I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 494 Shattered into pieces (Additional update for the helmsman who deviated from the lane)

Chapter 495 Broken to the Ground (Additional update for the lane departure helmsman)

Seshali looked at Pauli and said seriously:

"Uncle, I think you should return to Corsica as soon as possible to stabilize the situation. Otherwise, when the next rally is organized, the voting situation will be even more unfavorable to you."

He just had to say directly that after the next vote, you will no longer be the leader of the restoration organization.

Paulie paced back and forth in the room anxiously, shaking his head and muttering to himself:

"No, it's impossible for me to go back! The French must be waiting for me on the dock. If I go back, I'll be finished..."

Seshali could only emphasize his tone and said:

"Uncle, as far as I know, most of the people who abstained from voting also believed the slander against you. It's just that they were worried that the organization could not suddenly lose its leader, so they did not support Bartorio and the others."

When Paulie heard this, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at him: "What did you say?"

"I said yes. Some senior leaders of the organization are worried that there will be no one to take charge of the overall situation if something big happens suddenly, so they reluctantly support you. Wait until they choose a new one..."

Paulie raised his hand to interrupt him, with a stern look in his eyes: "You are right, as long as something big happens, they must rely on me. By then, all votes will disappear!"

"Big thing? You mean?"

Paulie lowered his head and thought for a moment, then whispered to his nephew:

"After you go back, send people to secretly burn Nongza Village. Then leave some traces of the French and declare to the outside world that the French are retaliating, and the revenge will be expanded to more villages..."

Seshari's eyes widened in shock and he lost his voice: "Then...many Corsicans will die!"

Nongza is a village in the mountains. Almost all the villagers are staunch anti-French elements. Their presence is indispensable in all the conflicts between Corsica and the French government.

So if something happened here, and it was said that it was the French, no one would doubt it.

Such a major bloodshed will definitely arouse the hatred of the entire Corsica, and then someone will be needed to lead everyone to fight against the French.

At present, this person can only be Pauli - people from other restoration organizations do not have this prestige yet.

Paulie patted his nephew hard on the shoulder and said sincerely:

"For the future of Corsica, for the freedom of the people, sacrifice is inevitable."

Seshali took a few steps back in disbelief and stared at Pauly blankly, as if he had never known this uncle.

After a long time, Paulie repeated it again in a commanding tone, and then he suddenly came back to his senses. The sense of obedience formed towards his uncle over the decades took effect. He lowered his head and murmured:

"Yes, I understand...I'll go back right now."

After Seshari left, Paulie was in a very bad mood for two days in a row.

The Corsican Restoration Organization was founded by his father, and those idiots actually wanted to kick him out of the organization.

He secretly swore in his heart that after this incident passed, he would teach Bartolio, Cesare and others a lesson, yes, drive them out of Corsica!

The butler's voice came from outside the door: "Master, it's time for you to go to the club."

When Paulie heard the word "club", he immediately thought of Isabella's youthful and beautiful face, as well as her slim and graceful waist. There was a faint reaction in some part of her body, and most of her previous unhappy emotions were instantly reduced by half.

The so-called "going to the club" is the day when he has trysts with Isabella three times a week.

"I see."

He greeted the housekeeper and asked the maid to fetch his newly purchased French fashion clothes, humming a tune in his mouth.

Second floor of the Tuileries Palace.

Joseph turned over the latest report on the situation in Corsica and said to Fouche, who was sitting opposite the sofa:

"You did a good job this time. So, what is the current situation of the Zionists?"

Fouche leaned forward slightly and reported: "Your Highness, they are currently divided into three camps.

"One side is the anti-Pauli faction headed by Bartolio, who insists on expelling Pauli from the organization. There are currently 17 high-level members of the treason organization, and with our funding, they are the strongest.

"The other side is the loyal Pauli faction, headed by Giuseppe and Cesari-Colona Paoli. They deny all accusations against Paoli and there are 14 of them.

"There is also a moderation faction headed by Eliok, who advocates investigating Pauli first and re-electing the leaders of the organization. There are 12 of them.

"In addition, several people have quit the treasonous organization."

Joseph was a little surprised. He thought that it would be successful if he could split the Corsican Restoration Organization into "pro-Poly" and "anti-Poly" factions, but he didn't expect it to break into pieces like this. Some people were so discouraged that they "quit the group" "Yes.

He picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip, thinking: "If this is the case, we can make a difference in the Corsican Parliament."

Corsica's current political model is a high degree of autonomy. Neither the governor nor the royal family has any say but the parliament.

If you can control a majority of the seats in the Corsican Parliament, you can use this to promote legislation, making it easier to reverse Corsican independence tendencies - for example, legislation stipulates that the Governor of Corsica has veto power over parliamentary resolutions, or that Corsica's taxation does not Then controlled by parliament and so on.

He looked at Fouche and said: "You passed that sponsor, what is his name..."

"It's Chalmers. Your Highness."

"Oh, let Mr. Chalmers use his influence on the 'anti-Pauli' faction to urge them to break away from Pauli's organization and set up a new restoration organization. In the early stage of its establishment, we will add some of our people to it, and the organizational program should also try to downplay the content of independence."

Fouche's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, Your Highness."

It can be imagined that the opportunity for the establishment of this new restoration organization is to oppose Pauli. In the future, we can just sit back and watch the restorationists fight each other.

Joseph continued: "In addition, I will personally instruct Count Butafuoco to put aside his own little calculations and work hard to integrate all the pro-government factions in Corsica. Strive to get more seats in parliament."

Count Butafuoco is a representative of the pro-French forces in Corsica and has a lot of influence on the island. However, this person is very ambitious and has always wanted to be the great lord of Corsica and oppose the various new policies of the French government. But compared with the restorationists, he is very obedient and absolutely loyal to the royal family.

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