I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2700

Flying to the sky and escaping from the ground, omnipotent, not to mention living in the city, just buying

Getting down is also easy. "

"Hey, didn't I just talk about it, first think about the scene at that time. At that time, I will find my mother

The elixir that can keep youth forever, always beautiful and moving like Sister Su. "

Well, well, mother knows you are filial.

Return to Sister Su, Miss Su is older than your father and me, you little Huizi, if you dare to shout

look i don't hit you,

Under the dim oil lamp, the faces of the family of three are filled with happy smiles, imagining and looking forward to the future.

Curtain scene.

Gu Changge watched quietly, and seemed to have some kind of understanding in his heart.

After the meal, Wang Erniu cleaned and arranged a clean guest room for him, and put on clean bedding.

They are reluctant to live here.

Wang Erniu felt that Gu Changge was used to being an honorable person before, so he must be uncomfortable

So I deliberately put a layer of soft hay underneath.

Gu Changge is not used to the kindness of this simple and honest man.

But I didn't want to owe him anything, after thinking about it, I also took out a delicate jade pendant.

Although he couldn't remember the value of this jade pendant, he understood that even if it was exchanged into silver taels, it would be enough for this jade pendant.

The family of three has lived a prosperous life for several lifetimes.

It's just that Wang Erniu wouldn't accept it even if he was beaten to death. He knew that this jade pendant must be of great value, but he didn't want to accept it at all.


In his eyes, the little help he provided to Gu Changge was not worth the value of this jade pendant at all.

Moreover, this jade pendant may be very important to Gu Changge.

What if it helps him remember something later?

Being honest and responsible, although he guessed that the value of this jade pendant was astonishing, he never thought of monopolizing it.

Gu Changge is not used to owing people anything, but since he is staying here for the time being.

The next day he still followed Wang Erniu, thinking of doing something to make up for it.

In the field, Wang Erniu was weeding with his hands, sweating profusely, while Gu Changge was also learning.

This novel experience gave him a rare sense of surprise, as if he had gained a new understanding of something

Wang Erniu couldn't persuade him, so he could only give up with a wry smile and let Gu Changge help. Ten thousand

945 I advise you, Uncle Gu, not to be ignorant of good and bad, and quickly agree to this marriage

Wang Erniu's family in Qingshan Village took in a handsome and down-and-out noble son, and the news quickly spread throughout the neighborhood.

Pat Township

This kind of thing can't be hidden from the surrounding villagers, and it spreads quickly everywhere.

Many familiar villagers would come forward to say hello when they saw Wang Erniu working in the field

During the chat, it was natural to ask about Gu Changge's background.

Wang Erniu naturally made up his mind based on his own conjecture, saying that Gu Changge is a down-and-out noble man who has been living here.

Son, seeing him pity himself, asked him where he was going

However, Gu Changge didn't know it himself, so Wang Erniu took him in for the time being.

As a result, Gu Changge didn't want to owe him his kindness, so he came to the field and worked with him.

After hearing this, all the villagers were amazed.

In recent years, wars have been raging in many places.

Many dynasties have perished, and there are indeed many refugees who fled.

But this is the first time they have seen such a down-and-out nobleman, and they will take the initiative to come to the field to help with labor

This is completely different from their impression of the golden branches and jade leaves, the image of the pampered aristocrats.

Moreover, when Gu Changge was helping, he didn't just do it casually, but was quite diligent and serious.

This degree of practicality is comparable to many of them.

It amazes them, it's unbelievable

If it weren't for Gu Changge's manner and speech, they would indeed not be like ordinary people, with their inherent nobility, they would

Everyone doubts whether Wang Erniu's words are true or false.

Wang Erniu himself was also very distressed and helpless. He didn't expect that Gu Changge was different from those ordinary nobles.

Got bitter.

During this process, he found that Gu Changge seemed to be very casual, as if he was enjoying himself, actively adapting to all this?

Regarding this, Wang Erniu didn't know what to say, so he could only shake his head and smile wryly.

However, with Gu Changge's help, it is indeed much easier for him to do farm work

Gu Changge was originally taken in because he was pitiful and moved with compassion.

But now I have a lot more affection for him.

There are more than one hundred households in Qingshan Village, and the news about Gu Changge, under the chatter of many villagers, is naturally

spread to every family.

Even in the nearby villages, some villagers came here curiously after hearing the news.

Some young girls, blushing even more, watched quietly from a distance

It was the first time I saw such a good-looking man, although he was down and out, he couldn't hide his unmistakable handsome features.

This made them all feel a little self-conscious, and they only dared to watch secretly from a distance.

Gu Changge is very used to the current life, following Wang Erniu every day, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, the rhythm is even

Siyuan, see the green hills leisurely, greet the morning dew, and chase the sunset.

Sometimes there is a little more farm work, so I will return by moonlight.

Sometimes, some young girls would blushed and give him a bowl of sweet water, which really annoyed Wang Er

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