I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2506

Slowly opening your eyes to start paying attention to the heavens

Now that they know that the taboo existence that destroyed the world is reappearing in the world, it makes them even more shocked.

When such a character appears, especially in this world, who can resist?

Not to mention in this world, even in the most prosperous period of Immortal Domain, no one can compete.

was crushed by it

Those ancient heroic spirits that once left, the immortal god of war, will they return?

Just like before, save the world once again, and try to stop this terrifying catastrophe.

The ancient existences of all ethnic groups are all sighing, their hearts are anxious, the time is too long, and those who once disappeared in the fairyland.

strong old people

Where are they now, can they come to the Immortal Realm and stop this endless calamity?

Time is pressing, there are still three days before the half-moon period, we must make a countermeasure

Otherwise, the Buddha Kingdom will be our end, and the one who destroys the Buddha Kingdom at this time is just to show them.

Kill chickens and loose monkeys, but that's it.

In the universe where the Wang family is located, it is a pure land surrounded by fairy mists, like a holy land, with divine mountains and fairy islands and silver waterfalls falling.

Boundless Huahua

In the most magnificent palace and Yin, the two immortal kings of the Wang family are discussing countermeasures.

In the Central Immortal Region, the Wang family can be regarded as the ethnic group with the most profound heritage, and the inheritance is very long and ancient.

Not cut off.

Like other forces, at most only one immortal king is in charge, but the Wang family has two immortal kings surviving, both at the top

No matter what, my Wang family must have an immortal king to go, but this is not necessarily safe.

Try to preserve the heritage and inheritance, let the younger generations leave, and find a way to hide in a small remote world. If it is true

If there is a war, then the fire of my royal family will continue to remain, and it will not really be cut off.

"That existence should not care about the younger generation, to care about these things.

In the end, after the two discussed, they unanimously decided to let some clansmen leave with the inheritance of the grapes, including this generation's

young one

They are all the hope for the future of the Wang family, especially a few people who have outstanding Heavenly Crowns and have practiced for tens of millions of years, not necessarily impossible

Become a fairy king and restore the glory of the royal family

And the two of them have made plans to never return, and feel that even if they leave an immortal king in the family, there will be no change.

On the contrary, it may anger the one

Gen Kuai, the orders of the two immortal king ancestors of the Wang family went down, and all the clansmen got it, and their faces were all sad.

The rich emotions of great compassion spread in the Wang family. Who would have thought that the immortal family of the Immortal King, standing for countless epochs, has

One day it will face a situation of collapse, and there is a danger of genocide.

Of course, this is not just a family, this is the catastrophe that the entire era, and even the entire fairyland, will face

Perhaps in the endless river of time, such changes are only as small as dust, but in this era, it is

It's a mountain big enough to crush everyone

Even if his mind is as deep as Wang Wushang, he is silent, and the fist under his sleeve is clenched.

He was very unwilling, all of this was too fast, and he was caught off guard.

Now we have to face the problem of how to survive as much as possible in this situation?

Immortal, like the royal family, they are all trying to figure out how to continue the inheritance.

It's a pity that he is only a younger generation and has not really become an immortal, let alone an immortal king who is out of reach.

There was nothing he could do about it, only endless powerlessness.

The rest of the younger generation of the Wang family were all in the same mood as Wang Wushang, with great sadness and unwillingness in their hearts.

I want to go to a banquet with the two ancestors

On the contrary, Wang Zijin was extraordinarily calm, and then said:

She didn't want to hide, thinking about that kind of life made her feel terrible, if it was really a catastrophe, then

It's better to let her be buried in it, than hide like a mouse

The prince's decision made many members of the Wang family stunned and puzzled.

She is an immortal king seedling who was personally picked up by the ancestor of the immortal king. As long as she does not fall, she will definitely become an immortal king in the future.

With such a promising future, at this time, she planned to die together with the two ancestors of the Immortal King

Wang Wushang also frowned, and he couldn't understand Wang Wushang's decision, but he didn't say much.

At this time, it was impossible for him to persuade Wang Zijin, not to mention that she would not listen to what he said.

Afterwards, several true immortals also decided to follow the two immortal king ancestors to the Moon Palace.

Knowing that it is a chicken gate banquet, it is not in peace, and I want to live and die with my ancestors

Zijin, why are you doing this?

Knowing that the ancestor of the Immortal King that Wang Zijin had chosen, his eyes were a little soft, but he still shook his head, a little helpless

She looks like a kind old woman, with silver hair like snow, and she doesn't have the unparalleled aura of other Immortal Kings.


Wang Zijin didn't explain anything, just smiled

In fact, she had already lived such a canary-like life, and was brought to the Wang Family 3.5 in Xianyu, and the result was not as good as above.

free time

At least at that time, she could do whatever she wanted, no

People can stop her.

She was in the Immortal Realm, but she would be stared at by the Wang family even when she went out.

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