I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 460 Death of the Emperor of Shinra

Chapter 461 Death of Emperor Shinra

Immediately, nearly half of the British MPs echoed:

"The Franco-Austrian coalition has taken the initiative on the battlefield, and we must respond!"

"If Austria is allowed to retake Silesia, the strategic balance in the German region will be disrupted."

"Not only Silesia, the Franco-Austrian alliance can even influence the political situation in Europe..."

As a veteran troublemaker, the UK will never allow a hegemonic country to emerge in Europe.

However, some more cautious members shook their heads and discussed. One of them stood up and said:

"Lord Fox, we are not ready for war at all. We have not even started mobilizing the army."

All the mobile forces that Britain could mobilize were invested in India last year. At present, up to 30,000 people can be sent to Silesia, and the logistics materials are not ready. Even if they join the war, it will be difficult to affect the war situation.

Fox immediately patted the war proposal in front of him and loudly said: "So, we should start preparing for war immediately."

He poked the eastern air with his finger: "By the time the French help Austria defeat our allies, it will be too late!

"The weak Netherlands cannot be relied on at all. Prussia is our only support in Europe. If Prussia loses the war and chooses to fall to France and Austria, it will be a nightmare for Britain!"

In the parliament hall, the shouts of support for him grew louder. Although Tory MPs were unwilling to support his proposal, they could not find a reason to refute it for a while.

In just an hour, the British Senate passed a motion to immediately begin preparations for war and send troops to Silesia to fight in three months. The number of troops should not be less than 60,000. At the same time, Hanover greatly increased his troops in Silesia and asked the Netherlands, Lower Hesse, Poland and other allies to also send troops.

The bill was quickly sent to No. 10 Downing Street and handed over to Prime Minister Peter Jr. for his signature.

It seemed that the whole of Europe, with Silesia as its midpoint, would soon be completely detonated.


South of Lignitz.

"Please accept this idea." General Leo gestured towards the carriage parked on the road with a smile on his face. "I have heard that at that time, even Marshal Lacy objected to continuing to pay tribute to Lacy. "Boer increased the troops because you overcame all objections and asked General Kellerman to lead an army of 30,000 men to come to my aid."

"Ahem," Joseph coughed dryly, patted his shoulder and smiled, "We are old friends. Of course we can't just watch you get into danger."

Leo was busy thanking him again and again. He always believed that he was besieged in Ratibor because of his poor combat ability, but in the end it was the French Crown Prince who saved him.

Joseph was happy to have a good relationship with him, after all, he could have many contacts in Vienna.

He and General Leo entered the tent after greeting each other. At this time, a staff officer came over and whispered to him: "Your Highness, they are all jewelry and luxury goods, worth at least 500,000 francs."

Joseph's smile suddenly became even brighter. It seemed that Leo had sent everything that Vienna had given him. Well, due to Austria's great victory this time, Leo's actions at Ratibor were also characterized as "fighting bravely and tenaciously, thus containing a large number of enemy forces." He received a commendation for this, and his promotion to marshal should be a certainty.

Soon, Leo's topic turned to the war.

He took out Marshal Lacy's personal letter and said to Joseph: "Your Highness, the coalition currently has a considerable advantage in Breslau.

"The headquarters has formulated a combat plan for the March Offensive. We are just waiting for your legion to arrive and we will soon be able to break through the Breslau Fortress."

Joseph couldn't help but sigh secretly. Before General Wilmser who came to urge him before left, Leo came to urge him again.

The Guards Corps has been "resting" here for more than half a month, and it seems that it can't be delayed this time.

He turned to Berthier helplessly and was about to order the entire army to set off when he heard the sound of horse hooves approaching rapidly. Immediately, an officer entered the tent with a black obituary and said in a sad tone: "Your Highness, generals, His Majesty the Holy Roman Emperor has been called by God..."

Although Joseph was quite sad about the death of his uncle, he was a relative after all, but he was relieved in his heart.

Joseph II still followed the historical trajectory and died at the end of February 1790.

France will also be able to use this as an opportunity to escape from the whirlpool of the Silesian War.

Joseph looked at the astonished General Leo and said sadly: "Oh! God! My dear uncle passed away, and I must return to Vienna to attend the funeral."

Leo also reacted and hurriedly beat his chest and wailed: "May your Majesty be at peace in heaven..."

For a time, no one mentioned the war situation again. Marshal Lacy urgently revised the battle plan and changed it to holding on to the entire front. Fortunately, the Austrian army had gained some advantages before, and Prussia was unable to take the opportunity to launch a comprehensive counterattack.

A week later.

There was nothing dull about Vienna, and the death of Joseph II actually excited some people.

In Schönbrunn Palace, several ministers were advising Leopold II: "Your Majesty, if the nobles continue not to cooperate, the national finances will be exhausted in a few months."

"Your Majesty, we have made a breakthrough in Silesia, but we also consumed a lot of supplies before."

"The separatist activities in Hungary are becoming more and more rampant. I suggest that some troops be transferred back to Pest for deterrence..."

Leopold II frowned, he knew very well that the words of these nobles could be summed up as - "Please abolish Joseph II's reforms as soon as possible."

Although he has always advocated ending his brother's reforms, the power of the reformists should not be ignored, especially when he has not yet been officially crowned emperor.

Although the electors can only choose to vote for him in the political structure of Germany, he is unwilling to cause too much political fluctuation before that.

At this moment, the servant shouted at the door: "Count Kaunitz is here-"

Leopold II turned his head and saw that the Minister of State Kaunitz walked in quickly, saluted him with his chest, and then shouted: "Your Majesty, it is urgent to suspend the reform. As for those reformists who are full of fantasies, I think they can be arrested for inciting riots!"

Although Kaunitz was not favored by Leopold II and had gradually moved away from the core of power, as an important political force in Vienna, his influence should not be ignored.

Seeing that he was so determined to end the reform, Leopold II stopped hesitating and said to the Minister of the Interior: "Please immediately draft a decree to suspend the reform decree and convene a royal meeting tomorrow morning to discuss it."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


Joseph II's coffin moved slowly along the streets of Vienna, carried by strong palace guards. The cardinals appointed by the Pope led a group of priests, holding various sacrificial utensils, and followed closely.

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