I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 517: The Emperor Massacres Corsica

Chapter 518: Napoleon bloodbaths Corsica

However, all this must be exchanged for the destruction of the National Guard.

Napoleon's heart was like a huge wave, did he really want to do this?

Without the National Guard, the Corsican Restoration Organization would lose its pillar...

His eyes swept across the huge headline on the "Ajaccio Life" on the table-"Corsica Parliament Passes the Bill to Ban the National Guard with a High Vote", and his brows furrowed immediately.

Yes, it was not that he was going to wipe out the National Guard, but that the idiots in the parliament passed such a bill. Among the members who voted in favor, at least half were members of the Restoration Organization.

In other words, it was the Restoration Organization that destroyed its own pillar!

Napoleon couldn't help but take a deep breath. Paulie had fallen, or he had never been noble from the beginning, and the Restoration Organization was completely rotten. They had lost the possibility of achieving Corsica's independence.

If he continued to devote himself to the Restoration Organization, he would never stand out!

When this thought flashed through his mind, he was suddenly stunned.

Why did he think of making a name for himself at this moment?

He squeezed the railing on the deck hard, examining his heart so frankly for the first time.

Did he really just want to see the establishment of the Republic of Corsica?

He hesitated for a few seconds, then shook his head slightly, as if he had always wanted to use Corsica's independence to gain a glorious position in the Corsican government.

Speaking of which, he went to Brienne, east of Paris, when he was a child, and lived like a real Frenchman, living better than most Corsicans. Now, letting other Corsicans be like him may be the way for them to truly gain freedom and a good life.

Napoleon suddenly felt relieved and turned back to the cabin.

The starting point of acting commander of the Corsican Corps seemed good. He nodded secretly. When he climbed to a higher position in the future, he could help his hometown develop better.

Outskirts of Asco, a city in northern Corsica.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I really can't let you into the city." A middle-aged man dressed decently with a silver cane under his arm looked at Cesarie-Colonna Paoli with an apologetic look, "You know, the parliament has banned your army..."

"You are also a member of the Restoration Organization!" Cesarie grabbed the arm of the municipal commissioner of Asco and pointed to the temporary camp in the distance, "The soldiers need supplies, and we only have less than a week of food left."

"I came to visit you as a member of the Restoration Organization." The middle-aged man said, "But I, the City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce cannot violate the law, please forgive me."

The Corsican Parliament was elected by themselves, so the Corsicans have no doubts about the decisions of the Parliament - this is also the result of years of brainwashing by the liberals, which makes the people believe that "the Parliament represents me". So how can I oppose myself?

Therefore, even though the National Guard, which has always been highly respected, is now difficult to enter even the town. In the past, the situation where the Corsican people warmly welcomed them with food and drink has completely disappeared.

In fact, after the Corsican Parliament's decree on the abolition of the National Guard came into effect, more than a quarter of the National Guard had fled back home, and the number of deserters was still increasing.

After all, the superior Restoration Organization members also voted in favor, and the Restoration Organization now had no one who had the final say, which made the soldiers even more frustrated.

"Then, at least provide us with some wine and bread." Cesar said helplessly, "For God's sake."


The municipal commissioner was hesitating whether to pay for some supplies to send the National Guard out of his own pocket. Suddenly, a cavalryman came hurriedly and said to Cesar, "Captain, the French army was found 5 miles north! There are about 2,000 people."

Cesar's face turned pale and he asked hurriedly, "Have you communicated with them?"

The Corsican garrison had not had a conflict with the National Guard for a long time. Well, it was mainly because they couldn't beat them, so it was not ruled out that it was just an ordinary mobilization of the French army.

The cavalryman said in a deep voice: "They refuse to make contact, sir."

The second commander and other officers beside him immediately came over and said anxiously: "Commander, it seems that these guys are coming for us."

"We only have 1,300 soldiers now. I'm afraid we will suffer if we fight hard..."

"Commander, let's go into the Roa Mountain."

The terrain of Corsica is basically a huge mountain range, occupying more than 80% of the area. Only the edge of the island near the Mediterranean Sea has some plains suitable for survival.

In the past, when the National Guard faced the encirclement of the French army, they would go into the mountains without hesitation, relying on their familiarity with the terrain and the large number of villages in the mountains to provide supplies to circle the French.

When it drags on for a long time, the French army will withdraw on their own because they can't bear the huge military expenditure, and they will come out again.

At present, they are located in the north of the Roa Mountain Pass. They can enter the mountain in less than a day if they walk south. However, Cesari hesitated.

They had recently passed through several towns and villages, and without exception, they were resisted. After the parliamentary decree was passed, Count Butafuoco immediately sent people to spread the word on the island to ensure that the National Guard would become a street rat.

Cesar looked at the city of Asco not far away. If the guards entered the mountains and those villages refused to provide food, then his more than 1,000 people would probably starve to death. Moreover, he had more important things to do...

He sent away the municipal commissioner of Asco and immediately convened a combat meeting, saying to all the officers: "We have fought the French many times, and they are not terrible.

"We must repel them here, and then continue south to Ajaccio to let those stupid parliamentarians cancel the decree. This is the only way for the legion to survive! "

The officers looked at each other and nodded their heads.

They did win more than they lost against the French troops stationed in Corsica, but they did not expect that the commander on the other side this time was the terrifying "Corsican Monster".

Not to mention that they had so few people, even if they doubled their strength, they would be no different from sheep challenging a lion if they fought hard.


Napoleon smiled when he saw the National Guard camp in the telescope.

The intelligence agency's information was very accurate, and the National Guard was indeed near Asco. It was because he got this information that he landed at the nearest port of Calvi, and then marched for two and a half days, and indeed caught up with them.

A staff officer came quickly and saluted, saying, "Commander, our rangers found that the enemy was setting up a defense line, and it seemed that they were preparing for a battle. "

Napoleon's heart moved, it seemed that his clearing mission would be completed soon.

He signaled his attendant to bring a map, pointed to a high ground on the west side and ordered: "Let the artillery go here immediately..."

As he was speaking, he suddenly raised his hand to interrupt the second half of his sentence: "Wait, maybe this is an opportunity. "

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