I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2434

Ministry of absorption, but purely for her use to lay the foundation.

Soon, in front of Gu Changge, Ah Man took off his shirt, wearing only a small coat, with a look on his face.

Firmly walked to the big tripod.

Ignoring the violently boiling precious blood, enduring the high temperature, I sat cross-legged in it.

は The precious blood of oil, darkly poised with too much, will instantly give you the edge, the mouth is full

The head, steamed by high temperature, turned red.

She knew that at this time, the medicine had the best effect, and she could not miss the best time.

This treasure blood can not only lay the foundation, but also temper her soul and strengthen her soul.


Just the moment he sat cross-legged, Ah Man felt that his skin was tearing apart.

It hurts to do.

Every pore seemed to be pierced by a red-hot silver needle, and the pain made her almost faint.

Fortunately, her will was extremely firm, and she gritted her teeth and endured it.

Then he started to run the nameless exercises taught by Gu Changge, absorbing the essence of this treasure blood.

This is the divine talent that Gu Changge went to find for her on purpose. She could not live up to her kindness and let him


Moreover, this is also an unimaginable creation for her.

Even the most outstanding genius of the Barbarian Shenzong can't be as extravagant as her.

What a cauldron of supreme blood, I am afraid to be ecstatic to have a drop.

Looking at Ah Man's stubborn support, his delicate and flawless face was full of beads of sweat, like

It was like cooked prawns, a piece of red.

Gu Changge couldn't help shaking his head, he didn't know

57 to say something.

He didn't say, let Ah Man sit in cross-legged at this time, in order to train this treasure blood

The magic fire he fired was not an ordinary flame, and the temperature was ridiculously high.

In the end, this guy was very conscious and didn't take his body seriously at all.

Not afraid of being cooked by high temperature

However, this will still made Gu Changge appreciate it a little.


The vision of this place is amazing, the lightning is falling, the runes are hidden, the sky is soaring, and more

It's become chaotic.

Through this treasure blood, Ah Man builds the foundation of his body, and all kinds of divine light shine brightly.

This crystal clear skin is undergoing an amazing transformation, while absorbing these precious blood

, began to breed vitality.

For her, this is the supreme creation, every ray of qi is unwilling to let go, trying to find a way.


Gu Changge took action to cover the sky outside the courtyard, but did not let the vision here rush out.

This kind of scene lasted a full day and night.

In the evening of the second day, Ah Man looked at the precious blood medicinal liquid that was gradually becoming clear, and his mouth was relieved.

Qi, after absorbing it, stood up from the big cauldron, his eyes were bright, like two gods.

The electricity breaks through the air, which is extremely intimidating.

The whole person looks more and more flawless, the complexion is white and delicate, the facial features are exquisite and picturesque, and the body

Duan is extraordinarily slender and slender, as if cast from immortal jade.

Just by laying down the foundation, my cultivation base broke through to the fifth realm, and

The foundation is far deeper than ever, it is incredible

Moreover, these medicinal powers that I have absorbed have not been completely refined by me.

Aman's face was full of joy, and his body was filled with terrifying power, turbulent like a vast ocean.


She felt that she was now completely unafraid of the human monks in the sixth realm.


Thinking of this, Ah Man couldn't help but look at Gu Changge, his eyes full of hope.

But Gu Changge didn't say much, just shook his head, then reached out and threw it at

She wears a moon-white coat.

When Ah Man felt a little strange in her body, she reacted and her face quickly turned up.

When the rosy color came, he hurriedly retracted back into the tripod, only showing his shy head.

In the past few days of absorbing the precious blood, the small clothes she wore before had already turned into fly ash, so

With the current she, it is equivalent to the state of not wearing an inch.

So, it's no wonder that she almost retracted her head into the tripod just now, full of shame in her heart.


However, after Gu Changge threw her a moon-white coat, the figure disappeared, and he disappeared.

He didn't stay here, didn't say anything, as if he didn't see it.

々Senior, he should have seen it just now

What a shame

Ah Man felt that his face was getting hotter than before

67 Sitting in the cauldron, when absorbing the refining precious blood

Still hot.

Especially when she thought about how she stood up so excitedly just now, she couldn't wait

Put your head back in the tripod.

Afterwards, it took a long time for her to regain her composure from the emotions just now,

He picked up the moon-white coat that Gu Changge had just thrown over to Zhao Zhao and put it on.

"This should be the clothes of the senior

Aman looked at this coat, which was soft and didn't know what kind of material it was made of, and could feel it.

Affected by some of the warmth above, there is also a very good smell, like a fairy of Qing Bie


She suddenly became a little ecstatic, didn't know what to think, a rosy glow appeared on her face,

Then he shook his head desperately, as if to expel these thoughts from his mind.

"Senior, such an extraordinary immortal, should not have these ordinary thoughts, I am here.

what are you thinking

Ah Man shook his head, as if telling himself like this.

compared to

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