I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 422 How can I live without you?

Chapter 423 How can I live without you?

"Camelia," Bazel held the girl's shoulders tightly, staring at her extremely beautiful purple eyes, and said in a serious tone, "You must go to Paris! Not only must you go, but you should also try every means to get close to the prince."

Camelia was obviously surprised and said nervously: "Why... why? And it is impossible for me to contact the prince..."

"Please believe the teacher!" Bazel seemed to be giving her the last lesson, and his expression was very serious, "You just need to try to stay by the side of the Queen of France. It is unlikely to be her maid, but a maid should be able to do it - you are very familiar with the court etiquette of Vienna, and Her Majesty the Queen will definitely like you.

"The prince must often go to see the queen, so you can often meet him. You must first understand his habits and preferences, start with a simple greeting, and try to talk to him more.

"You are so beautiful, no one will refuse to talk to you."

Camelia stared at Bazel, who was both her teacher and friend, in a daze: "What are you talking about? This is totally unimaginable..."

But Bazel did not hesitate: "You have to play to your strengths. I mean, even in the Palace of Versailles, you are the most eye-catching girl among all the girls!

"You have to make the prince fascinated by you, you have to be more proactive... No, no, it is more important to grasp the degree, you can't let him feel that you are too proactive, you have to give him a very natural feeling. Oh, I know this is difficult, and you don't have similar experience, but you can ask the ladies of the Palace of Versailles for advice, they are all very good at this. Of course, this requires giving them some benefits, and you have to be willing to spend money..."

The music teacher became more and more excited: "When those skills work, um, when the relationship between the prince and you is very 'harmonious', you have to seize the opportunity-become his mistress!"

Camelia struggled to break free from Bazel's hands as if she was stung by a bee, her face was as red as the sunset, staring at the ground and shaking her head: "Don't say it... How can this be possible? I can't..."

"No, you can!" Bazel said loudly, "This is an opportunity that many people dream of, and it is the destiny given to you by God.

"Believe me! You have to do this!"

The girl threw the cocoa cup on the table in panic and stepped back. She always trusted her teacher and never made mistakes in handling things according to his instructions, but at this moment, she didn't know whether she should listen to him.

"I... I came to say goodbye to you." She suddenly remembered the purpose of her trip, retreated all the way to the door, touched the door handle with her back, and then continued, "I will write to you. You will always be my most trusted friend. May God bless you. Now, I think I should go."

After she finished speaking, she pulled the door open and fled from Bazel's villa without looking back.

Bazel stretched out his hand to her back, but took it back tremblingly. His eyes were red, and he murmured in a low voice: "Will we meet again? My Camelia... Oh, no, it's better not to see each other.

"I hope you can live happily in Paris, I hope you can be happy! You must be happy!

"But, without you in my world, how can I live..."

He saw the girl seemed to look back at him before getting on the carriage, and immediately waved to her: "Let's go, Camelia, go with the Crown Prince. It's okay, smile, yes! Smile!"

Camelia got on the carriage, feeling very confused. Mr. Bazel actually said that it was her fate, the fate of becoming that man's mistress...

The handsome face of the French Crown Prince flashed through her mind, and she trembled slightly, her cheeks flushed. It was indeed as the teacher said, how many girls dreamed of getting his favor, is it really necessary to do that?

But the teacher never lied to herself, and the decisions he made for her were never wrong...

When she returned home in her wild thoughts, it was almost dusk.

From a distance, she saw the gate of the manor was open - there should be no one there - and hurriedly said to the French servant nervously: "Mr. Eric, someone seems to have come to the house?"

The carriage stopped far away, and Eric got off alone to check the situation in the manor. A moment later, several people in palace guard uniforms pushed him out and shouted something.

Camelia only vaguely heard words such as "fraud" and "confiscation"...

In a luxurious villa southwest of Vienna, Baron Walter was hugging a heavily made-up woman, raising his glass and proudly saying to the people opposite: "The old thing is finally dead. Hahaha, God, you finally remembered that you haven't taken her away. And I can finally get that cute little lark."

On the sofa, a slightly fat noble young man touched the chest of the woman next to him and deliberately joked: "Fred, I guess Miss Camelia will definitely reject you, just like before, haha."

Several other nobles also smiled.

Walter pushed the woman who was clinging to him away and said disdainfully: "I have asked Judge Meyer and Marquis Wilhorna to make arrangements. She will definitely not be able to refuse me this time."

"Just wait and see," he patted the cushion beside him and said proudly, "In half a month at most, or even next week, you will see my little dessert sitting here."

The other nobles began to follow suit and even told a few dirty jokes to congratulate Walter on getting what he wanted.

"Well, I have to take her to the 'party' at the end of the month." Walter touched his chin and smiled lewdly, "Those guys in Buckhaus will definitely be drooling with envy, haha."

Just as Walter was showing off to his friends, Joseph was in the room on the second floor of Schönbrunn Palace, frowning at the servant Eric in front of him: "You mean, the palace guards seized the Delvaux manor?"

The latter nodded: "Yes, Your Highness, they said that Mrs. Delvaux was involved in a fraud case during her lifetime. In addition to the manor, three hectares of real estate in the northern suburbs of Vienna were also seized."

The law enforcement powers and responsibilities of this era were very vague. The army was an important law enforcement department, while the police usually only dealt with civilian cases. The fact that the palace guards could be used showed that this fraud case was very serious.

Camelia, who had been comforted by the maid and calmed down, wiped her tears again when she heard this.

Joseph's face became gloomy. He knew that his mother would give her wet nurse a sum of money every year, at least four or five thousand livres. Over the past decade, this money alone is enough for the Delvaux family to buy the manor and the real estate. She has no need to commit any fraud.

Eric continued: "Oh, by the way, Your Highness, the palace guards also said that there is a Baron Walter who knows the relevant evidence."

When Joseph heard the name Walter, he immediately understood.

"It turns out that this guy is causing trouble!"

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