I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2539

The seven Immortal Kings are all very suspicious. This chicken gate feast is really a disaster

Wang Zijin swept over the seven immortal kings present one by one, even the two immortal kings of the Wang family, in her opinion, were the same.

All the immortal kings present knew what happened, and naturally did not want to take the blame for it.

After all, once this kind of thing is not handled properly, it will drag the entire Zhongxianyu into the water.

They immediately opened their mouths and explained the situation to the digital true immortals in the place, saying that this matter had nothing to do with them, they were the victims

Involving injustice and being blamed

On the way to the Southern Immortal Realm, I encountered trouble and got stuck there

But this kind of words, it is useless for them to tell the few true immortals here, they hurriedly took the people and quickly rushed to the Moon King

to clarify

All the true immortals here are a little confused, but with their strength, it is impossible to stop so many immortal kings

And at this moment in the Moon Palace, the immortal feast has already begun.

Many fairy delicacies, fine wine and fairy fruits were brought up by a group of beautiful maids, and the sour light was transpiring, full of all kinds of immortal meanings.

Just like the scene of Lie Xian going to the banquet in ancient times.

Qionglou Yuyu, Juliang Huadong, and even the ground are the most precious immortal jade, and the cost is amazing

In the Immortal Bamboo Forest, immortal mist is swirling, the purple mountain and the silver waterfall are falling, and the divine light is flowing.

The immortal kings of the Eastern Immortal Territory and the Northern Immortal Territory all took their seats one after another, followed by their descendants, where they toasted and drank.

The faces are incomparable and all, several people still have smiles on their faces, quite relaxed, without the previous heavy depression

He is from the Central Immortal Domain.

King Yue said that he had already heard the news from the southern immortal boundary barrier and had already reported it to Gu Changge.

Many immortal kings here have the expressions of watching a play on their faces, and they were surprised that the Central Immortal Region was so bold, such as

11 Today I learned about this from the Moon King

But whether it's true or not, we can't tell

884 See you again, you and your back will all be sacrificed

The stars outside the Moon King's Mansion moved, and the golden light avenues extended from that place, and they were going to descend here.

Many immortal kings of the Central Immortal Territory have arrived, and they have arrived here with their descendants and appear here.

They were non-stop, and they didn't dare to hesitate in the middle of the journey, especially King Luo, whose mood fluctuated greatly.

I want to be put on this black pot for no reason

Even at this moment, he is still angry and emotional, and can't wait to find out the person who framed him

Of course, everyone in the Southern Immortal Realm is actually in the same mood as King Luo.

To be put on this black pot

Obviously someone deliberately wanted to fall into them, making Zhongxianyu stand on the opposite side of that one.

A group of immortal kings in the Central Immortal Region, begging to see the adults

The golden avenue, stay outside the Moon King's Mansion

After all the immortal kings came here, they did not dare to walk in the air, landed on the ground honestly, and then said respectfully.

When they spoke, many guests in the Immortal Bamboo Forest became quiet.

Everyone looked at Gu Changxie and closed his chest tightly, no one spoke or responded.

The Dry Yin Immortal King, the Ancient Xuan Old Immortal King and others also put down the cups in their hands and quietly looked outside the mansion.

Gu Changge sat upright in the room, did not move, continued drinking, but did not speak.

All the guests did not dare to speak. The place was extremely quiet, which made all the Immortal Kings who appeared outside the Moon King's Mansion feel the atmosphere.

Suppressed, dignified

Old Immortal King Gu Xuan, Immortal King Ao Di, and others have already learned from the mouth of King Yue that the message came from the boundary barrier of the southern immortal realm.


Although all the immortal kings in the Central Immortal Region said that on their way to this place, they encountered a mist, and everyone was trapped in their

middle, can't get out of trouble

But whether things are true or not can not be determined by their words.

Moreover, at this time, Gu Changge hadn't spoken yet, no one could guess his emotions and thoughts, so naturally he didn't dare to say more.

Keep drinking.

Gu Changge glanced at everyone and said casually, and then he waved his sleeves, and the whole world seemed to disappear.

The immortal kings outside the palace only felt that the world was in flux, and when they reappeared, they were already in the Yuewang palace.

At a glance, they saw Gu Changge sitting in front of them, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their expressions became respectful.

From the mind of the true immortal in the Southern Immortal Domain, they could only see the vague outline, and they didn't know Gu Changge's

True content

Now that I look at it, I'm all stunned, I didn't expect him to be so young at all.

Following behind the immortal kings, Wang Zijin, who was separated by a distance from the crowd in front, was completely stunned at this moment.

A look of disbelief on his face.

She froze in place like a clay sculpture, unable to believe what she saw now, the whole person was enveloped by such a huge and unbelievable relationship

how can that be?

Why is he here?

He turned out to be the one that everyone in Xianyu feared and feared, making the current Xianyu panic?

The prince couldn't believe what he saw, and thought it was really too dreamy.

When she was in the upper realm, although she thought that Gu Changge had hidden many methods, she was not as easy-going and kind as she appeared on the surface.


many unknown secrets

But I never thought that he would have such an identity.

if not

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