I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 535 Camelia's professional

Chapter 536 Camelia's professional "craftsmanship"

If Joseph knew that Camelia's maid outfit was worth 2,300 francs, he would definitely shout "spendthrift girl".

However,! The maid inherited 50,000 francs from her grandmother, plus the huge compensation that Joseph helped her get from Baron Walter, she is now a "little rich woman" and can really afford this little money.

In fact, the tuition she paid to learn "advanced experience" from the ladies of the Palace of Versailles is much more expensive than this dress.

Camelia looked at the prince who was tasting the snacks she made, and quickly went over the plan for tonight in her mind.

Since the failure of the last "action", she has been "lying on straw and tasting gall" and made more careful preparations. Today, she finally got the chance-

Dr. Perna's mother has a birthday tomorrow, so she will leave the Palace of Versailles for two days, which eliminates the biggest "obstacle".

Today, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince happened to be back in the palace to rest, which was a perfect opportunity to take action!

Joseph finished his supper, stretched tiredly, and was about to wash up when he saw Camelia kneeling slightly beside him and whispered:

"Your Highness, you have been busy all day, you must be very tired, right?"

"Ah? It is indeed a little tired."

The maid showed a sweet smile:

"Your Highness, I recently learned massage from Mrs. Morsan. Oh, they call it "noble sports", which is very effective in relieving fatigue and relaxing the mind. Perhaps I can try it for you to help you get rid of fatigue?"

Well, this set of massage techniques originated from the Roman era according to Mrs. Morsan, but she spent a full 3,000 francs to learn it, just to be able to use it at this moment!

Joseph rubbed his sore shoulders and thought, I didn't expect this little girl to know everything, she is simply the "chosen maid body". So, he smiled and nodded:

"You are really versatile, then I will trouble you."

Camelia was secretly happy in her heart. Her new tactics successfully took the first step! Mrs. Seles promised her that as long as the massage started, the prince would be hers...

Her cheeks flushed instantly, and she stopped her reverie and pushed a special bed in with the maid.

Joseph saw the round hole on the head of the bed and immediately realized that it was a massage bed. It seemed very professional, and he immediately looked forward to Camelia's skills.

It seems that he will have a professional masseur in the future, and she is a little beauty wearing a maid outfit and with a proud figure!

Well, he has been busy and working hard for France for the past few years, and now he can finally enjoy the good life that the prince should have.

He took off his coat and handed it to the maid next to him. At Camelia's signal, he lay face down on the massage bed. His face was embedded in the round hole, allowing his nose to breathe smoothly.

Then, he closed his eyes and prepared to enjoy a comfortable massage.

Camelia also looked very professional. She took out a pack of massage tools and winked at the maids.

The maids immediately dispersed. Some lit the fireplace, some lit incense, and some dimmed the lights and covered them with a pink glass cover. Then they all left the house. They all received a huge bribe from Camelia's maids, so they were naturally very cooperative.

The soft pink light filled the whole room. The fire made the air warm. With the fragrance blowing, Joseph felt a pair of soft and delicate hands on his back. He was so comfortable that he almost fell asleep before the massage started.

At the end of a corridor in the South Hall of the Palace of Versailles, Sorel avoided the patrolling guards, hid in the shadows and quickly took off her long skirt, revealing the black tight hunting suit inside.

She looked around to make sure there was no one, and then slipped into a room next to the prince's bedroom.

She walked lightly past the bedroom of the sleeping noble family and subconsciously pressed the stack of banknotes in her pocket.

That was a full 5,000 francs! She worked hard for more than a year and earned 3,500 francs, plus the income from the small mulberry garden left to her by her mother, to make up the money.

In the previous fencing competition, because of her childish arrogance, she caused His Royal Highness the Dauphin to lose 5,000 livres - at least she always thought so - as a responsible lady, she must compensate His Royal Highness.

At first, she expected to collect enough money by early summer this year, but she unexpectedly received several commissions from the tax bureau a while ago to go to the homes of some shameless tax farmers to "take" their criminal evidence, and thus received a commission of nearly 1,000 francs.

Well, after seeing the various evil deeds of the tax farmers, Robespierre determined that these guys must be completely eliminated in order for the French people to survive.

Therefore, for some tax farmers whose crimes were not serious enough to be executed, he hired "professionals" to obtain evidence of their crimes by special means, and finally successfully added nearly 60 people to the death penalty list.

Sorel originally wanted to return the 5,000 francs directly to the prince, but then thought that with his kindness and mercy, he would probably not accept the money.

In the end, she decided to quietly put the money in the prince's bedroom and not give him a chance to refuse.

In the middle of the night, a black figure like a civet cat climbed up the window, and then moved along the wall very lightly, accurately avoiding the sight of the patrolling guards in the courtyard.

When Sorel climbed to the window of the prince's bedroom and looked inside, he saw a faint pink halo through the gap of the curtains, and was surprised.

Could it be that His Highness was still awake?

She bit her lip, lowered her hood a little, and was not ready to retreat.

She was confident in her skills, and even if he was not asleep, she could still send the money in!

However, what she didn't notice was that the window on the left side of the prince's room was pushed open a crack, and the captain of the prince's guard, Ksode, was staring at her back and was in a dilemma.

Since Sorel entered the noble's room, he found her, but he also recognized who it was.

In his memory, this little girl appeared beside His Highness many times, and it seemed... the two were quite close.

So, she went to His Highness's residence alone late at night, probably to... cough, you know.

If I rushed forward to stop her at this time, I might ruin His Highness's good thing. But if she was going to do something bad, if he let it go, it would be a big problem.

He shook his head, signaling the guards and servants not to make a sound, and he quietly pushed the door of His Highness open a crack with his hand on the sword, listening vigilantly to the movement inside.

On the other side, Sorel also skillfully opened the window buckle and jumped into the room without disturbing anyone.

At this moment, the sleepy Joseph suddenly widened his eyes and let out a shrill scream:


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