I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2469

, she can feel the presence of the big palace master Tsing Yi to her

some dislike

And every time Gu Changge dealt with these issues, he seemed very casual and careless, as if he didn't take it to heart.

Is it because of this

She couldn't believe it, her eyes widened all of a sudden

Moreover, Chan Hongyi couldn't help but think of another matter, would it be the bandits who lived to destroy her village?

It was arranged by Tsing Yi, the master of the palace.

Its purpose is just to provoke the relationship between her and the master

The conflict between the two also appeared because of this

However, Chan Hongyi still didn't believe it, feeling that this was different from the Grand Palace Master Tsing Yi she knew.

"The master of the palace, Tsing Yi, is so aloof, it is impossible for him to have a small stomach, and there is more reason to do so.

"It's intentional" 862 seems to have already arranged, but in fact, he is in the play and does not ask for subscription

Time is surging, many waves crashed, and then disappeared silently, returning to peace

Ding Changge's real body is sitting at the other end of the long river of time, his eyes are deep, and the big ones linger around him, covering everything.

, his eyes look through the years

It may be the best choice for you to understand the truth. " he whispered

In front of him, two fragments of the long river of time were flying, reflecting the different time stages of Chan Hongyi and Taotian.

The sights they see are not the same, but they can be condensed into a timeline

Gu Changge did not continue to interfere, no

39 Whether it was what Chan Hongyi saw or what Taotian saw, it was the truth of that time.

However, this level of truth is not all truth, and many of these things are deliberately "exposed".

Gu Changge had said before, that all the heavens of all ages and all kinds of floating life are actually a big show.

Because he really shot the green of a thousand disturbances, before the Era of Taboo, the second world-annihilation came ahead of schedule, and the real world of mountains and seas was difficult.

Inherit this calamity, it will be destroyed

There is really no way to do this, as Tsing Yi, the true spirit of the real world of mountains and seas, will discuss with him, and the two plan to deceive everyone.


As the master, he attacked the real world of collapsed mountains and seas, causing this world to collapse and reincarnation to hide.

It is precisely because of this reason that the depletion of air in the real world of mountains and seas has prevented the second annihilation of the world.

In this big scene, he and Tsing Yi turned against each other, and it was on Chan Hong Yi's body.

In order not to leave any flaws, this drama started before Chan Hongyi was born.

In other words, from the very beginning, Chan Hongyi was a predestined piece in this chess game.

Birth, apprenticeship, practice, downhill

All these things were doomed long before she was born, but she didn't know it herself.

Afterwards, as a master, he gradually developed a "love" with her in the day and night with his apprentice.

As for the relationship between Tsing Yi and him, he is also a confidant and a confidant. Naturally, he is dissatisfied with him and secretly jealous.

Mian even pretended to be Gu Changge and sent a bandit to live in the village where Chan Hongyi was born, and lived with her parents.

Gu Changge is naturally not easy to deal with when this kind of thing happens, no matter which side he favors, it is very inappropriate.

So he chose to hide the truth about Chan Hongyi and cut off contact with Tsing Yi.

Tsing Yi was dissatisfied with his choice and wanted to kill Chan Hong Yi, but the two fell out and became enemies.

Later, it directly led to the destruction of the Asgard, the collapse of the heavens, and the annihilation of the era.

This so-called "truth" will be forever buried in the taboo era.

Guess that the truth will be so, it will be shocking and incredible

Of course, this is just an overall situation that Tsing Yi negotiated with Gu Changge in advance.

It is to make the war of catastrophe in the first war reasonable, leaving no flaws and anomalies.

Even those who stand in the extreme realm of the source world, it is difficult to see the abnormality through deduction.

This is what Tsing Yi can think of, let Shanhai Zhenjie avoid the second calamity cleanup, and leave a more stable and peaceful place for future generations

the only way to

Although the price of this is that the true world of mountains and seas will be exhausted, and the peak of glory will not be the same as before, and it will take a long time to cultivate.

In this process, it is also necessary to beware of the swallowing up of the rest of the real world, as well as various potential crises.

You must know that in the real world of mountains and seas at its peak, there have been several heaven-slayers who killed them all together to the source realm.

Everything seems to have already been arranged. But even you, Tsing Yi, are actually just in the play without knowing it 々"

His eyes were deep, and there was not a trace of emotional waves in them, and he sighed softly.

In Tsing Yi's eyes, he is from the endless

49 The vast sky hunter once participated in the battle to attack the source realm, and even more so in the

She saved her life when she was in a life-and-death crisis.

So Tsing Yi had almost no doubts about him.

And Chan Hongyi, after witnessing these truths in the fragments of the long river of time, I am afraid that he will no longer doubt him.

Feeling guilty for all these things


Gu Chang'ou's eyes were calm, he waved his sleeves, and a monstrous wave appeared in the long river of time in front of him again.

vastly large

The fog surged away, covering the tranquil sea area, blocking the way for Chan Hongyi and Taotian to return to the world.

But for subsequent

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