I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 510: Multiple Paths

Chapter 511: Multiple Fronts

The people mentioned by Borore are his "black gloves". They were responsible for contacting the subordinates in threatening the tax officials this time.

Therefore, as long as they are arranged well, the police will never find Borore.

The housekeeper immediately bowed and said:

"Please rest assured, sir. They left France the day before yesterday."


On the other side, Joseph looked at the report sent by the tax bureau on the recent arrests and killings of criminals involved in the attack, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

This is a bit like the French "IRS".

He thought about it and asked Emman to call the editor-in-chief of Paris Business Daily, Denico. This time the tax bureau made such a big fuss, and it must be used well.

On the one hand, it is to publicize the deeds of the tax officials who bravely defeated the thugs without fear of intimidation and threats in order to have a better tax environment in France. This can establish the heroic image of the tax bureau to gain the support of the people, and it can also deter some people who want to evade taxes.

On the other hand, it can be used as an opportunity to publicize the benefits of abolishing the tax farming system for ordinary people. Once something goes wrong during the taxation mode switch in the future, the whole French society can be more inclusive.

After Eman left, Joseph wrote a commendation order, focusing on commending outstanding individuals or groups such as Chaumet, who killed the attacker for the first time, and the Orleans Tax Bureau, which quickly cleared the gang of thugs.

He was telling the tax officials that being ruthless and courageous would be rewarded.

More than an hour later, Denico, the "official mouthpiece" of the French government, came to the second floor of the Tuileries Palace.

Joseph first instructed Denico to publicize the tax officials and the abolition of the tax farming system, and then handed him the information of the banker Charles and a copy of the 12 million franc loan agreement that the latter had just signed with Brian.

The editor-in-chief was a little puzzled and asked, "Your Highness, what are these used for?"

"Please arrange for a reporter to interview Mr. Charles as soon as possible." Joseph smiled and urged, "Mainly introduce his full support for the government's tax reform and the large amount of low-interest loans he provided to ease the government's financial pressure.

"Oh, by the way, I have to mention at the end that Charles-Botton Bank has been listed as one of the custodian banks of the King's Fund."

He wanted to maximize Charles's divisive effect on the General Association of Tax Farmers. On the one hand, he revealed that Charles had "surrendered" to the government, and on the other hand, he also implicitly indicated that surrendering would bring benefits.

You know, the King's Fund is a core fund related to the development of agriculture in France. It currently has a principal of more than 34 million francs - basically all invested by the old nobles to maintain their family's livelihood - and it also has the government's authorization in agricultural production management, as well as land, farm tools, livestock, patents in agricultural production and other assets. It will inevitably develop very fast in the future and has a bright future.

And being able to become a custodian bank of the King's Fund, even if it is only a 10% share, it will be a fortune. A huge sum of money.

For banks, the amount of money on the books means how much profitability they have.

This will inevitably have a further tearing effect on the tax farmers.

After Denik left, Joseph looked at the loan agreement on the table and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

At present, with this money, the fiscal budget for next year is less than 40 million francs, and there are less than two months left for himself.

If the progress of the division of the tax farmers goes smoothly, more people will come to "surrender", but there will definitely be a lot of funds that will choose to flow in other directions.

Therefore, it is necessary to narrow the way out for the original tax farmers as much as possible, and at least 200 million francs of funds must flow into the French treasury.

Joseph tapped his fingers on the table. His face frowned slightly.

If the government wants to control capital, it actually has many means. In extreme cases, it can even directly issue a decree that the capital of a certain bank is not allowed to flow out of France. As a capital party, there is no resistance.

However, if the means are too rough and the eating is too ugly, it will only scare away other capital and even destroy the normal investment environment in the country. After all, a government that dares to take action against private property at any time must be a role that all investors avoid.

The kind of thing where His Majesty the King stamps his seal and the army is dispatched to raid the tycoon's house can only appear in the plot of novels.

Just like his previous "threat" against Charles, it was also a coincidence. The latter happened to be a tycoon in the Southern Netherlands and had nothing to do with the Brabant Uprising. It is difficult to sever the relationship, and the High Court procedure can be carried out openly, so it can be used.

In this case, other investors will only think that it is a special case and has absolutely nothing to do with them, so it will not cause panic.

Even so, Joseph can only threaten Charles to temporarily freeze his assets. If there is a bigger move, it will still make other capitals afraid.

At present, the other giants of the Tax Farmers Association have no handles for him, so he must find a reasonable and legal way that will not cause shocks in the capital market.

Joseph rubbed his eyebrows tiredly. It seems that he can only use the excuse of "banking industry rectification" to delay time, but even this little delay can make many capitals choose the French government.

Because even if it is delayed for only one month, if the funds are too large, huge losses will occur, and many investments must be finalized at the end of the year, which gives him a little advantage.

If it is not possible to raise enough funds for the operation of the fiscal system next year by the end of the year, then the only way is to raise interest rates significantly to attract these chaebols, or to raise funds from the Royal Insurance Company.

However, even if the interest rate is raised to about 18%, it is much less than what the tax farmers ate before.

In the villa of Fold, the head of the French Tax Farmers Association, more than a dozen giants of the association sat on both sides of the conference table, all with solemn expressions.

Fold clasped his hands and said in a low voice:

"Everyone should have heard that Charles betrayed us and bowed to the government."

Baron Morel said: "I heard from Mr. Charles that he was involved in the case of the Southern Netherlands rebels and had to do this."

Charles did not attend this meeting at all, so this became the only speech to defend him.

Everyone showed disdain and refuted Morel one after another.

An old man sneered, "He got a share of the King's Fund, is it because he has something to do with the rebels?"

"He has always been timid, it's not surprising that he would turn to the government."

"That's right! I heard that his 12 million funds received 14% interest from Brian, which is not bad if it can't include taxes."

If Charles heard this, he would probably cry. His money only had an interest of 4.5%, which was almost like giving it to the government for nothing.

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