I Am the Fated Villain

Volume Reading 2512

The former girl Fangling told the immortal king to release the enemy, but he did not know that there is such an ancient legend in this world.

long time.

Moreover, the girl in front of me is from that era and has been preserved forever

Only in modern times did he wake up from the deepest forbidden area of ​​the Ao clan.

In terms of seniority, it is not an exaggeration to let the enemy immortal king call her Xiaozu, and it can even be said to be his honor

Because Fangling is the son of Longzu

Dragon Ancestor is known as the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Dragons, and today's Ao Clan only has its own blood, not a pure Dragon Clan at all.

It can be said that even the first-generation ancestor of the Ao clan must respectfully call out to the ancestor in front of Xian Ling.

Therefore, even if he is a peerless Immortal King, the enemy is extremely respectful to him, and he is always by his side to protect his safety.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, this is the reason why he loves this younger generation very much.

Because even the clansmen don't know the true identity of Shuling

If Xiaozu recognizes this person, then I don't have to worry about it.

The enemy Immortal King said respectfully, although the Ao Ling in front of him seemed to have the power of a chicken, but in fact it was unfathomable.

There is an extremely terrifying power sealed in his body. When he showed it at the beginning, he almost didn't let his knees soften, and he directly knelt down.

go down.

Moreover, judging from the 370 years of information revealed by Kianling during this period, many creatures in the age of innate myths,

will return

Although the current situation in Xianyu is chaotic, it will not affect the overall situation in the future.

Outside of this world, there is a supreme being watching all this, waiting for the right moment to come

I'd really like to meet this guy.

The ancients are empty, in today's era, can see the people of the past again

Ao Ling shook his head slightly, clapped his hands, and then headed towards the depths of the Immortal Bamboo Forest, where white mist floated and pavilions and pavilions were located.

The guests are already waiting

However, in the deepest part of the Taoist platform, there is still a haze of brilliance, and it is difficult to see clearly, and there is a chaotic aura hanging down, obscuring the vision.

The Moon King has already arranged for the maids and others to arrange tea for the guests. If you ignore the atmosphere here, it will be a little bit.

The appearance of Taoism gatherings in the Xiangu period

Friends who haven't seen for many years, reminiscing here, many real immortals show emotion on their faces

Who would have thought it would be such a day, I heard that even the powerful Immortal King will be liquidated

"On the contrary, I wait, in this chaos, the chance of surviving is even greater.

Regarding yesterday's vision of heaven and earth, I read the ancient books and learned that it seems to involve a distant and vast land.

The domain could face something big.

They were talking here, but when they saw Immortal King Ao Di coming from a distance with Fang Ling, their expressions changed, and they closed their eyes.

But (bcfc) there are many people who are quite curious and feel that Immortal King Ao Di is really good to his descendant, and he actually

Let her follow me all the time, it can be said to be inseparable

On the tops of the mountains, there are also many monks sitting cross-legged, densely packed, all of them are heroes, especially those in the humanitarian field.

monks, leaders of all ethnic groups

Like the existence standing in the immortal realm, they are relatively forward, very close to the Taoist platform in front

And let the enemy immortal king, there is a pavilion specially for rest, with many clansmen waiting there

Until now, none of the guests have seen the Moon King, but outside the mansion, more and more streamers are coming.

They are all big figures in the immortal realms of all parties today.

Among them is the sun-knowing of the Immortal King Ao Di, an old Immortal King from the Eastern Immortal Region named Guxuan Immortal King

Behind Immortal King Gu Xuan, with his two apprentices, a man and a woman, have all reached the real fairyland, and one of them has reached the real fairyland.

A faintly half touched the Immortal King's Gate.

If he is given enough time, he may not be able to attain the Immortal King realm in the future.

The number of immortal kings on the bright side of the Eastern Immortal Region is not many. Now that the enemy immortal king and the ancient Xuan immortal king are coming, it is almost already Dongfang.

Fang Xianyu's ultimate power

Afterwards, the Immortal King of the Northern Immortal Territory also came, and the three gathered together. The old man with white hair and white beard was called the Immortal King of Dry Yin.

There is also an immortal king with red head and long red hair named Chi Lian Wang, and another immortal king Chu Pei

The three came from the northern fairyland, with a lot of people, there are real immortals, and there are several enlightened people. Jing Wu is lucky to be young.

Moon King didn't show up?

So when will she come?

The ancient Xuan old Immortal King of the Eastern Immortal Region opened his mouth to ask, his attitude was quite polite, and he also seemed extremely harmonious in the face of the servants of the Moon Palace.

In return, the Immortal King, His Majesty the Moon King just told me to wait and arrange the immortal feast here. As for when I will show up, I don't know.

The servants of the Moon Palace said respectfully, facing the gazes of several immortal kings, her forehead was sweating and she was trembling.

In the interim, the several immortal kings here did not say much, and withdrew their eyes, all waiting quietly, either drinking tea, or

Close your eyes and meditate, or talk to each other

They didn't come for the Moon King, they just wanted to judge from her whether the safety of the Hongmen Banquet was in danger.

Of course, since they will come here, in fact, they have already made preparations that they cannot leave.

arrange to be

Then, an ancient immortal king from a restricted area in the Eastern Immortal Territory came, which surprised everyone here.

think of that

In the restricted area, there are still people.

Especially Immortal King Ao Di and Old Immortal King Gu Xuan, they all thought that the restricted area was exhausted.

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