I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 505: The Tax Farmers Association’s Counterattack

Chapter 506 The Counterattack of the General Association of Tax Farmers

The room was silent for several seconds before Charles looked up at Ford and said, "It seems that the government is going to forcibly cancel the tax farming system. Then... what should we do?"

If the French government really raises 200 million francs, it can maintain fiscal expenditures for half a year, and during this period, taxes will continue to be collected, thus forming a virtuous circle.

In this case, the government does not have to look at the face of the General Association of Tax Farmers at all, and tax reform can be completed with just a decree from the cabinet.

An old man on the left side of the table shook his head, as if whispering to himself: "The French government is carrying out such a big reform, even if there are 200 million francs, the funds will still be tight.

"We should perhaps negotiate with Brian as soon as possible and provide him with a loan to strive for a higher interest rate."

"We must not give up just like that!"

Hope immediately interrupted him loudly, and looked around at everyone and said, "Loans from the government can only get slightly higher interest than national debts. Are you willing to only do such a small business? ! "

All the tax farmers showed reluctance.

Although their apparent profit from tax farming was only 16%-20%, they actually had many hidden benefits. For example, they took advantage of the convenience of collecting tobacco and salt taxes to sell fake cigarettes and inferior salt. They took advantage of the difference in local tax rates between different provinces to conduct a certain degree of trade control, etc.

Counting these incomes, their return on investment will exceed 25%.

If the rate of return is reduced to a single-digit percentage, it would be more painful than killing their entire family.

Baron Morel gritted his teeth and said, "Damn the French government, this is a business that my family has run for generations. If they don't let me farm taxes, I would rather invest my money in the UK! It is said that London's gas lighting projects have a 15% return."

His words immediately attracted a round of echoes, "That's right, I also want to move my business out of France."

"We must unite and not succumb to the French government! "

"The Dutch stock market is not bad either. I've wanted to try it there for a long time..."

Hope raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, as if to summarize the matter: "Let Viscount Berlant try again and increase the tax package to 540 million francs. If it still doesn't work, we will leave France."

These tycoons have never had a motherland. They can only suck blood from different countries. If they can control the economic lifeline of a country, they can enjoy wealth forever.

For example, Wallenberg, who controlled Sweden, and the Sassoon family, who controlled the eastern Ottoman Empire, are the best among them. They also include Rothschild, Morgan, and others who came later.

At this time, Borore stood up and said disdainfully: "After talking for a long time, you just can't do anything about the government and are ready to escape."

Seeing everyone looking at him, he immediately showed a fierce look on his face: "We have a lot of funds, relationships and means, why don't we let those who dare to challenge us fall into fear? We can definitely show the French government a little bit of power! "

Morel saw this and a sly look flashed in his eyes. He immediately said in admiration: "You are right. We have to show our strength. You are the best in this regard. We are counting on you!"

Borol said proudly: "Humph, just wait and see."

When the meeting was about to end, the British banker Goldmid hesitated again and again, and finally looked at Hope and carefully suggested: "Mr. Hope, in fact, we have a very useful "weapon". At least we can let the French government share some of the tax benefits with us."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Tax documents."

He only said two words, and Hope fell into deep thought for a moment, and then nodded slowly: "You are right. The French government has not collected taxes for more than a century. Without our information, they can't even determine how much tax to collect from those cunning businessmen!"

Goldmid nodded: "We can also teach factory owners and businessmen to lie. For example, let them say that they pay quarterly or half-yearly taxes, or reach a tax reduction agreement with the previous tax collector.

"Without our registration documents, the new tax collector will fall into endless arguments and quibbling. Even if they forcibly collect taxes, they will inevitably arouse the anger of taxpayers."

Hope's eyes lit up: "When the government's tax bureau is in chaos, we can negotiate with them to obtain tax sharing or the right to collect certain taxes as a condition to help the tax bureau restore tax order."

Seeing that his opinion was supported, Goldmid immediately continued: "Then, now we need to immediately let all tax farmers collect tax documents and keep them in the General Assembly.

"On the other hand, we need to compile some rough or even wrong documents to evade the French government."

"You are a genius!" Hope praised immediately, and then looked at Delphi and others, "Then do it. Mr. Goldmid's method will keep the minimum income for everyone. "…

North-central France.

Orleans Province.

The Duke of Orleans once operated this place as his base camp and invested a huge amount of money, so this place is one of the best in France in terms of agriculture and commerce.

The new director of the Orleans Tax Bureau, Lemaire, was originally full of confidence and was ready to show his skills here, but at this time, he was nervously looking at the two people covered in blood in the room.

The two people were Vincent, his tax inspector, and Vincent's assistant.

The doctor instructed the servants to carry the injured onto the stretcher, and after a rough examination, he introduced the situation to the police who came: "The taller gentleman had a broken left arm, and the other one was slightly less injured, but they were obviously beaten with blunt objects. The good news is that they should not be in danger of life. Now I have to help them with further treatment."

"These bastards," Lemaire said, gritting his teeth as he looked at his unconscious subordinates, "They actually dared to attack officials!"

The policeman next to him immediately looked at him and said, "Director, do you have any clues about the murderer?"

Lemaire nodded: "On the third day after we arrived in Orleans, we received a threatening letter. They threatened us to resign immediately, otherwise they would make us regret it.

"We didn't care at the time, just thinking that someone was playing a prank. Unexpectedly, Francois and Garcia in the bureau were attacked from behind on the street the day before yesterday. Fortunately, there were passers-by passing by them, and the injuries were not serious.

"And today, Mr. Vincent was murdered."

As he was speaking, a police officer hurried over and handed a piece of paper to the responsible supervisor: "This was just found in the pocket of the injured person."

The supervisor looked at the note, frowned and read: "Get out of here immediately, otherwise next time it will be more than just one arm."

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