I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2607

The curtain is dark, the stars are falling and shattered.

You can see one after another terrifying giant hands, swept across the sky, the earth exploded, and the mountains were as small as dust.

The Immortal King of the Immortal Realm was taking action. A few days ago, he had discovered the location of the Floating Hell Realm and found the cracked curtain.

Sew, keep shooting, to break down here.

Cen Shuang was holding a spear, dressed in a red robe like blood, and wearing soft armor, standing in the sky above the City of No Return, indifferent and peaceful.

Look at the outside world quietly.

Behind her, several elders of the City of No Return appeared, filled with immortal king coercion, always ready to fight at the big time.

After the curtain was shattered, he was killed by the battle with the immortal king from the outside world.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird, whose head is covered in golden light, has also transformed into a human form at the moment, but he is a splendid middle-aged man

Beside him, crocodile ancestors and other powerful ancient beasts all appeared, showing the breath comparable to the immortal king, quietly waiting for the big screen

Broken moment.

It was originally agreed that after three days, some people in the city of no return were evacuated, leaving behind a spark of hope.

But I never thought that on the second day, the location of Fu Yanjing was discovered by the Immortal King.

After all, the outer star field has been destroyed, and the peculiarities of this place can be discovered with a little exploration.

So an Immortal King descended outside the big screen to break through the spirit formation here.

The core energy of the formation in the City of No Return for the past two days has been consumed extremely quickly.

Now it is bleak, and there are many cobweb-like cracks that may shatter at any time.

It seems that we can't wait for the support of clearing the plane, and the enchantment outside the No Return City can only support one more day at most.

Even at this time, it would be too late to let the City of No Return go into nothingness and leave just like that. …

Several elders shook their heads with bitter expressions on their faces. There was no objection to this seemingly destined outcome.

Anti method.

None of the relics left by my father were used.

Even if there is no chance, I will let them drop a piece of meat and regret it. "

Cen Shuang's valiant face showed anger and hatred, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and fire spread from the spear, killing her.

Gas shock cloud. \u003e;

All the people in the city of no return, all choked the outside world tightly, watching the big hands that fell across the sky,

When the Great Formation of Shattering Enchantment


The sky suddenly collapsed there, the galaxy rolled back, the universe wailed, and even the road was rumbling, and a figure stepped on it.

909 Nine declines on the road to detachment, the devil is here for subscription

The shattered universe and star field are completely silent.

The immortal kings who made the move also stopped as much as they could, grabbed the dharma body, turned into immortal light, and descended.

Dao's tall and slender figure appeared outside the big screen. He was dressed in white and looked extremely young.

It's like walking in the void, the pace is unhurried

But all the monks and living beings in Fuyan felt like their hearts were being pinched, and they couldn't help being shocked.

get scared

Everyone's ears seemed to hear that kind of footsteps, echoing in the universe and resounding among the heavens.

It's him

The expressions on the faces of the other Immortal King Elders here have also changed suddenly, and it is difficult to maintain the calmness just now.

Demon Lord.

Cen Shuang's pupils shrank tightly, almost gnashing her teeth, unable to forget that face.

It was on that day that they left the Floating Hell Realm and went outside the Moon King's Mansion. They used the True Bones of the Immortal King to attract the heroic spirits of the Immortal Palace.

The man who spied on.

he came

self reward



910 The curtain of shattering disintegrates in an instant, I am really a wicked person


Xuanhuan: My destiny is the villain

The curtain of 910 collapsed and shattered in an instant, I am really a sinful person, please subscribe

In the dark universe, large constellations are broken and fragmented, and there are gusts of wind blowing everywhere, enough to blow any

Creatures and monks were destroyed.

For ordinary creatures, this is a terrifying and terrifying catastrophe.

He Shengxing and the stars are left behind.

And under this broken sky, the Floating Yan Realm in front of you is extraordinarily obvious, as if there is an invisible light curtain.

Cover it.

So there is a vacuum zone here, and when any fallen star wreckage touches this area,

was ejected.

Such a scene is too obvious, as long as anyone with discernment can see that there is a big problem here.

Not to mention that the characters who were ordered to destroy the surrounding star field are still a respected Immortal King. The strangeness here is naturally concealed.

But their eyes are clear.

Immediately, the big hand was in the sky, and it was shot down here, and there was an immortal king who passed the matter of this place back to the heaven and told Yu

Gu Changge.

I have seen adults.

King Luo, Immortal King Xue Xiao and others all appeared here, turning into divine light, and the golden light beneath their feet descended here.

They bowed their hands to the approaching Gu Changge, showing great respect.

There is indeed a problem here.

Gu Changge came from the void, and there seemed to be ripples spreading from the avenue under his feet.

But if you look closely

If you do, you will find that the avenues of this piece of heaven and earth are all trampled under his feet, surpassing all methods, even the sky.

The rules of the road are retreating.

He looked at the nearly transparent area in front of him and nodded slightly.

To outsiders, this

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