I Am the Fated Villain

Sectional Reading 2461

This is clearly the other side of the river of time

, Xeon's breath appeared, causing problems at this end.

So the only possibility is that Gu Changge has also stepped into this long river of time, and in another

He raised his hand and hit her and Taotian horizontally.

But later, why did he make a move again to save her?

Master, I suddenly realized that I never seemed to really see through you.

Chan Hongyi's mood has never been so complicated at any moment, this kind of contradictory mood

tortured her for countless years.

When she was sealed in the Burial Demon Abyss, she kept counting silently in her heart, when the light outside the abyss disappeared

After losing, it means that the outside world has passed the day.

So again and again.

She counted countless years, from the taboo era, spanning the middle ages, to escape.

In the middle, it even made her crazy, crazy, and became a real devil with only hostility,

The only thought in his heart is to kill the heavens.

0...ask for flowers

After escaping from the self-burial Demon Abyss, he bloodbathed the upper realm and killed all the way to where Gu Changge was.

The deeper the love, the deeper the hatred.

Chan Hongyi felt that this was not an exaggeration to describe her, but later, following her

With the restoration of cultivation base, the xinxing gradually stabilized, and he could control his hostility.

Although he is still bewitched, he will not lose his sanity like at that time.

Killing thoughts.

"What is the truth that I am looking for...

Chan's figure in red disappeared, and she followed the girl in red like a passer-by.

Behind her, watching her go to the Netherworld, watching her warn those disciples of the Divine Sword Dao Sect

Son, don't follow her.

He also looked at the young man named Song Ming, intending to draw him closer to the girl in red.



As a result, the girl in red was very indifferent, she didn't look him in the eye at all, she just kept being patient and hating him.

Don't draw out your long sword and kill him.

Chan Hongyi looked at her former self, and couldn't help showing a bit of tenderness on her face.

At that time, she just thought this young man whom she just met for the first time was very annoying,

Didn't think much about it.

Now that I look at it, I understand that this young man named Song Ming had a great deal of love for himself at the time.

, actually has a lot of good feelings.

Although he only met himself for the first time.

At that time, I didn't think about it, I just thought this guy was annoying, but my mind

It's not bad, and he even took out a few demons for himself by the side of the nether world.

When asked about her background, she said that she came from that mountain, but everyone

I don't believe it, I think she's joking

Later, after she told Master about this matter, it actually made him a little unhappy, making her

I and these disciples

89 sons, few contacts.

So the next day, I saw an ancestor-level person from Song Mingshi's sect, who came to the mountain

Get down and kneel there with Song Mingchang.

Chan Hongyi originally thought that these memories were blurred, but only now did she realize that she just chose to

Forget all these memories.

Now returning to this era, it has become extremely clear.

Her figure, passing through this forest, continues to move forward along the timeline, although for

In the vastness of time, the time and space she lives in is just a tiny fragment.


But for people in this time and space, it is thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even longer

far time. Knife 99

860 Chasing the Truth of the Past, Chan Hongyi's Heart Trembles

860 Pursuing the Truth of the Past, Chan Hongyi's Heart Trembling Begs to Subscribe

This is a piece of time buried in the ancient era, the surrounding fields are dark and flooded

In the long river of time, if you want to find it, you can only rely on luck.

Chan Hongyi is not sure whether she can leave safely, and whether she can return to the reality that belongs to her.


For her now, going upstream along the long river of time to find what she wants

The truth is what matters.

During this process, she did not return to the mountain, but just took a look from a distance,

She worried that she would be immersed in the beautiful fragments of the past, forgetting her original intention, and finally

Forever stuck in the past.

Her mind is firm, but there is no guarantee that she will not be affected by the past.

Time passed, but it became slower, and then began to reverse, Chan Hongyi walked in the

In these vague scenes of the years, it is like a passerby, experiencing these scenes firsthand.

Finally, he returned to the familiar mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, a little girl in red timidly held the hand of a vague figure.

sleeves, standing behind it.

In front of this little girl in red, many bandits are kneeling in horror, full of fear

, kept begging for mercy.

They destroyed your village, burned your home, don't you want revenge

The gentle man's voice came, as if carrying some kind of strange magic power, which made the originally uneasy

The angry, hated little girl in red also gradually calmed down.

calm down.


She replied, her voice was crisp and strong-willed.

Then you take revenge now, they are all in front of you, how do you want to deal with them?

Can. "Nine Four Three"

The man's voice is still gentle, as if not because of things in this world,

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