I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 523 Money power, activated! (Monthly ticket requested!)

Chapter 524 Money power, activated! (Monthly votes requested!)

With such a scale, it is indeed a fantasy to fill one-third of the trade gap in France.

Joseph looked confident, looked around and said:

"What if I inject 20 million francs into the trade alliance?"

The room suddenly became quiet.

Even though these political and business leaders have seen the world, and even have a lot of money themselves, the figure of 20 million francs still makes their heads buzz.

What does this mean?

Half a million francs is enough to build a large caravan - the kind that can affect the trade volume of a big city.

Last year, the total profit of all caravans in France was estimated to be about 50 to 60 million francs.

The prince put in all the profits of the caravans across the country for half a year!

Immediately, several people swallowed their saliva together, and excitement began to jump in their eyes.

Generally speaking, with sufficient funds, it takes two months to prepare for the establishment of a large caravan, and then slowly get familiar with the market and start normal operations.

But now the funds are more than sufficient, it is simply a luxury! It is a serious overflow!

If each caravan invests more than 100,000 francs to recruit people, the framework can be set up almost overnight - as long as the wages are high enough, the employees of other caravans will come to work overnight.

Even directly acquiring other caravans is fine. Many caravans are willing to sell themselves at a 20% premium.

Then allocate a few thousand francs to play GG in the city where they are located, hire people to spread word of mouth, and there are royal family and government endorsements behind them. Those factories suffering from the backlog of goods will definitely choose the caravans of the trade alliance without hesitation.

In this way, after 20 million francs are spent, the scale of the existing trade alliance can be doubled in a week at most, and the market will be quickly occupied.

Dupont nodded subconsciously:

"If so much money is invested, it is not a problem to quickly restore the trade route!"

As a cabinet minister, Mirabeau is relatively clear about the country's financial situation. He said with a worried look:

"Your Highness, if so much money is mobilized, the finances may not be able to bear the pressure..."

Just kidding, after the tax reform, the government operating funds for next year have not been collected yet. If another 20 million is taken out, the government may have to close down next year.

Joseph said calmly: "Don't worry about the money, I will take care of it.

"Please ask Mr. Bai to build the trade alliance as quickly as possible, and others to contact their respective caravans to sign the agreement to join. "

He didn't even ask the caravan whether they were willing to join the trade alliance. With an astronomical investment of 20 million, anyone who refused would be out of their mind.

As for the issue of funds, he planned to borrow 20 million from the Royal Insurance Company first. The insurance company is now selling well, has ample liquidity, and is looking for places to invest.

As for how to repay this huge sum of money in the future?

Of course, the tax farmers will pay it back.

After making such a big deal, they still want to get away with it?

Originally, each family would buy 10 million francs of national debt, but these greedy guys insisted on being stubborn, so now it's changed to a 10 million fine!

By the way, they can use their money to integrate the domestic trade system, improve the management level of the caravan, and speak with one voice in foreign trade, thereby greatly enhancing trade competitiveness.

Mirabeau and others didn't expect the Crown Prince to spend 20 million francs so casually. They wanted to persuade His Highness to be more cautious, but they saw that Joseph had turned to the Viscount of Besançon, the director of the Police Bureau:

"Please leave for Marseille immediately and personally monitor the order of the port.

"If anyone incites a strike without reason, he will be arrested immediately. We must ensure that the port of Marseille can operate normally."

The head of the police department immediately stood at attention and said loudly: "Yes, Your Highness!" Then, there was some hesitation in his eyes, "Your Highness, if those people make a big fuss..."

"You are allowed to shoot at any time." Joseph said without hesitation, "But try not to hurt ordinary porters and crew members."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Besancon suddenly seemed confident.

Joseph looked at the assistant manager of the twin companies again:

"Mr. Volant, you will also follow Viscount Besancon to Marseille. After you get there, spread the news that a large number of urgently needed goods will arrive at the port of the twin companies in the near future, and then the porters, trackers, and port managers will be given a 20% increase in wages.

"If the port really starts to make trouble, you will continue to increase this amount until the wages are doubled.

"At the same time, you should contact the captains of other ships arriving at the port privately and ask them to increase their wages as well. We will pay the extra expenses."

"Yes, Your Highness." Volante bowed and saluted, "I will definitely satisfy you."

Joseph took out another remittance slip from the drawer, signed his name, stamped it, and handed it to Volante:

"Please go to the French Reserve Bank to confirm first. The Marseille branch can pay 1.5 million francs at any time. If not, then bring the money directly from Paris."

After he assigned the tasks in a swift and resolute manner, Mirabeau and others all took orders and left, and did not dare to delay for a moment.

Joseph summoned Marat again and told him to send people to keep an eye on the funds he allocated this time.

After all, the amount was too large, and it had to be spent in a short period of time using unconventional means. It was hard not to make the people who handled it have the idea of ​​stealing.

At present, he could only think of people like Marat who could resist the temptation of money.

A week later.

Robespierre came to the Tuileries Palace with a gloomy face, straightened his collar, and strode to the second floor.

Behind him were three men from the General Taxation Bureau, each holding a wooden box filled with report materials.

Not long after, Joseph looked at the documents spread out on the table, his face even gloomier than Robespierre.

These are the accounts of tax farmers that the General Taxation Bureau has recently verified based on complaints from the public.

This is not just a matter of accounts, it is simply horrifying!

Robespierre narrated in a low voice: "This Leonor's family originally had 47 acres of land, inherited from their ancestors. Their family has almost never defaulted on taxes.

"Until the tax farmer Jacques Ettore de Poca suddenly levied taxes in advance, and the cold spring that year caused the wheat to mature late, which caused 18 farmers in the village to go bankrupt. Including the abandoned tenants, more than 30 households gave up their land, and Boca eventually acquired most of the land in the village..."

Joseph looked at the information about Leonor in his hand, with anger in his eyes. It showed that Leonor's second son had a miscarriage in the incident, and his mother died of illness the year after leaving the village.

Robespierre continued: "After continuous heavy rains four years ago, Lecornu, a tax farmer in the town of Sty, set the tax payment location at a hunting villa 10 miles away from the town..."

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