I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 514 Let Nahuang do what he should do

Chapter 515 Let the Emperor do what he should do

After that, Count Buttafuoco struck while the iron was hot and asked Girolamo to promote a bill in parliament to disqualify Paulist members.

Battolio naturally fully supported this - if the Paulist members were killed, most of these parliamentary seats would fall into the hands of his faction.

On the other hand, the Paulist faction would naturally not sit idly by.

They quickly united with the neutral faction and fought together in parliament. The latter was also in danger of losing their teeth and lips, and they were afraid that after the Paulist faction fell, it would be their turn.

However, even if they joined forces, they did not have one-third of the seats in parliament and could not resist the passage of the bill.

Unless, there were other forces that could help them.

At this time, Count Buttafuoco appeared.

"So, I can assure you that my people will not vote for the bill to cancel your parliamentary qualifications."

In the lounge of the Ajaccio tennis court, Count Butafuoco smiled at the people in front of him. After they expressed their gratitude, he continued: "You also know that I have just become the governor, but there are many people vying for this position.

"If we can work together to promote the bill and ban the National Guard, which often causes trouble for the government, then my position will be more stable."

As the armed force of the Restoration Organization, the National Guard was designated as an illegal organization by the French government, but the Corsican Parliament recognized it. This is also an important reason why the Guard has always been supported by the Corsicans.

Giuseppe and Eloch looked at each other and shook their heads decisively: "This is absolutely not possible!"

"You are taking advantage of someone's misfortune. Even if we want to deal with Bartolio, we can't use the Guard as a price."

Count Butafuoco smiled: "After you lose your parliamentary qualifications, the National Guard will belong to Bartolio. What's the point of you protecting it? "

Both the Paulists and the neutrals were silent.

How many of these restorationists really wanted to establish the Republic of Corsica? There was no prominent country in Corsica's history, and nationalism had not yet risen at this time. They were carrying out the separatist movement, not to become "founding heroes" and sit in high positions forever?

However, now he was going to be removed, and when Bartolomeo took control of the Self-Defense Forces, they would not be able to turn over.

Finally, Giuseppe took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, I accept your suggestion."

Elek, the leader of the neutrals, thought about it, and suddenly said: "My Lord Count, even if we support you, the three of us together do not have enough seats in the parliament for two-thirds of the seats."

The Bartolomeo faction has 35% of the seats in the parliament, and 66% of the seats are required to pass a decree.

Count Buttafuoco nodded calmly: "Don't worry, as long as your people vote in favor of abolishing the Self-Defense Forces, the agreement will be fulfilled. "

Just kidding, it's not difficult for Chalmers, the big moneybag, to move a few Bartolomeo members with just a little effort and a little money.

In addition, there is the speaker Girolamo, who also has his own power in the Bartolomeo faction and can be used as a backup vote.


On the second floor of the Tuileries Palace.

Joseph looked at the report just sent by the Governor of Corsica and couldn't help but smile.

According to the letter, although the Corsica Parliament has not started voting yet, judging from the current political situation, the passage of the bill to abolish the National Guard is a foregone conclusion.

All that remains is to send troops to wipe out this illegal armed force Pretended.

Without the protection of the cloak of legitimacy, this guerrilla group will find it difficult to gain support from the Corsican people - this is the decision of the Corsican Parliament, which has a very high effect locally - and thus become easy to deal with.

After losing its armed forces, the Corsican Restoration Organization, which is extremely divided internally, will no longer pose any threat.

After that, whether it is to assimilate them in political games again and again, or to find an excuse to ban them directly, the problem of Corsica's division will be completely solved.

Joseph stuffed the report into the envelope, thinking about who should be sent to eliminate the illegal armed forces.

He suddenly felt a little funny. This job in history Isn't it the Emperor who did it? Let him go this time. He is familiar with the place and will definitely not make any mistakes.

And when Napoleon personally cleans up the National Guard, and then sees the misdeeds of his idol Paoli and the disorganized situation of the restoration organization, he will probably be discouraged about the restoration of Corsica.

When he thought of this, he immediately wrote an order to the General Staff - ordering Major Napoleon Buvanaba to lead a battalion and all the Corsican garrisons to be responsible for clearing out the Corsican National Guard. After the mission was completed, Buvanaba was promoted to lieutenant colonel and served as the acting commander of the Corsican garrison.

Joseph knew Napoleon is very ambitious. While he is disappointed with the Restoration Organization, if he can get a high-ranking position like the commander of the Corsican Army, then his idea of ​​being a genuine Frenchman will prevail.

After Corsica is completely under the management of the French government, he will have no chance to start a Restoration Movement.

By then, this brave general will be truly at his disposal.

Joseph wrote the order and handed it to the messenger, then picked up another document on the table to read.

This was sent by the General Taxation Bureau, which probably means that the tax bureaus in various places have been prepared, and the handover with the tax farmers has been basically completed, and they can take over the tax collection work at any time.

Joseph rubbed his brows. There was less than a month left until the end of the year, and the total amount of funds raised so far was only 80 million francs, leaving a huge gap.

Although he had asked the banking industry to start "payment and exchange rectification" to delay the exodus of large funds, only Charles, a tax farmer, had surrendered to him.

Those big tycoons were really patient. Joseph couldn't help shaking his head. If there was no progress next week, he would have to start high-interest loans.

At this moment, Emman's voice came from outside the door: "Your Highness, Mr. Fouché is here."

"Oh, please let him in."

The director of the Intelligence Bureau walked into the room quickly, saluted the prince and said: "Your Highness, the 'lender' wants to see you for something important."

Lender? Joseph's eyes lit up when he heard this. This was the code name of the "insider" he had bought in the tax farmer's association, but the other party had no news, so he almost forgot about it.

I didn't expect him to see me suddenly. Could there be a breakthrough?

Joseph nodded and said, "Where is he?"

"At Madame Bertrand's house."

More than half an hour later, Joseph met the "lender", the British banker Goldmid, at Madame Bertrand's house.

The latter had been waiting here for a long time. When he saw the Crown Prince coming, he hurried forward and bowed: "It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness. I am taking the liberty of inviting you here because I have good news to tell you."

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