I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 433 World Industrial Expo

Chapter 434 World Industrial Fair

And strong financial support can in turn promote the construction of industry and new land.

With France's industrial technology, policies, and financial level ahead of European countries, Joseph estimated that after another 3 to 5 years of rapid development, France's overall industrial strength will be unrivaled in Europe.

Yes, including you, Britain, may be left behind by France by then!

Of course, relying on its huge colonies and years of accumulation, Britain still sits firmly on the position of world hegemony in terms of overall national strength, but it will be a matter of time for France to knock it off the horse.

At the same time, as the dividends of industrial development continue to increase, France's financial problems will also be thoroughly solved.

By then, Joseph will be able to lead France to reproduce the glorious achievements made by Emperor Napoleon in history. And he, who has the wisdom of later generations, will surely surpass Emperor Napoleon!

Afterwards, Joseph announced that the French Stock Exchange officially resumed trading-everyone can invest in stocks, the exchange will be open except on weekends, and companies can also start to apply for listing.

After the Mississippi incident, French stock trading finally fully revived!

Of course, in order to allow investors to have time to get familiar with and adapt, only a single-digit number of company stocks can be traded for the time being, and the transaction amount is strictly controlled.

The new "Stock Trading Law" is in the final stage of preparation, and the "Securities and Exchange Commission" is also in preparation.

When these two important tools to stabilize the securities market are completed, the French Stock Exchange will gradually relax the approval of listed companies and expand the scale of financing.

You must know that Joseph used various new concepts of later generations to regulate the stock market right from the start. Similar to the situation in the US stock market where shell companies cheat investments, or big capital raises a certain stock by dozens of times in one day and sells it the next day, it will never happen in the French Stock Exchange.

The stock market is the "turbocharger" of industrial development. As long as it is standardized, it will be of great benefit to industrial construction.

If you want to win the competition in the industrial revolution, you must do the stock market.

Finally, Joseph solemnly announced that the Bastille was officially renamed the "Paris Financial Center", and then he pointed to the cannon on the tall wall of the Bastille and laughed: "This will be the safest bank and exchange in the world. I believe no robber will have the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of this place."

Walsh listened to the deafening laughter and cheers around him and squinted his eyes.

As a shrewd businessman, he keenly realized that France's monetary policy was better than that of Britain.

The simplest point is that the exchange of pounds and gold can only be carried out at the Bank of England, that is, if the Bank of England goes bankrupt, then the paper pound will immediately lose all its value.

The franc is guaranteed by the French state. Even if the French Reserve Bank is gone, the French government will find other ways to maintain the value of the currency.

This is the difference between the complete gold standard and the gold standard that Britain is groping for. It was not until 30 years later that Britain officially implemented the gold standard system at the national level.

Since Walsh came to France the year before last, he began to hesitate whether to shift the focus of his business here.

Admittedly, the British market is huge, the country is richer, and the business environment is better.

But France is on the rise, and its policy support for the industry is strong. Recently, it has opened up the markets of the Southern Netherlands and North Africa. With the Seine-Rhine Trade Agreement, which allows access to the German market, France will definitely have a lot of opportunities in the future.

Now, he has finally made a decision - to choose France.

He turned to look at his wife and smiled, "Maybe we should buy a French noble title."

"Whatever you want." Mrs. Walsh blew on her cold hands and said coquettishly, "But if we don't go to the Royal Palace, we won't be able to buy preview tickets."

"Anyway, the Expo will officially open in a few days, and it won't be too late to go and see it then." Walsh said and pulled his collar, "It's so cold, why don't we go to lunch first. I heard that La Perouse Restaurant has added new dishes..."

"There will be a lot of people after the Expo opens." Mrs. Walsh said dissatisfiedly, "You know, there are pavilions of more than a dozen countries to visit, and I don't want to be squeezed with those dirty and earthy guys."

Walsh couldn't resist the woman. After the crowd on the Bastille, oh, now it should be called the Paris Financial Center Square, dispersed, he drove to the Royal Palace.

This former residence of the Duke of Orleans has been empty since it was confiscated. At this time, in front of its main entrance, there is an iron square tower as tall as three people, on which are engraved the words "First World Industrial Fair".

Yes, Joseph has been planning the World Expo for a long time. Finally, after the situation in North Africa stabilized, he officially invited more than 20 countries to come to the Royal Palace to participate in this grand event.

Of course, on the other hand, it was also because of the large amount of war reparations received from Algiers that the financial obstacles to holding the World Expo disappeared.

Due to the grand occasion of the previous Paris Fashion Week, countries are still somewhat interested in participating in the conference. However, this kind of expo has never been held before, and some countries that are unwilling to spend money still declined. In the end, 12 countries decided to participate.

After all, this is different from Fashion Week. You have to send a delegation and bring your own things to show off, which is all money.

In this way, the halo of the first World Expo was snatched from the British by Joseph more than half a century in advance.

And compared with the huge sums of money spent by the British in history to build the Crystal Palace as a venue for the World Expo, Joseph's investment was minimal.

(Crystal Palace, UK)

The Palais Royal is just a casual decoration, and it is a luxurious and respectable venue.

There are many unused palaces in France, such as the Louvre and the Palace of Fontainebleau. There is also the Luxembourg Palace queuing up behind, and holding such a grand event can bring out their value.

On the day of the World Expo, Joseph also left a huge surprise for audiences across Europe - on that day, 40% of the streets in Paris will light up gas street lights at the same time, lighting up the night sky of Paris.


North Kannada, British and Mysore's North-Western Battle Front.

Marquis Wellesley looked at the "Pa" in the telescope and frowned slightly: "These simple fortresses are really disgusting."

Cornwallis seemed to be used to it. He shrugged and said, "This is just the first time for you to face this thing, and I have already 'gnawed' more than 20 of them. Oh, according to the information I got, there are at least more in the future. More than 50 seats.”

"I will think of a way to deal with this thing." Marquis Wellesley put away the telescope, a cold look flashed in his eyes, "Then I will open a huge net to capture Tip so that the beast cannot escape."

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