I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 544: Peaceful Corsica (Please like me!)

Chapter 545 Quiet Corsica (please give me a heart!)

When the parade arrived at the Louvre Square, there were already several thousand people gathered there, also singing the "Street Lights Happy Song" loudly.

Joseph came to the second floor of the Louvre from the side door, and saw the crowd surrounding a circle of open space in the middle of the square, piling hundreds of scarecrows there in a mess.

The scarecrows' faces were not clear, but from the shouts of the people, the names of big tax farmers such as "Fold", "Borol", and "De Cantler" could be heard.

Then, an old woman came forward and set those "tax farmers" on fire, and thunderous cheers suddenly broke out in the square:

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎]

"Let these bastards die!"

"Long live His Royal Highness the Dauphin! Long live His Majesty the King!"

"Thank His Royal Highness the Dauphin and the General Administration of Taxation for sending the devils to hell!"

"Burn the tax farmers, burn them!"

The fire was blazing, and people immediately sang around the flames, and some people began to cry bitterly.

What Joseph didn't notice was that under the columns on the east side of the Tuileries Palace, tax officials such as Robespierre and Chaumet were also watching the jumping flames, and their expressions were even more excited than the celebrating people.

This was the victory they won-the first time they challenged a behemoth like the tax farmers, and the newly established tax bureau won a great victory.

Looking at the happy and satisfied expressions of the people in the square, they only felt that they had brought fairness and justice to France, and their lives were more brilliant.

After a long time, Chaumet suddenly said:

"Mr. Robespierre, I am glad that I accepted your advice, otherwise I would have missed such a great moment."

It was Robespierre who called on everyone to join the tax bureau at a Jacobin gathering. At that time, although he made many promises, Chaumet was still very hesitant - most people at the gathering were similar to him and had a rejection attitude towards serving as government officials.

However, Robespierre still persuaded many people, including Chaumet.

Robespierre smiled, then said seriously:

"Fortunately I met His Royal Highness the Dauphin, otherwise..."

He suddenly raised his voice:

"He is really a very special royal family. A person...who can bring justice and happiness to the people, he is far more suitable for doing this than us."

Darti on the side seemed even more excited. He was once the most suspicious Jacobin of Robespierre, and joined the tax bureau to prove the latter wrong, but now he has become Joseph's "iron fan".

He then said loudly: "Mr. Rousseau told us how to do it, and His Royal Highness the Dauphin is making it happen! France is great because of them!"

Robespierre nodded slightly: "Yes, we will witness the great France..."



In a light gray villa on the outskirts of Ajaccio, the newly appointed Governor Count Butafuoco handed a secret report to the acting commander of the Corsica garrison in front of him:

"This is the news that Mr. Girolamo got from the separatist parliamentarians. Although it is not detailed enough, we still have to treat it with caution."

Napoleon took the secret report and unfolded it, and saw a list of names on it, and it was written at the back: Paoli may launch a riot in the mountains in the near future, and these are people who are closely connected with him.

Count Butafuoco said nervously: "Most of these people are parliamentarians who are still loyal to Paoli, and there are some senior members of the separatist organization.

"Perhaps, you can mobilize the army in advance and suppress it immediately if there is a problem. "

After a series of blows, Paulie's position in Corsica has plummeted.

This made him decide to make a final struggle, mobilizing all the forces he could still influence, promising huge profits, intending to create riots in his hometown. Then, he would risk returning to Corsica, repeating the routine of his father, and taking advantage of the chaos to gather hungry people to form an army.

Napoleon frowned slightly and shook his head, saying, "Governor, there are hundreds of villages in the Cinto Mountains, and the current intelligence is not enough for us to deploy defenses."

Count Butafuoco said anxiously, "You must think of a way. The situation has just improved, but there can be no more chaos."

His position as governor is far from being stable. If a riot breaks out now, he will most likely be replaced by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Napoleon also looked solemn. He had just been promoted, and even had the word "acting" before his position. Naturally, he also hoped that Corsica could stabilize.

"No, it is unwise to fight in those mountain villages." He suddenly shook his head, "We should solve the problem from a higher level. "

"What do you mean?"

As the two were talking, the governor's steward came in and saluted, saying, "Sir, there is an officer outside who wants to see Lord Buvanaba."

Napoleon saw the captain's face outside through the door, and immediately apologized to Count Butafuoco, "I'm afraid I have something urgent. As for the riot, I will take care of it, please rest assured."

"Oh, thank God! Then I will rely on you."

Napoleon said goodbye to the governor, came to the carriage, looked at the officer opposite and said, "Have those people been invited?"

"Yes, commander, they are now in the warehouse south of the camp."

"Very good. I'll go see them."

Soon, the car stopped outside the warehouse, and Napoleon immediately heard the curses inside.

He smiled, pushed the door and entered the room, and several soldiers inside stood at attention and saluted him.

Napoleon nodded to them, then looked at the three men sitting in the corner, patted his chest and said:

"It's an honor to meet you judges, I hope my soldiers don't have any impolite behavior."

"It's you! You lunatic!" A judge in his forties with thin cheeks said angrily, "Let us go back!"

Another old man also shouted: "You are kidnapping! I will sue you and your soldiers!"

Napoleon signaled the soldiers to bring chairs, sat down opposite the three people, and smiled:

"As long as you judge those prisoners not guilty, I will send you back immediately."

He was talking about the more than 400 self-defense soldiers captured when he was clearing out the National Self-Defense Army.

After executing some diehard officers, he incorporated the remaining soldiers into his own troops.

However, although these people were pardoned by the military court, the Corsica Court insisted on sentencing them to riots in accordance with the parliamentary decree.

According to French regulations, people with such serious crimes cannot join the army. Even if they are forcibly recruited, the General Staff will not pay them.

"You are dreaming!" The thin judge said firmly, "I will not do anything that violates the law!"

The other two judges also had cold faces and said nothing.

Napoleon stood up and said to the soldier beside him: "It seems that Mr. Judge needs to think about it, so please ensure their safety. I will come again in 10 days."

"Mad man! Let us go!"

The three judges immediately wanted to pull him to reason, but they were pressed on the chair by the soldiers.

Napoleon left the warehouse and said to the officer beside him: "Please transfer two companies, oh, the companies of Labo and Boileau. Meet in front of the parliament hall tomorrow morning."

"Yes, commander!"

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