I Am the Fated Villain

Volume Reading 2370

Suddenly, Mijing's murderous aura shot into the sky.

A group of alien creatures appeared, riding fierce beasts, stepping across the heavenly palace, and wanting to sweep and wreak havoc in this area.

The broken continent, the immortal realm of the post-merchant seeking scriptures.

The creatures living in various places now live in a mixture of immortals and exotics.

But there are also creatures in the fairyland who have survived, hiding everywhere, and the strongest do not do it.

They are the target of the hunting of the exotic races

On this primitive continent, many old people and men, their faces changed, suddenly pale.

Hahaha, I found it again, there are also post-mortem merchants here

This group of prey, don't grab any of you with me

This group of alien creatures are laughing, sitting on the beasts, like gods aloof

Bow down to this tribe of thousands

They are cold and cruel, high above the ground

But at this time, all the men in this Buluo stood up with no expression on their faces.

Afraid, not afraid, just a piece of perseverance, holding a weapon, all the old and young wives

Women are behind

The old and young wives behind them Wen, also 3.6 is a solid, no panic, no outbursts

The backbone of the immortal remains will never fall

really no

This scene made the alien creatures feel uninterested, the joking smile disappeared, and the change

Indifferent, after all, I can't see the kind of panic in the face of death and despair

this kill

they find it boring

kill them

The leader of the

But at this moment, in the depths of this broken continent, there is an infinite amount of light bursting out.

Vaguely, a portal can be seen through the sky, connecting with a vast and vast world.

world, all kinds of phantoms are rushing out

This group of alien creatures were shocked by that scene, and their eyes must conceal their horror.

When someone reacted, they couldn't help but murmured excitedly.

The Western Immortal Territory has long since been shattered and was smashed by the strongest of our clan, so what is this?

It is said that the Western Immortal Realm carries a mysterious road and a door.

When the king fell, he used the supreme supernatural power to cover it up... But all along, the strong and powerful people of all ethnic groups have been

looking for.

Did it appear today

821 Long gone, the legendary ancient city of Tongtian is now

821 is long gone, the legendary ancient city of Tongtian is now asking for subscription

Could it be the road that all races are looking for?

You can't go wrong, the Western Immortal Realm would be shattered at the beginning because of our ancestors of all races.

Deduce to that road here

This is the portal and passageway between the fairyland and that world countless years ago.

This group of alien creatures is very powerful, and their blood is amazing. After the panic, they quickly recovered.

Coming back, looking at the gushing scene of Hao in the distance, I was surprised and excited.


This can't wait for them to be like this, because today's Immortal Realm has long been broken and no longer exists at all.

past glory

In a foreign royal family, you can easily lead a large army to pacify the cities and towns in the immortal realm.

The stars are all occupied, and the former immortals are either slaves or blood

Countless years ago, after the Immortal Territory encountered a war, it was divided into the south, south, northwest, and the Central Immortal Territory.

All places are scattered in the preparation place, closed to each other, living separately

Now, the Western Immortal Realm where they are located has been destroyed by the foreign realm many years ago.

The strongest attacked

The king of the Western Immortals, stained with blood in the sky, and the corpse behind is wrapped in battle flags and carried back

In addition to the Western Immortal Territory, the Southern Immortal Territory and the Northern Immortal Territory are also broken, but not as good as

The Western Immortal Territory is so thorough, there have been many wars over the years, and it will be a matter of time before it falls.

And the Central Immortal Territory is really far away from here, where various ethnic groups go around, and the mountains cannot be closed.

Trying to breathe, but in the face of the huge and vast foreign army, Tui Zao will also be defeated

Immortal Realm is no longer the world that could compete with foreign realms countless years ago.

Zhou Ling, Immortal Dao is broken, and even immortal Dao characters are hidden from the world

Even those immortal kings who were once invincible are now weak in qi and blood, and it is difficult to overcome the five declines.

He was once stabbed by a new knife from heaven, and he had a sword on his body. Even if he died in a battle, it would be impossible.

Fighting the king of foreign land.

This is a general trend, the general trend, Xianyu can't resist at all, and the exotic

In addition to the king, there are even more ancient existences, and even Yuyuan Xianyuzhi is not because of the rules of heaven and earth in Xianyu, and the invincible existence of foreign countries has already been killed.

To, blood wash everything

At this moment, on this fragmented primitive continent

Except for the group of alien creatures who were stunned by the shocking scene, the rest of the soil repairers were also

look in disbelief

The sacred brilliance rises westward from that place, as if there is a vast world, where

The direction emerges, the light and rain that sprinkles the sky, and the whole world is evolving

All kinds of terrifying visions appeared one after another, that is the glorious sun, the bright and blood-like fullness.

The moon, and the broken starry sky, an ancient and vast sky, reflecting there.

take it out

Magnificent Shimen, Eer

The fortified city wall seems to be sketching the prototype of the mold.

The awns run through the ancient qi taboos of the heaven and the earth, cover the sun, moon and sky, blooming with boundless rays of light, too much.

It seems to be telling an extremely ancient and pounding history.

Quickly put the facts here, vote

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