I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 471 Camelia loses her first battle

Chapter 472 Camelia lost the first battle

After returning from Silesia, Camelia still followed the crown prince.

Her Majesty the Queen wanted this attentive girl to take care of her son, so she made her serve as the Crown Prince's temporary maid - this was definitely a huge improvement in her status, and made countless aristocratic ladies drool with envy.

At this time, the maid was implementing her long-prepared plan.

She always kept her teacher's advice in mind and worked hard to make the crown prince fall in love with her, and worked hard to put it into practice.

It's just that Dr. Perna always followed His Highness inseparably before, so she, who was already inexperienced, couldn't find a chance at all.

Now that Miss Perna is in Silesia, she must seize this rare opportunity!

Camelia took a peek at Eman who was sitting next to her and saw him looking out the window, and she suddenly felt a little more confident.

She quietly took her little feet in stockings out of her shoes, covered them with the hanging tablecloth, and slowly stretched them towards His Royal Highness the Crown Prince opposite.

It was the first time she had done such a thing, and her face was already red and hot, but she was still trying hard to recall the "trick" that Mrs. Seles taught her - this was the most popular lady in the Palace of Versailles that she found out about. After spending a large amount of tuition money, I got her "true biography". According to Mrs. Seles's maid, she conquered at least 12 gentlemen with this trick.

"Put your feet past his knees and inner thighs, then move closer to the middle, rub them gently, and then..."

Camelia silently recited those steps that made her extremely ashamed, feeling that her toes had touched the lace of the crown prince's trousers.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, she bit her lip lightly, and began to lift her legs up. Her heart was beating wildly, hoping that His Highness would like this.

Joseph finally made the decision to award Perna a silver medal of the deris in recognition of the creation of a field hospital.

He raised his hand to pick up a pen, preparing to write a commendation order to the General Staff, but accidentally knocked over the teacup on the table.

Hot tea spilled from the exquisite oriental porcelain, instantly dripping all over the table and flowing down the edge of the table.

When Camelia's feet were less than 2 millimeters away from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's tights, she suddenly felt a hot stream of heat covering her stockings, and then the top of her feet started to hurt.

Tears almost burst out of her eyes, but she could only grit her teeth and dare not show any abnormalities. She was about to retract her feet when she saw the crown prince bending down to clean up the water spilled on the floor, and she suddenly panicked—— Her feet are still hanging in the air!

"Your Highness, please let me come."

Eman's voice appeared like the sound of nature and saved her life.

Joseph sat upright again, moved to the side, and nodded: "Sorry to trouble you. Thank you very much."

Taking advantage of the moment when Emang stood up, Camelia took her foot back as quickly as possible and reluctantly stuffed it into her shoe.

Joseph raised his eyes and saw Camelia's face was red and hot, with tears leaking out of the corners of her eyes. He asked with concern: "Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, no," the maid tried her best to smile, "I, I'm fine, I'm fine..."

After returning to the Tuileries Palace, Camelia, who had lost the first battle, took advantage of the fact that the Dauphin was discussing matters with Archbishop Briand. She hurriedly returned to her lounge, took off her shoes and socks, and saw that a pair of pink feet had been burned. It's as red as boiled shrimp. Fortunately, the tea had been standing for a while and the temperature had dropped a bit, so it was not likely to cause burns.

Shame, anger, unwillingness and pain surged together, and the little girl couldn't stop crying anymore...


In a villa in the southwest suburbs, Mr. Pascal Paoli, wearing a brand new blue-gray dress, kissed his wife goodbye with a smile, and got into the carriage with his cane under his arm.

The breeze blew against his face, making him hum a song.

Paulie is in a very good mood because he has made huge gains in both career and love recently.

He first met Isabella, a gentle and beautiful British aristocratic lady, at a salon last month. Her father was a baron and his family was well off. The young nobles who pursued her could be arranged from St. James's Palace to Buckingham Palace.

Who would have thought that this angelic beauty looked indifferent to everyone, but was attracted by his demeanor and conversation, and soon fell in love with him.

Although he has been married for many years, as a well-known politician, it is normal for him to have a lover.

When he was obsessed with the beauty of love, just last week, a wealthy Scottish businessman who strongly advocated the spirit of freedom heard about his deeds. He was immediately moved and expressed his willingness to support the cause of the Corsican people's pursuit of independence and freedom. support.

According to what he learned from people who knew Mr. Chalmers, Chalmers owned two coal mines, a textile factory, and shares in the East India Company, and was worth at least 200,000 pounds.

He believed that such a wealthy person would give him at least 10,000 pounds, or even more.

Paulie's carriage stopped in front of a luxurious villa not far from the Thames River. A short middle-aged man immediately came up to him, opened the door for him, and said with a smile:

"You are finally here. Mr. Chalmers arrived half an hour ago."

Paulie hurriedly followed him towards the villa. Chalmers is likely to finalize funding at today's salon.

"Are Balster and Elliot here?"

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "They just arrived."

"That's good." Paulie sighed, "That's understandable, after all, Mr. Chalmers has never seen me before."

Although he said this, he was still a little dissatisfied in his heart.

Chalmers was actually worried that he, the Corsican leader, was fake and asked three senior officials of the Corsican Restoration Organization to participate in the funding.

In desperation, he had no choice but to let three generals come to England by boat. Although this may delay their rejection of the tax bill proposed by the pro-French faction in the Corsican Parliament, if they can get large sums of money, they can buy more MPs to support them in the future.

The salon had not yet started, and Mrs. Henry, who hosted the salon, enthusiastically ordered the servants to greet Pauli and others.

Then Pauli saw a wealthy Scottish businessman wearing gold-rimmed glasses who looked smart and capable.

"Ah! Nice to meet you." Chalmers greeted him and sat down after greeting each other. He raised his glass and said, "I have heard a lot about your deeds in the past few days. Dear Mr. Pauly, I must admit that I am very fond of you." I admire you and your father's feats so much.

"So I decided to donate £20,000 to support your noble cause."

Pauli didn't expect that the other party would tell him about the funding so straightforwardly, and the amount was far more than he expected.

"This is great." He quickly raised his glass, "On behalf of all the Corsican people, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you!"

The wine glasses touched lightly, but Chalmers seemed a little hesitant and said:

"But, Mr. Pauly, I have a small request."

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