I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2635

I regret today's actions, knowing that when Gu Changge was in the upper realm, he would not have come over.

In particular, it broke the relationship between Wang Zijin and Gu Changge.

This made Ni Chen feel even more frustrated, unwilling, and angry, as if a treasure he cherished had been taken away from his hands.

He was even thinking about whether he was arrested after Wang Zijin left the palace and went to the Yue palace to attend the banquet.

Gu Changge forcibly stayed

Too many things happened during

His heart seemed to be dripping blood.

Gu Changge watched Ni Chen leave with interest, but did not make a sound to stop him.

Wang Zijin saw that he had been staring at "Wang Wushang", and thought he was thinking too much about what happened just now and misunderstood Wang Wu

Sorrow's relationship with himself.

When she was in Xianyu, she didn't see that Wang Wushang was interested in her, but was trying to match her with Na Luo.


Why are you saying this out of nowhere today?

I don't know why he suddenly said these words.

Wang Zijin explained, "I didn't know him well before.

Since you are not familiar with it, why do you have to explain?"


Gu Changge glanced at her.

He was a little surprised, who is this so-called "Wang Wushang".

Although ordinary people can't see it, he can feel that there seems to be other aura left in the deep soul of this guy.

That's why Gu Changge looked at it just now. In the depths of his Primordial Spirit, a blood-colored coffin the size of a palm was sleeping soundly.

It's just hidden deep enough that ordinary people shouldn't notice it.

Only in such a state as Gu Changge is now, can he see the abnormality at a glance.

Such means are not common.

Wang Zijin was choked, yeah, why should I explain myself

Didn't I misunderstand you, angry?

"After all, who would have known that he would come to the Ancestral Hall, like a lunatic. Say something inexplicable.

She still mumbled.

Why should I be angry, this is indeed a strange guy. "

919 The place of reincarnation is now, this is her highly valued performance please subscribe

Gu Changge smiled softly and stopped teasing her.

As for what kind of secret Wang Wushang was hiding, Gu Changge didn't really care as long as it didn't interfere with his plan.

He cares what kind of identity this Wang Wushang is.

Wang Zijin didn't think much about it, he just felt that today's Wang Wushang looked very strange.

After that, Gu Changge planned to leave the upper realm. During this time, there was something about the land of reincarnation on the Moon King's side.

news came.

"After drinking the immortal wine, Chu Chu is estimated to have to sleep for ten days and a half before waking up...

"You're going to leave now

ask for flowers

Wang Zijin noticed his intention, but glanced at him with an unhappy expression on his face.

Gu Changge came from Xianyu, and he didn't stay with Jiang Chuchu for a few days. After saying a few words, he planned to leave.

In her opinion, no matter what Gu Changge does or says, there is a strong smell of scum.

Jiang Chuchu, who is married to Ming media, doesn't care.

Besides, if I didn't see her feeling unwell now, I didn't know to stay and care about her

Really answering that sentence, ruthless.

Thinking of this, Wang Zijin was so angry that he wanted to beat himself, how could he fall in love with such a guy

They are not empathetic, and they are not gentle and considerate, but they often ignore them, as if they have him or not.

kind of.

Okay, I'm not short of time. "

Gu Changge didn't expect her resentment to be so great.

He almost didn't write the words "dead scumbag" on his face.

Wang Zijin is indeed different from other women, she doesn't care about his identity, she cares more about her own

a feeling.

Speak directly and not covertly.

When Gu Changge got along with her, it was indeed very comfortable.

Wang Zijin didn't expect that he really agreed, and he wanted to slap him for a few words, so he couldn't help swallowing.

Forget it, I know you have a lot of things to do...

Really can't waste time on these things.

However, she still waved her hand, turned around and walked limpingly into the Renzu Hall.

Gu Changge shook his head, slightly helpless, walked over and hugged her.

For this big show, he has laid out all ages, and he does not lack such a little time.

Domain, in the palace of the Moon King.

The Moon King, dressed in a moon-white tulle, with high-rolled hair, is frowning, listening to the report of his subordinates.

919 The place of reincarnation is now, this is her highly valued performance please subscribe

The quasi-immortal king Bai Chuan is also here, and it is he who investigates the land of reincarnation.

On the vast battlefield, dark tides came, and some corroded creatures rushed out.

In the dark tide, someone saw a full moon hanging high, and some souls floated away, suspected of falling into that round

on the full moon

Bai Chuan was wearing a battle armor and bowed his head as he said respectfully.

Although he admires the Moon King, he also knows that in the current environment of the Immortal Realm, these daughters will have to be in love with each other.



set aside.

When Gu Changge temporarily lived in the Moon King's Mansion, he was extremely worried, fearing that the Moon King would be defiled and humiliated.

As a result, it was later found that he was overthinking it, so I felt a little more at ease.

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