I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2428


But today, seeing his own appearance reflected in the clear water, Ah Man was also stunned.

It's almost impossible to recognize who this dark, smelly girl is.

Then with a plop, she jumped straight into the water and gave a brief quick rinse.

The water pool is very clear and sparkling, but Ah Man just shows his head, his expression

With a bit of daze and a sense of separation.

Although what happened just now, it didn't take long.

But in A Man's view, it seems that many years have passed, so profound and inspiring

fresh in memory.

"What is the devil

This mysterious senior, who is good or bad is really as he said

Is it because of the devil's heart that you chose me?

"Why did he choose me?

Ah Man couldn't help but murmured and asked, there were countless doubts in his mind

Almost an hour later, Gu Changge was in the courtyard and saw Ah Man returning.

His hair was still wet, he was wearing a slightly loose robe, his features were small and delicate, and his face was small and delicate.

Pang seemed to be the size of a slap.

Because of the remodeling of the root bone, her complexion became more and more fair and delicate.

, like flawless suet jade.

A woman with an unusual stature is more than half a head taller, and her legs are extraordinarily slender.

Like a pink and jade-carved princess who is ignorant of the world.

Gu Changge's gaze swept across her body, nodded slightly, then raised his hand and threw it to her.

She is a Taoist.

senior, what is this

Ah Man quickly caught it, looking at this jade slip, the whole body was made of some kind of green bamboo, and it was crystal clear.

Like emeralds, it exudes brilliance.

A practice that can make you reborn. "Gu Changge said casually.

This exercise has no name. "

A Man was a little surprised, and carefully read the contents of the jade slip.

She knew all those words, but she couldn't find out the name of this exercise.

Because I haven't given it a name yet, you can just call it Nameless Exercise. "Gu Changge is light

In this world, there is no cultivation method suitable for the cultivation of the devil mind.

However, in order to better allow Ah Man to grow up, he combined the Immortal Swallowing Magic and various

There are many forbidden techniques, and this technique was created for her.


Aman nodded thoughtfully, noting that among the jade slips, the most mentioned


It's just that she can only understand a superficial level, the obscure mystery behind

Yi, the only one who doesn't understand it, can't even look at it, it will feel tingling in the eyes.

She could feel that the exercises that Gu Changge created were far better than what she had practiced before.

The savage gods are even more mysterious and esoteric countless times.

In essence, there are quite different differences.

Thank you senior for giving the law, Aman will not let you down. "Thinking of this, Aman solemnly


You don't have to thank me, you and I just get what we need.

"You don't have to be thankful to me, I don't need these, you just need to remember that today

Your choice, you will pay the corresponding price in the future.

I won't hurt you, but I'm not helping you for nothing.

"You can understand that I simply made a deal with you, but your

What you need to pay is your future. "Gu Changge glanced at her and said lightly.

Ah Man nodded, she naturally knew that nothing good would fall from the sky in this world.

On the contrary, Gu Changge told her this frankly, but it made her feel much more at ease.

Gu Xi was not as worried as before.

Anyway, it was you, senior, who gave me such a chance

Aman's expression is firm and authentic, although she doesn't know what Gu Changge said, she needs to pay

What does the future mean.

But she could feel that Gu Changge was not here to harm her.

this point is very important.

Moreover, it also informed her about the upcoming future, taught her Taoism, and helped her rebuild her roots.


Aspirants are the most taboo to be emotional, and sometimes brain supplementation is not a good thing.

Don't make up my brain as a kind person, maybe one day in the future, you will

regret today's choice.

Gu Changge seemed to sense what she was thinking, and couldn't help but sneer.

Ah Man was a little stunned, then lowered his eyes and said, "I understand, thank you senior


This mountain is actually not big, it is lush, ancient trees are green, and there are many medicine fields.

In ordinary days, only A Man and her master lived.

But even she can't go to his place without Master's permission.

in the courtyard.

There are quite a few elders in the Barbarian God Sect, each of whom is a powerhouse whose cultivation base exceeds the sixth realm, and there are also

Some of them have reached the seventh realm.

Although her master is very low-key on weekdays and rarely goes out, few elders dare to recruit

On the contrary, his attitude towards him is quite polite and respectful.

Because her master is not only a strong person in the sixth realm, but also a great pharmacist.

It is special and can refine various ancient medicines.

Even some lost ancient pills have been refined.

Because of his identity as a barbarian, when Aman wanted to worship the barbarian god sect, he encountered a

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