I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 507 Let the gangsters tremble, Mr. Robespierre!

Chapter 508 Let the gangsters tremble, Mr. Robespierre!

Joseph was a little surprised when he heard this - he had seen intimidation and attacks against the tax bureau in the intelligence report before, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

These tax farmers are too bold!

His first reaction was to ask the intelligence bureau and the police to cooperate and let the attackers taste the iron fist of violent institutions, but then he thought of another thing and frowned.

Who are Robespierre and his subordinates?

That's the "French IRS" he created!

The IRS in the United States in the future can arrest the gangster godfathers that even the FBI can't handle, can take away congressmen in public, and can catch keyboard warriors through the Internet.

And now, the French "IRS" is like a bullied young wife, bullied by a group of gangsters and running to ask for help...

How can this be possible?

You know, in this era of advocating the law of the jungle, beating tax officials and gathering to resist taxes are common. If the tax department doesn't have a bit of "murderous aura", it won't be able to collect taxes at all.

We can take this opportunity to let the tax bureau exercise.

Joseph thought of this and looked up at Robespierre: "What do you plan to do with these bad criminals?"

Robespierre immediately said: "I hope to add some guards to the tax bureaus in various places..."

Joseph raised his hand to interrupt him: "There will be no guards, but I can equip all tax officials with two pistols and standard military swords. If necessary, you can even apply for cannons."

At present, the standard equipment of the tax bureau is a Charleville 1776 flintlock for each person, as well as batons, shields and other equipment. Although this firepower is already very strong, it obviously cannot give the tax officials enough confidence.

Robespierre was a little slow to react: "Your Highness, but we are facing assassins..."

"So what, you are tax collectors!" Joseph raised his voice, "You are tax collectors who have received strict training in the Paris Police Academy and have the power to search, interrogate, and arrest!

"Whether it is assassins, gangsters, or smugglers, they should only tremble after hearing your name, and not dare to threaten or even attack you. Attacking tax collectors is a felony. If you are equipped with guns, you must be good at using them!"

Robespierre felt a surge of blood rushing through his body when he heard this. The prince was right. He was a dignified tax collector who was determined to devote everything to the interests of the country and the people. It was a shame that he was frightened by a group of gangsters! What about his perseverance and faith? Did they all disappear when he encountered danger?!

Joseph saw that his eyes had changed, and continued to encourage:

"You represent justice and the whole of France, and you also have enough power to let those lawless people know how powerful you are. Let them have nightmares whenever they think of the reputation of the tax collector!

"Go ahead, tell me what weapons you need and I will send them to you immediately, but not guards."

Robespierre stood at attention and said loudly: "Yes, Your Highness!"

After leaving the Tuileries Palace, he immediately returned to his office, tore up the speech he had used to appease his subordinates, and then rewrote it based on what His Royal Highness the Dauphin had just said.

Not long after Robespierre left, Brian came to Joseph's office and saluted excitedly, saying: "Your Highness, just now Berlant came to me with the drafted agreement, saying that he would increase the tax collection fee to 540 million francs and give up some trade-related taxes. It can be signed immediately. But I drove him away as you ordered."

Joseph smiled when he heard this. The tax farmers are always using both soft and hard tactics. They are intimidating the government's tax collectors on the one hand, and offering a generous tax collection fee agreement on the other.

However, judging from their actions, his "empty account" method has obviously produced results, and the confidence of the tax farmers in controlling the government by relying on the tax revenue has begun to collapse.

Then the next step of the operation of dividing the tax farmers can be implemented.

He gave Brian some instructions, and then summoned Fouche to ask the Intelligence Bureau to investigate the forces behind the people who attacked the tax bureau.

Most of these attackers were sent by the tax farmers. If they can be caught, the resistance to tax reform can be reduced.


Palace of Versailles.

In the reception room of the Crown Prince's bedroom, Charles, one of the tax farmer giants, kept looking at the door with an anxious look.

Three days ago, his assets in France were temporarily seized. The explanation given by the High Court was that the Intelligence Bureau was conducting some investigations on him.

Several banks and loan funds under his name were affected. Some shareholders had received the news and anxiously asked him what happened.

Charles looked for all the connections, but he still couldn't get to the point.

Finally, after spending thousands of francs, a captain from the intelligence agency revealed to him that the investigation was conducted at the request of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

So he hurried here again.

More than an hour later, the Crown Prince finally came back.

Charles hurriedly stood up and saluted respectfully. He was thinking about how to ask about the seizure of assets in a subtle way, but the Crown Prince spoke first: "Are you here to learn about the investigation of you by the Intelligence Agency?"

Charles was startled and nodded immediately: "Yes, Your Highness. I have always been doing legitimate business. The intelligence agency's unprovoked seizure of my assets will cause me to suffer huge losses."

"Legal business?" Joseph deliberately prolonged his voice, "You seem to have forgotten something."

"I swear, Your Highness, my business is legal!"

"It seems that I need to remind you." Joseph's face sank, "You have been supporting the rebels in the Southern Netherlands for a long time, and you have never stopped during the war between our army and the rebels."

Charles was immediately shocked. France had declared war on the rebels in the Southern Netherlands. According to what the crown prince said, that was a serious crime of aiding the enemy.

He waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Your Highness, this is impossible. I have always invested in the royal families or governments of various countries. I would never be interested in the rebels' interests."


Joseph gestured to Emman to get a document and flipped through it, saying, "Your Charles-Botton Bank in the Southern Netherlands provided a total of three loans to the rebel organization last year. And helped them complete dozens of fund transfers with Dutch and British banks."

Charles' eyes widened: "This, this is impossible!"

Joseph threw the documents directly to him: "Take a look for yourself."

Charles immediately wrote on it: Charles-Botton Bank Brussels Branch, October 21, loaned 37,000 livres to Herlos Steel Company...

Charles-Botton Bank Burgenth Branch, December 1, loaned 20,000 livres to Ghent City Hall...

There are more records of loans and fund transactions later.

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