I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 525: A River of Blood (asking for monthly votes)

Chapter 526: Rivers of Blood (asking for monthly tickets)

The leading tax officer took a few steps forward, his face expressionless and said:

"You are Jacques Etoile de Poca of Touraine, right?"

Touraine is Poca's hometown. He immediately nodded and said, "I am Poca."

Then the tax officer took out a copper badge and showed it to him:

"I am Pierre Gaspard Chaumette, the inspector of the Reims Tax Bureau. Now you are suspected of illegal taxation, intentional injury, fraud...

"Ah, there are many charges, I will talk about this in detail later. Oh, your ID number is 1037083123, right?"

After the unremitting efforts of the Minister of Household Registration, France has basically popularized ID cards except for extremely remote areas.

Poca's face darkened and he nodded, "Yes."

"That's right." Chaumette gestured to the tax officer behind him, "Arrest him immediately."

"Yes, sir!"

"What are you going to do? "Boca took a step back and threatened, "I am friends with the municipal commissioner Baron Le Corneille! You guys be careful!"

"Municipal commissioner?" Xiaomette sneered, turned around and shouted to his men, "Hurry up!"

"Hey! Do you know who I work for?" Seeing that the municipal commissioner was ineffective, Boca had to bring up his boss, "It's Viscount Borore!"

"Oh?" Xiaomette became interested after hearing this, took out his notebook and began to record, "Tell me in detail how you work for Borore."

Boca was stunned for a moment, and seeing that the other party was unmoved, he put on a smile again, winked at Xiaomette, and whispered:

"Don't be so serious. If you can go outside the town to rest for an hour, I can give you 2,000, no, 3,000 francs."

Unexpectedly, the tax inspector in front of him did not show greed like other bureaucrats he usually saw, but instead looked extremely angry.

"How dare you bribe officials? "This will add one more charge to your crime!" Chaumet shouted.

He was a "pure-blood" Jacobin who followed Robespierre - his mind was full of devotion to justice and freedom and the creation of a beautiful country, and Pocar's behavior was undoubtedly an insult to his ideals.

At this moment, Pocar's butler rushed over with seven or eight fierce men with weapons.

Seeing that Pocar looked unfriendly, those people immediately stood in front of him and separated the tax officials.

More people kept coming from behind, all of them were tax collectors under Pocar. Most of these guys were gangsters before, and they were also domineering after becoming tax collectors, beating up tax defaulters at will, so they developed an extremely arrogant habit.

One of them looked at Pocar: "Master, what do you think we should do?"

"Drive these guys away. "Poca gritted his teeth.

He could see that the tax bureau was serious this time. So he decided to drive away the tax officer first, and then immediately seek refuge from Viscount Borore.

The tax officer brought by Xiaomette stepped forward to push away the tax collectors, but was pushed by the other party and staggered.

As more tax collectors arrived, the number soon reached nearly 20 people, surrounding Xiaomette and others.

A loud "bang" made Boca's people shrink their necks.

Xiaomette retracted his raised right hand, blew away the gunpowder from the muzzle, and said to the tax officials: "If you dare to gather together to attack the tax officials, you can kill them immediately!"

The tax officials behind him immediately lined up in a circle back to back, pointing the muzzles of their flintlock rifles at the murderers in front of them.

Poca turned and ran to the yard, shouting at the same time: "Don't be afraid, whoever is caught, I will definitely bail him out!"

Xiaomette pulled out another pistol and aimed at the chest of the most arrogant tax collector before: "Get out of the way! "

Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Xiaomite pulled the trigger without hesitation.

There was another explosion, and the murderer was knocked back by the lead bullet, his chest was bloody.

The other tax collectors suddenly remembered that they had heard about the tax collector shooting the attacker in the street, and immediately linked the tax collector's reputation with the people in front of them.

Several people reached for their waists tremblingly. They also had pistols, plus the advantage of numbers. If a fight really broke out, these tax collectors would definitely not be opponents.

Seeing this, Xiaomite immediately shouted: "Shoot!"

Although the six tax collectors were very nervous, they still executed the order. The flintlock rifles in their hands spewed flames at the same time, and with only five or six steps between them, they instantly shot the six tax collectors flying backwards.

"Prepare bayonets! "Xiumet continued to give orders, and he drew his sword.

The dozen or so tax collectors around him looked at the corpse on the ground, and their legs went weak. They didn't have the courage to draw their guns and fight. They turned around in fear and wanted to run.

"Stop!" Xiaomette shouted, "Otherwise I will kill you immediately!"

The tax collectors who were arrogant on weekdays even forgot that the tax collector's gun had not been loaded with ammunition. They stood still and some even raised their hands.

Xiumet personally led a man into Boca's villa. Soon, he came out with a pistol against Boca and his housekeeper.

The tax farmer had heard the gunshot just now, and when he saw the corpse on the ground, he was so scared that his legs went weak and he knelt on the ground, with a smelly water stain in his crotch...

At the same time, in the town of St. Petersburg.

Although the tax farmer Leconu had his hands tied, he still shouted arrogantly:

"Humph, you dare to arrest me?

"I'm telling you, you're done! In less than three days, someone will come to pick me up. When that happens, I'll make you regret it!"

The tax officer at the side recalled the things that this guy had done in the file, raised his hand and hit him on the mouth with the butt of a gun, and the shouting stopped immediately.

A fierce battle broke out in Riom.

After the tax farmer Obron's men exchanged fire with the tax officer, they started a hand-to-hand fight. In the end, after 4 casualties, the tax officer finally killed or arrested all the thugs with the help of the people.

In short, no matter where the tax bureau's attitude is - uncompromising, tough and tenacious, not letting anyone go!

In the following three days, all tax bureaus across France went out and arrested nearly a thousand tax farmers or their minions.

These are only the tax farmers who have been found to have problems. People who complained in front of tax bureaus in various places are still queuing up. It can be expected that more tax farmers will be arrested in the future.


The second floor of the Tuileries Palace.

Joseph looked at the list submitted by Robespierre, and his face finally eased a little.

He picked up a pen and signed the list, then handed it back to Robespierre:

"You did a good job. Then let's start the trial. Oh, those guys who violently attacked the tax collectors can be tried together to save time."

In the end, he did not completely copy the Jacobins' practice in history.

At present, France still maintains a good order, and there is no need to destroy it because of anger. It is still necessary to go through the normal trial procedures.

It is estimated that the court will have to work overtime. Fortunately, most of the cases have clear evidence-the accounts of the tax farmers, tax documents, etc. are in the hands of the tax bureau, and it is easy to check whether there are any problems.

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