I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2686

The Gu family's origins are so ancient, it seems that they still bear the heavy responsibility of resurrecting their distant ancestors

Nine days, is that the root of the legendary fairy?"

The source of all immortals.

The old ancestor was so shocked that he didn't expect that the real main line of the Gu family would be in the legendary Nine Heavens.

Before that, they had naturally heard the rumors of Jiutian, and understood what a transcendent place it was. Before Immortal Ancient, it was

A monk spends his life searching for the location of the Nine Heavens

There are also various rumors, such as passing through certain unexpected places, thus entering the Nine Heavens, and leaving it to future generations.

Kind of delusional.

Even the Immortal Palace, which once dominated the real world of mountains and seas, has explored the location of the Nine Heavens, and some people have actually been there.

In the eyes of the world, Nine Heavens is a sacred representative, and it has a completely different meaning for monks.

"Nine heavens are actually not as sacred as you think. They are actually the burial place where many people are buried.


The old man in black robe showed some nostalgia in his eyes, he couldn't help shaking his head, his tone finally returned to calm.

After he finished speaking, he quietly looked at the people in the ancestral hall, giving them time to calm down.

Suddenly learned so much news and secrets.

Even though their cultivation base is strong, it is estimated that it will be difficult to completely digest it for a while.

So, are we going to start migrating now? Let's give up everything in the real world of mountains and seas

On the contrary, an old ancestor thought about it for a while, and asked, he has lived here for many years, and has long had feelings, and

Not to say that evacuation can be easily evacuated.

If you can evacuate as soon as possible, then evacuate as soon as possible. Today's fairyland is not a place to stay for a long time.

Although the old man is not afraid of the hunters outside the boundless, but before he really revives the ancestors, he doesn't want to waste too much energy

focus on these things.

The old man in black robe just shook his head calmly.

In his heart, there is nothing more important than resurrecting the distant ancestors.

As for how to resurrect the ancestors, he didn't elaborate, and the ancestors of the Gu family here didn't ask.

"According to what you said, ancestor, doesn't that mean that in the near future, the fairyland will be completely destroyed.

Even if there are so many ancient existences revived today, it won't help, will it?"

There are still some people who are unwilling to just give up the homeland where the Gu family has lived for generations.

Hearing this, the old man in black robe still shook his head.

There are still a lot of words, but he didn't say much.

Historically speaking, his existence can be traced back to the beginning of the birth of Zhishanhai Zhenjie, that is, before the age of innate myths.

Therefore, his vision surpasses all others, and he can easily judge the extent of the catastrophe that the Immortal Domain will suffer this time

In terms of cultivation base, he also surpassed the Immortal Emperor, based on the Void Dao Realm, and survived two celestial calamities.

In today's real world of mountains and seas, he can hardly find anyone more powerful than him.

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Except for Gu Changge, who was reincarnated as the devil lord.

He believes in his own judgment, if he continues to stay in the real world of mountains and seas, it will only cause unnecessary loss.

All the ancestors of the Gu family in the ancestral hall were also silent. In front of this old man who founded the Gu family, any of them

No matter what you decide, it doesn't matter

The old man did this only to protect the Gu family

His voice was Cang, and he didn't explain too much.

"Since it is to protect the Gu family, why should we abandon the clan land?"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the ancestral hall, and Gu Changge's figure appeared here.

He walked over with a natural expression, his eyes fell on the old man in black robe, and he seemed to be looking at him with interest.

long song

The old ancestors in the ancestral hall were all shocked, obviously they did not expect that Gu Changge would appear here at this time.

But even though in terms of seniority, they are the ancestors of Gu Changge.

But in terms of identity, Gu Changge's true identity is the World Destroyer Demon Lord.

The origin is also untraceable, and they can only be regarded as juniors in front of him.

The black-robed old man's eyes narrowed slightly, and while he was slightly startled, he was also looking at Gu Changge who had appeared.

When he was in Xianyu, he actually knew about Gu Changge's existence.

It's just that I didn't intend to show up at the time.

Now that he really met Gu Changge, the origin of this world-destroying demon lord who was reincarnated into Gu's family was beyond his comprehension.

During the first battle against heaven, Gu Changge existed.

Moreover, as a former sky slayer, he saved the true spirit incarnation of the real world of mountains and seas.

He understood all these things, and even saw them with his own eyes, but with the detachment of the Gu family, he never participated in that battle.

Even before the Forbidden Era, that is, when the Asgard was founded, he, as a bystander, personally

see everything

It's just why Gu Changge took action to destroy the fairy palace, and how he turned against the master of the fairy palace.

He didn't know it, and he didn't understand the green reason.

how do i call you"

The old man in black shook his head slightly in his heart, even if it was Gu Changge who was reincarnated, he still couldn't see clearly.

I don't even know what kind of realm Gu Changge is today.


The portrait seems to be shrouded in a layer of mist. Throughout the ages, including now, there is no figure of him.

This is a bit unbelievable.

if ever,

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