I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 468 A world where only Perna is hurt

Chapter 469 A world where only Perna is injured

The nurse was frightened by the sudden shout and stood up. She turned to look at the visitor: "Lieutenant Angers, what are you doing..."

The French lieutenant pointed at the Austrian officer behind her and gritted his teeth: "Annaye is mine, how dare you seduce her!"

Annayi hurriedly stopped in front of him and said anxiously: "Lieutenant Angers, don't do this! I have always regarded you as my best friend."

She glanced back at the Austrian: "And Ferinanke, I, I am really happy..."

"No!" Angers roared immediately, "You must have been deceived by this bastard!"

He has been pursuing Anayi, but the latter has always kept away from him. Today, he saw the goddess being intimate with an Austrian, and his emotions suddenly lost control.

Ferrynank was called "bastard" several times and was slandered as a liar. He immediately stood up angrily and said in a cold voice: "Rude guy, Anayi was right not to choose you."

The French have always been arrogant and look down on Austrian "farmers in the mountains". At this time, after hearing the other party's provocative words, he could no longer hold back, pushed the nurse away, and struck Fellinank with his right fist.

The Austrian major raised one hand to block, and the other hand hit Angers directly in the face without mercy.

The French lieutenant took a punch, his eyes turned red, and he howled like a wild beast and pounced on the opponent.

Anna'i turned pale with fear and wanted to stop him, but was unable to intervene between the two strong men. He had to turn around and run towards the field hospital center, shouting: "Someone is coming! Someone is going to stop them!"

After a busy day, Perna tiredly went to the drying area to check the disinfection of the bedding. Although there was a dedicated person responsible for this, she still cautiously went to check every day.

As soon as she walked around the pile of dry wood used to make crutches and stretchers, she heard a girl's shout in front of her. She hurriedly picked up her white coat and ran over.

"Pe, Dr. Perna?" Anayi immediately gained a backbone upon seeing her and pointed behind her, "Fight, the fight is about to begin..."

Perna hurriedly followed her for a while, and saw two wounded people not far away who were "fighting against each other."

She anxiously stepped forward to stop him: "Gentlemen, please stop fighting!"

The love rival was extremely jealous when he saw her, his face was covered with blood from the beating, and he didn't pay attention to the sounds around him.

Perna had no choice but to bravely pull them away: "You are all injured, how can you still..."

Before she could finish her words, Ferinanke swung his fist at Angers, who ducked and the blow landed right on Perna's face.


The Austrian lieutenant colonel felt that he had hit an "unidentified object" and subconsciously turned his head to look. Angers took advantage of his distraction and kicked him in the waist.

The soldier's sensitivity to danger made Ferinank desperately take a half step back. Angers' boots brushed against his clothes, but kicked Perna on the back.

The female doctor immediately flew sideways and fell into the weeds nearby.

Anayi used the remaining light of the setting sun to see Dr. Perna lying on the ground motionless. Her eyes widened in horror and she let out a piercing scream: "Ah - Dr. Perna is dead!"

"Tian Can Di Que", who was fighting inextricably, suddenly heard "Perna", stopped his movements instantly, and quickly came to the side of the female doctor. He didn't relax until he heard her painful moans. Take a breath.

Suddenly, the two pointed at each other at the same time and shouted: "Asshole, you injured Dr. Perna!"

"How dare you hit Dr. Perna, I'm going to kill you!"

The field hospital is located in the rear area, so there are not many guards patrolling it. Only then did a group of guards move nearby. Hearing the screams, they hurriedly ran over: "What happened?"

"Who's there?!"

Seeing that it was one of his own, Ange immediately grabbed his love rival and shouted: "It's this Austrian bastard, he injured Dr. Perna!"

Fernandez saw the white military uniform of the guard from a distance, and he probably couldn't explain why he was right. In line with the principle that a good man should not suffer the consequences of the moment, he struggled to throw Angers away, turned around and limped away towards the edge of the field hospital.

Angers was about to chase after him, but Annayi stood in front of him with open arms, and turned towards the Austrian's back and said: "Go quickly, I'll stop them!"

More than half an hour later.

In the largest tent of the field hospital, military doctor Adam examined Perna's injuries. He turned to several officers waiting nearby and said, "Please don't worry. Dr. Perna's bones are intact and there is not much danger."

The hundreds of wounded people surrounding the tent breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. They had all received treatment from Perna, and she had saved the lives of many people. When they heard that she had been injured, they all came to visit nervously.

An officer in charge of camp security looked at Annayi and Angers and said seriously: "What on earth is going on?"

Anayi didn't see clearly at the time and hesitated to explain.

Angers said angrily: "It was that damn Austrian who attacked Dr. Perna!"

"Austrian?" the officer frowned, "What's his name?"

Angers turned to look at Anayi. The nurse could only whisper: "Ferinanke..."

The wounded people around saw the bruises on Perna's eyes from the entrance of the tent, and immediately gave up.

That is Dr. Perna, who is kind, kind, beautiful and charming! There are fans of her everywhere in the French army, and almost everyone in the field hospital is a fan of her.

Now, someone dares to hurt her? !

Someone roared: "I'm going to kill that guy!"

"Ferrinanc, I know him. He is from the 7th Austrian Dragoon Battalion."

"Who dares to go with me to teach that bastard a lesson?"


"And me!"

"I'll go too..."

Perna, who was lying on the camp bed, heard the commotion outside the tent and wanted to stop it, but no one heard her weak voice.

A large number of wounded soldiers returned to their respective units that night at the risk of being punished, and angrily told their comrades about the beating of Dr. Perna.

The arrogant French soldiers could not swallow the anger of being bullied by the Austrians. The next morning, more than a thousand French soldiers came to the station of the 7th Austrian Dragoon Battalion. Their officers only symbolically stopped them and let them go. Some officers even followed them to teach the Austrians a lesson - Dr. Perna had saved their lives.

In the Austrian military camp, Fernánc nervously defended himself to the commander of the cavalry battalion: "It was that French lieutenant who injured Dr. Perna! He slandered me!"

"Do you dare to swear?"

"I swear to God, it was that Frenchman who kicked Dr. Perna down!"

The commander, who had also received treatment from Perna, immediately frowned: "Shameless Frenchmen, how dare they come to cause trouble!"

He turned to the herald and said: "Order the whole battalion to assemble."

More than ten minutes later, the French and Austrian soldiers who were cursing at each other gradually lost their temper, and some rushed to the opposite side and started fighting.

Soon, an unprecedented group fight broke out outside the Austrian Dragoon Battalion.

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