I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 498: Doing business with the British and leaving them with no business

Chapter 499: Doing business with the British and leaving them with no business

Obviously, the British saw the sensational effect of installing gas street lamps in Paris. In just four or five months, they quickly finalized an investment of more than 7 million and prepared to replicate it in London.

It is enough to see how rich the British are. With such a start, they are probably about to start recreating the glory of the Eastern Roman Empire.

He suddenly thought of a question and looked at Dupont and said, "Has the British mastered the technology of gas distillation?"

"This..." Dupont lowered his head and recalled, "I don't think they mentioned this technology."

Joseph frowned: "So they are going to invest in gas street lamps?"

Murdoch shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Your Highness, the British are shameless in stealing technology."

He gestured behind him: "There should be their industrial spies in the distillery now. As long as the funds are sufficient, they can copy a gas distillery as early as next summer."

He spoke fluent French, calling "Englishman" all the time, and he was already an authentic Frenchman. Well, his current assets and career are all in France. Not long ago, he was knighted in the Palace of Versailles, which means he has completely severed ties with Britain.

Joseph frowned again.

He knew that Britain and France had sent a large number of industrial spies to each other. No matter which side had something new, the other side would soon copy it. Historically, even a national heavy tool like the spinning jenny was "cloned" by France in just three to five years. It was only because of the domestic business environment and raw materials that it has not been able to compete with Britain.

Moreover, Britain's scientific research capabilities are already very strong. After all, it is the leader of this era, and Murdoch was actually trained by them. So as long as they are determined to do it, even if they don't steal technology, they will probably be able to develop it in more than a year.

Joseph was quite unhappy. He spent so much energy and invested so much money on gas street lamps. Paris hasn't attracted much talent and investment yet, and London is going to jump out to grab food!

And invest 7.5 million at once.

You British people are rich, so what?

No! He secretly clenched his fists. He thought that the British must not be allowed to handle the gas street lamps so smoothly.

But how can he stop the British?

It might not be so easy to catch industrial spies. Should he assassinate the British technicians responsible for the copycat gas distillation...

He immediately rejected this idea. "Dirty hands" is always the worst option. The British can easily guess that it was done by France, which may cause diplomatic disputes.

But soon, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Aren't the operations of those American arms companies in later generations applicable here?

The standard process is probably - bid at a low price first, get the military contract, squeeze out competitors at once, and then start to increase prices while making with the help of the monopoly position.

Of course, his goal is not to increase prices, but to squeeze out British competitors and run away.

Thinking of this, Joseph pulled Dupont away from the others and asked, "Since you can find out that Britain is going to invest in gas street lamps, then you must have some connections there, right?"

Dupont suddenly became nervous and waved his hand, saying, "Your Highness, I heard about it from my business partner, and it has nothing to do with the British government!"

Joseph smiled and patted him on the back, "I also have full trust in you. However, if I want to take over the business of installing gas lamps in London, can you find someone to help me connect?"

Dupont's eyes widened in shock, and it took a long time to say, "Your Highness, are you going to sell the gas street lamp technology to the British?"

"Part of it is considered." Joseph nodded, "But given the special diplomatic relations between Britain and France, you know, they may be more repulsive to French companies.

"So, I need you to help me set up a company in the UK, or directly acquire one, and then inject capital, and then come forward to contract the gas lamp project in London. "

"I can help with this, Your Highness. But I'm not sure whether I can reach a construction agreement with London City Hall. "

Joseph smiled and said, "Do you think 300,000 francs can impress the mayor of London and the project leader?"

Dupont was shocked again. The prince was obviously very familiar with the routines in the business world, and he was very decisive.

He thought about it and hesitated, "Your Highness, this matter may also involve the British Parliament. After all, the investment amount is huge..."

"Then add another 300,000 francs to make friends with the relevant members of parliament." Joseph said without hesitation, "In addition, I will give you another 100,000 francs as a reward for hard work."

Dupont finally stopped refusing. The huge sum of 600,000 francs used for bribery should be certain.

He nodded immediately and said, "Your Highness, I will try my best. As for the reward for hard work, I am very honored to serve you, so I really don't need it."

Joseph said in a strong manner, "You don't have to refuse. I will have someone give you 700,000 funds as soon as possible."

"Please invite Director Fouche." He turned to tell Emand, and then said to Dupont, "We need to discuss the details of this business again. "


Indian Peninsula.

On the outskirts of Seringapatam, the administrative center of Mysore.

The Marquis of Wellesley looked at the Mysore position in the distance with a gloomy expression, and asked his staff officer: "Where is my heavy artillery now?"

"General, the ground in South Kannada is very muddy due to the continuous heavy rains. The 12-pound cannon can only move a few thousand feet a day. I'm afraid it will take another month to deliver it."

Since arriving in India, Wellesley has almost swept all the way, using the "piling up heads" tactic to solve the Mysore fortress group in South Kannada, and has pushed the front line to Seringabadam.

He was promoted to brigadier general because of this. Unexpectedly, his army encountered trouble in front of this city. Tipu Sultan always avoided a head-on battle with him, and through frequent harassment tactics, he dragged him until the rainy season came.

"One month..." Wellesley scratched his shoulder hard. It was bitten by a mosquito as big as a mung bean yesterday, and it itched badly. "I don't know if the supplies from Conwillis can last for two months."

Yes, only when the heavy artillery arrives can the artillery used for defense in Seringabadam be suppressed, and it will take at least another month to capture Seringabadam.

Before that, his army was repeatedly harassed by mosquitoes, malaria, dysentery, and sneak attacks by the Mysoreans. He really suspected that the morale of the army would collapse before the logistical supplies were exhausted.

Since the rainy season, the logistical supply of him and Cornwallis has been almost cut off. A large number of warships carrying supplies were anchored in the port of North Kannada, but they could not be transported in. The Mysoreans seemed to have been prepared. The city was very well stocked with ammunition and food, which was completely different from their previous style.

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