I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2444

...I have always been living in a lie.

Not just now, as in the distant past, too. "She has a little voice


Gu Changge stretched out his hand, landed on her head, and said calmly, "Since I have chosen to accept

, then you must have the courage to bear these. Whether it's a flower in the mirror and the moon, or a dream of Huangliang

, after all, there is a moment to wake up...

Ah Man nodded, her eyes became firm again, she raised her head and looked in front of her.

A frightened, immobile grandpa.

Aman, even if you kill me, it's useless, I'm just ordered to do so

Seeing the killing intent in Ah Man's eyes, he was extremely uneasy and tried to struggle, but he soon became uneasy.

Desperate, because he couldn't struggle at all, and his soul was imprisoned to death.

It was like a little bug that was pressed to the ground by a terrifying force.


The next moment, Ah Man did not let him finish his words, but directly stabbed the dagger in his hand.

into his heart.

852 Every death is equivalent to experiencing a reincarnation, and the ninth generation is in a scam

852 Every death is equivalent to experiencing a reincarnation, all nine generations are deceiving

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With a puff, blood splattered everywhere, the dagger pierced, and the black-robed old man's face was full of disbelief.

and despair.

He didn't expect that Ah Man would really shoot and kill him with his own hands, and it was still such a result.

"Looks like you've really changed

"She is no longer the girl she used to be.

However, at this moment, there was a hint of relief on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured softly.

A Man's face was expressionless, and there was no emotional wave because of his words.

She silently ran the exercises taught to her by Gu Changge, trying to draw the spirit of the black-robed old man.

soul, and then began to devour.

The billowing demonic air was swirling around here like a thick fog, and soon it became a piece of debris.

The wild beasts that lack ruins.

"Is this his memory?

Ah Man saw the imprint contained in this divine soul. It was very ancient and strange.

The words are condensing.

Gu Changge glanced at this thing and said, "This is a slave seal, and he is just someone else's subordinate.

a slave

a servant

A Man was stunned for a moment, and lowered his eyes, as if it was the first time he knew of such a thing.

Doesn't that mean that Grandpa would do this, but in fact it's just an order

But Gu Changge didn't explain much to her.

He lifted his finger and flicked it, and the radiance fell on the slave mark, and then the slave mark began to tile.


Man also saw her grandpa's divine soul, and it began to become translucent, as if it was about to dissipate.

So she did not delay, running the nameless exercises taught by Gu Changge, and began to devour

Absorb the memory of this divine soul.

It involved many things she wanted to know, including her origins, her real parents, and

and why it is here, etc.

If she misses this opportunity, she doesn't know if she still has the chance to contact the real


This divine soul is translucent and crystal clear, and it begins to dissipate after being freed from the bondage of the slave mark.

As Ah Man kept pulling and absorbing, he finally got a clear picture of it.

Just for a moment, she was stunned, standing there, full of disbelief.

There was a huge sacrificial sound, and there were silhouettes in all directions. It was an ancient altar.

, Many figures in sacrificial robes are praying around.

Many barbarian ancestors fell on their knees and prayed to God for something.

In the center of the altar, a black-haired girl sat cross-legged with an indifferent expression.

With a flawless face, there is no emotion, and the whole body exudes an ancient and powerful aura.

That is…. I∥々

Aman recognized the black-haired girl who was sitting cross-legged, and she looked exactly like her.


make any difference.

If there is a difference, it is the black-haired girl, whose expression is very indifferent, like a block

The eternal iceberg.


"Those barbarian ancestors, are they calling me?

Ah Man felt that his vision in front of him was blurred, and the next moment he was already sitting in a pot.

On the altar, became the black-haired girl.

Moreover, she heard the barbarian ancestors around her calling her respectfully.

This kind of title is very old. You must know that the barbarian tribes today are long gone.

Presence of the saint

It can be seen that the barbarian tribe she belongs to is very ancient and powerful, kneeling all around.

The strength of those barbarian ancestors, just one person, is stronger than that of the ninth realm cultivator today.


Ah Man heard her voice, but she didn't speak, it was the black hair on the altar

The girl asked indifferently.

She is like an outsider at the moment, watching her past self.

So, this is actually what Grandpa revealed before he died. Her previous memory


she used to

who is

Ah Man was puzzled, he only felt a pain between his brows, and many memories in his mind kept coming back and forth.

come out

"Reporting to the saint, it is ready, all kinds of sacrifices are ready, just wait

The advent of Lord Barbarian God will be fine.

"This time, my savage tribe will definitely get the savage gods.

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