent back to the United Kingdom.

The whole of London suddenly exploded...


Mars Room, Palace of Versailles.

"Your Majesty, you have won 9 games in a row, and now you are at the peak of your luck." At the big baccarat table, a seven or eight-year-old Russian girl sat obediently next to Queen Mary, blinking her blue eyes. Looking at the latter with big eyes, "I think you should continue to stick to your intuition."

"Okay, sweetheart, I'll listen to you." Queen Mary giggled, grabbed a handful of gold agar and placed it in front of the "Zhuang" grid, "I think this game is still Zhuang!"

The little girl picked up a piece of cake and put it in her mouth, muttering in a very small voice:

"If you keep winning like this, your uncle won't keep nagging me about France's financial problems... Oh, this is too sweet, does the chef have a way to buy duty-free sugar?"

If it weren't for the Queen of France's enthusiastic invitation and her uncle's constant urging, she really didn't want to come to such a boring place.

The dealer in front suddenly announced calmly: "The banker wins."

"Wow, ten consecutive wins!" Queen Marie jumped up from her chair excitedly, turned around and hugged Alexandra and kissed her hard, "You are really my angel, dear, ten consecutive wins, do you know? I haven't won like this for a long time!"

Since she knew that her son was interested in this little girl, she would send people to invite her to the Palace of Versailles from time to time to participate in various balls, concerts, and gambling games to create opportunities for her son.

It's a pity that Joseph has been very busy and rarely participates in these social activities, but she and the little girl are getting more and more familiar with each other.

Queen Mary hugged Alexandra, but she couldn't help thinking of her niece, and then she sighed softly - how great it would be if Joseph liked Clementine, and she would be standing next to her now...

She was suddenly startled, and the scene of Clementine accompanying her to gamble last year unexpectedly emerged in her mind. It seemed that she had hardly won at that time, and the worst time she even lost 17 games in a row, and she was so depressed that she couldn't sleep for half the night.

She looked at Alexandra again, and suddenly the regret in her heart became much less.

[Note 1]: Porphyria, also known as hemoporphyria, is a group of porphyrin metabolic disorders caused by the lack of a certain enzyme or reduced enzyme activity in the heme synthesis pathway. It can be a congenital disease or an acquired disease. The main clinical symptoms include photosensitivity, digestive system symptoms and mental and neurological symptoms.

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