I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 488 The first step in the reform of civil service

Chapter 489 The first step in the reform of official administration

Reims, a province immediately east of Paris.

Market inspector Viscount Duran watched hundreds of majestic police officers walking past him in neat steps, and couldn't help but feel solemn in his heart.

He clearly remembered that just a year ago, the police in Reims were no different from street gangsters. Not to mention that hundreds of people walked with the same sound now, and it was difficult to even get them to stand up straight. .

Now these police officers are highly paid and highly disciplined. They are directly commanded by the police department and are not under the jurisdiction of the city hall.

He secretly sighed that the police were no longer under the control of the nobles...

Joseph originally wanted to hold a police review ceremony in Reims like the one in Paris, but the police training here was still a little poor. The police department said that they had to prepare a month in advance to barely achieve the effect he wanted. .

So he had no choice but to change the review to a police parade around the city. Unexpectedly, because a large number of citizens followed and watched, it eventually turned into a parade of thousands of people, and the momentum was not much weaker than that in Paris.

"Hey, have you heard?" An official wearing a long black coat with protruding cheekbones suddenly approached Viscount Duran, touched him with his elbow, and said mysteriously, "Earl of Norfolk The reason why those people exposed other officials in court was because they were forced by the intelligence agency..."

Viscount Duran's expression suddenly changed. He rubbed his ears with exaggerated movements and said loudly: "Baron Chevalier, the drums are too loud. What did you say? I didn't hear clearly."

"I mean..."

Chevalier was about to say it again when he saw that Duran had turned around and greeted a middle-aged man, "Mr. Gerrard, long time no see, you are here too."

Chevalier had no choice but to turn to another official and tell him about the "big thing" he had learned about, but the latter quickly avoided him with a strange expression.

He suddenly felt depressed, and happened to see his cousin-in-law, Baron Alex, Lance's financial assistant, in the crowd, so he squeezed past and waved to him: "Henry, it's great to see you.

"Well, regarding the person implicated in the recent corruption case, I heard news that it is the Intelligence Bureau..."

As soon as he was halfway through speaking, he was interrupted sharply by his cousin-in-law: "Stop talking!"

The latter looked around and whispered seriously: "I always remind you not to listen to other people's nonsense, let alone spread it everywhere."

"No, this is not a rumor, it was said by Viscount Charles Berny..."

Viscount Berni is one of the more than 40 senior officials tried for corruption this time.

Baron Alex glanced nervously at the queue of policemen carrying flintlock guns not far away, and raised his hand to cover his mouth: "The royal family has suppressed this matter, which is the best result. You are still here Are you saying this to attract the Notary Investigation Bureau to investigate us? "

His voice became even lower: "Previously, the High Court only tried four people, and hundreds of officials were implicated. When all the more than 40 people later are tried, it is very likely that we will also be on the list of people exposed!"

"The most important thing is that no one can withstand the investigation, whether you, me, the municipal commissioner, the trade coordinator, etc.... So we just need to cooperate with the royal family and don't cause any complications!"

When he saw Chevalier nodding, he let go of his mouth, and warned: "Get ready after you go back, and follow me to Paris to register for the Royal University of Administrative Management in a few days..."

After the police parade ended, Baron Alex thought for a moment and ordered the driver to transfer to the police station.

Not long after, he said to the police officer who received him: "I want to report that Viscount Charles Berny spread rumors and framed the Intelligence Bureau..."

In the office next to him, Viscount Duran was also reporting on the same thing.

Joseph returned to Paris after presiding over a police parade in Bordeaux.

He first made a detour to the University of Administrative Management and gave a speech on behalf of Louis XVI at the opening ceremony.

Yes, with the generous sponsorship and constant urging from many officials, in just one and a half months, the university completed the preparatory work at light speed and was ready to start classes.

There were more than 600 students in the first batch, far exceeding the original plan.

Moreover, if you want to be among the first batch to attend class, you have to go to the church through the back door. There are thousands of officials waiting in line behind you.

When Joseph came out of school, he looked up and saw a rental notice hanging on the house across the street. The rent was as high as 40 francs a month!

This price is almost equivalent to one month's salary of an ordinary civil servant.

He patted his forehead and felt regretful. Why hadn't he thought of such a good real estate project before?

This is a house in the top school district. There is definitely nothing wrong with selling a house for 20,000 to 30,000 francs.

You know, the people who come to stay here are all officials, so you can still get this little money. And after buying it, even if you don't live in it, you can easily rent it out at a high price. Some smart businessmen will also invest in buying a house.

If you build a new community in this area, you can earn at least tens of millions of francs!

Thinking of this, Joseph hurriedly told Emang to send people to buy all the vacant land near the Administration University. It is not too late to remedy the situation. Doesn’t this raise more funds for tax reform?

The next day.

At the Palace of Versailles, a regular cabinet meeting is being held in the conference hall.

"Next is the proposal of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Brian looked at the document in front of him and said in a steady tone, "His Royal Highness suggests that officials in charge of road administration, water conservancy and other aspects should be allowed to go to university for study because the areas they are responsible for require a lot of professional knowledge.

"If these officials fail the professional assessment, it proves that they are not suitable for this job, and other people can be assigned to the position."

Mirabeau immediately nodded in agreement: "Your Royal Highness is very thoughtful. It is hard to imagine that a road director who can't even understand the roadbed construction drawings can build a road of qualified quality."

Brian looked around at several cabinet ministers: "Then we will follow His Royal Highness's proposal and let officials in these fields go to the Administrative Management University in batches for further study.

"And in the future, positions that require higher professional knowledge should first study and obtain relevant graduation certificates before they can take up their posts."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

There are not many official positions in water conservancy and road administration, and the power they hold is not great, so no one cares too much.

The ministers turned their heads and looked at Queen Marie again.

The latter was still admiring a beautiful bird outside the window - now the Dauphin could help her take care of most things, and she was becoming more and more lazy to worry about it - until Brian coughed lightly, she turned back suddenly and smiled awkwardly.

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